Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The Complete Psionics Handbook[]

Mindlink allows the user to communicate wordlessly with any intelligent creature he can contact (Intelligence 5 or greater on a human scale). This is two-way communication. It is not the same as mind-reading because the psionicist only receives thoughts which the other party wants to send. Language is not a barrier. Distance affects the telepath's ability to make contact, but it has no other effect (see " contact" ).

Power Score - The mindlink allows one probing question (see probe).

20 - The psionicist must save vs. petrification or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

This power only can be used on an open mind, allowing the user to communicate wordlessly with any intelligent creature. This is two-way communication. It isn't the same as mind reading, because the user receives only those thoughts the target wants to send. Language isn't a barrier to mindlink. The PSP cost is determined by the target's level, as shown below.

Target's Level PSP Cost
1–5 levels or HD 7/3
6–10 levels or HD 8/4
11–15 levels or HD 9/5
16–20 levels or HD 11/6
21+ levels or HD 12/6