Description: The Militarist is a battlefield virtuoso. War is a sacred act, he believes, and a chance for spiritual redemption. By defeating enemies in combat, he pays tribute to his gods and secures his place in the afterlife.
Requirements: A Militarist must have a minimum score of 12 in both Dexterity and Constitution.
Ministration: Government or Church.
Role: Typically, a Militarist serves as an officer in an army or other military organization. In wartime, he commands forces in the field, or engages in specialized operations, involving reconnaissance, rescue, or sabotage. He works alone or with a select group of elite soldiers. In peacetime, he protects his liege's stronghold, supervises training of recruits, and sharpens his fighting skills. He stands ready to travel to any part of the world to defend the interests of his government or church.
A Militarist commands the respect of nobles and peasants alike. Often, his reputation approaches legendary status; citizens line the streets and cheer when a renowned Militarist passes through their village. Militarists tend to bask in such adulation, pausing to exchange a few words with starstruck adolescents or kiss the hands of swooning maidens. They also enjoy the trappings of their station, eager to accept awards for military excellence and rarely refusing invitations to royal affairs.
In combat, the Militarist naturally assumes a leadership role. His companions will find him to be a shrewd and fearless commander who relishes every opportunity to engage the enemy. Off the battlefield, the Militarist tends to withdraw, maintaining a professional but distant relationship with his comrades. He has little interest in non-military activities, spending most of his free time discussing strategy and tactics with like-minded warriors, or brushing up on his combat techniques.
Symbol: Any symbol with military connotations, such as a weapon or a clenched fist.
Secondary Skills: Armorer, Weaponsmith.
Weapon Proficiencies: The Militarist must select one of the following to be called his preferred weapon: sword (any), lance (any), battle axe, horseman's flail, horseman's mace, horseman's pick. Recommended: Any sword, any lance, battle axe, dagger, horseman's flail, horseman's mace, horseman's pick. Because Militarists prefer mounted combat, they rarely become proficient with bows, slings, and other missile weapons difficult to use on horseback.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Because the Militarist concentrates on military skills, he can substitute weapon proficiencies for nonweapon proficiencies (but not vice versa). He must expend half of his nonweapon proficiencies in this fashion.
- Bonus: Land-based Riding.
- Recommended: Armorer, Blind-fighting, Endurance, Jousting*, Weaponsmithing.
Armor/Equipment: Standard. A Militarist prefers plate armor, but will settle for chain mail if that's all he can afford. However, as soon as his economic condition improves, he must buy plate armor. A Militarist proudly displays all military ribbons, medals, and commendations on his clothing and shield.
Bonded Mount: Any war horse.
Special Benefits:
Mounted Combat Bonus: A superb rider, a mounted Militarist makes attacks as if he were one level higher; a 3rd-level Militarist, for instance, attacks as if he were 4th level. He attacks as if two levels higher when riding his bonded mount. At 19th level, he attacks at one level higher regardless of his mount. A 20th-level Militarist isn't eligible for these bonuses.
When making an attack with his preferred weapon, the Militarist has a +1 damage bonus. Damage bonuses don't apply in jousts or other tournament competitions where the intent is to dismount or disarm, not inflict damage. They do apply to nonlethal attempts to subdue an opponent.
Reaction Bonus: The Militarist receives a +2 reaction roll from all good and neutral characters of his own culture. Evil characters respond normally.
Honors: As he advances in level, the Militarist receives the honors listed in Table 20. The honors presume loyal service and no significant ethos violations. The DM may withhold any honor he feels the Militarist doesn't deserve.
Level | Honor |
2 | Ceremonial banquet in Militarist's honor |
3 | Receives a special crest for his helmet (see Chapter 6) |
5 | Receives a ceremonial coif (see Chapter 6) |
7 | Eligible to receive interest-free loans of up to or church (the DM may 500 gp from his government adjust the loan amount) |
9 | Land grant from his church of government (size and location determined by the DM) |
10 | Church or government officials screen Militarist's potential hirelings; all such employees are guaranteed lawful good (the Militarist retains the option to hire; he must also negotiate salaries and other conditions of employment) |
Special Hindrances:
Regular Training: The Militarist must spend at least one hour per day practicing his combat and riding skills. If he neglects to practice, he loses his mounted combat bonuses (see Special Benefits) for the following day. The DM may exempt the Militarist from this training requirement if he's spent an hour that day (60 rounds) in actual combat.
Regular Reports. A Militarist must return to his home base at least once every six months to report to his government or church officials. The report includes the status of current military operations, observations of enemy activity, and any information requested by his superiors. The Militarist may be excused from making a report if he makes prior arrangements. Otherwise, failure to report constitutes an ethos violation.