Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The Complete Psionics Handbook[]

This science resembles polymorphing, but it has a much wider application. The psionicist can change himself into anything with approximately the same mass as his body: a wolf, a condor, a chair, a rock, a tree. While in this form, he retains his own hit points and THAC0, if possible, but gains the armor class of the new form. The psionicist also gains all physical attacks that form allows, but no magical or special abilities (this all depends on the new form; a tree cannot attack, so THAC0s and attacks are meaningless).

Like any massive change of shape, however, this causes great physical stress. The psionicist must make a system shock roll to survive the change. If the roll fails, he does not die, but the PSPs are expended and he passes out for 2d6 turns.

Power Score - The system shock roll automatically succeeds, and the new form's mass can be up to three times that of the psionicist's body.

20 - The psionicist must save vs. paralyzation. Failure means he changes to the new form permanently.

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

This power resembles magical polymorphing, but it has a wider application. The user can change himself into anything with approximately the same mass as his body: a wolf, a chair, or even a tree. While in this form, the user retains his own hit points and THAC0, but he gains the AC of the new form. He also gains all physical attacks the form allows, but no magical or special abilities. A new attack ability depends on the form chosen; a tree, for example, can't attack, so it has no THAC0. Nonmagical movement is also gained. If the user metamorphs into another character race, use the Monstrous Manual book's descriptions for that race.

Some forms have intrinsic advantages. Changing into a fish or rock renders the user immune to drowning, though he doesn't retain any senses not normally associated with his new form. He may opt to keep some of his own senses when he transforms, but these are likely to give him away.

Like any massive change of shape, metamorphosis causes great physical stress. The user must make a system shock roll. If the roll fails, he expends 6 PSPs, changes form only for 1 round, and immediately passes out for 2d6 turns.
