Chapter 3: Psionicist Character Kits |
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Psionicist Character Kits |
Auditor · Beastmaster · Mercenary Psionicist · Noble Psionicist · Psiologist · Sensei · Tribal Psionicist |
Mercenary Psionicist[]
No place on Athas is safe from psionics. Armies and fortresses mean nothing to a master of the Way. To answer the threat of psionic attack, nobles and merchants retain the services of mercenary psionicists to guard against other users of the Way.
The mercenary psionicist serves the highest bidder. Most are reliable and return good service for their wages, but others may betray their employers. Mercenary psionicists are most frequently employed by nob1 families and merchant dynasties.
Humans, elves, and half-elves are the most common mercenaries. Dwarves and halflings find the exchange of service for ceramic pieces to be unsatisfying.
Role: The mercenary psionicist tends to be a hardened veteran who trusts no one. Idealists don't belong in this line of work. The mercenary is often an outstanding tactician and battle leader, since he is intelligent enough to see what must be done to win and pragmatic enough to do it.
Preferred Disciplines: Fighting mercenaries often specialize in Psychometabolism or Psychokinesis. Guard mercenaries or professional spies often select Clairsentience or Telepathy.
Weapon Proficiencies:
- Bonus: light crossbow or short sword.
- Recommended: dagger, knife, hand axe, scimitar. quabone, wrist razor.
Nonweapon Proficiencies:
- Bonus Land-based riding and either direction sense or heraldry.
- Recommended: Hypnosis, etiquette, navigation, rejuvenation, weather sense.
Equipment: No special requirements.
Special Benefits: The mercenary psionicist has a skill in high demand. He can approach most caravans, merchants, or nobles and offer them his services. There is a 50% chance they will accept, hiring him at a wage of 5 cp per day per level. This may be modified by the situation and the sales pitch.
A second benefit lies in the mercenary's weapons training. When the character is created, he may select a weapon of choice. (This can be an unarmed combat style.) When he attacks with that weapon, he gains a +1 bonus to all attack and damage rolls. Like weapon specialization, this applies to all weapons of that type, not a single, unique weapon.
Special Hindrances: While he is in someone's employ, the mercenary psionicist's life is supposed to be devoted to his employer. He will be called upon to spend at least half of his time watching over his employer's enterprises or accompanying his employer's caravans and troops. If the psionicist ignores this restriction, he'll quickly lose his job.
Mercenary psionicists are weaker in Will than others. The cynicism required of a mercenary is not compatible with the power of belief necessary to master the Way. They gain 1 less PSP per level than normal, so a mercenary with a Wisdom of 16 gains only 10 PSPs per level rather than 11.
Wealth Options: Mercenaries begin, play with 3d4 × 30 ceramic pieces, plus their choice of a mount, a nonmetal weapon, or a suit of leather armor.