- For other Baatezu (Devils), see Baatezu.
Mephistopheles is the lord of frigid Cania. His gelugons guard the entrance to Nessus, the domain of the Dark Lord. Despite this prestigious position, Mephistopheles has always been jealous of the other lords. The greatest expression of this jealousy was, of course, the Reckoning, but Mephistopheles demonstrates this attitude anew every day.
Although no one would ever dare to say so to his face, Mephistopheles is much like his archrival Baalzebul. Like the Lord of the Flies, the Lord of the Eighth cannot seem to get enough power or prestige. When Asmodeus rewards a noble for valuable service, Mephistopheles wants to know where his reward is. As other devils around him are promoted, he cannot believe that he is still "only" a Lord of Hell. Martinet of the court of Asmodeus is said to have remarked that were Mephistopheles to become the King of Hell, it would take him less than an hour to start wondering why he wasn't also ruler of Mount Celestia.
It is no surprise, then, that the court of Mephistopheles is a dangerous place. The nobles who serve him must do justice to their positions without shining too brightly Those who rise too far too fast are considered to be a threat by Mephistopheles, and he quickly arranges their downfall. Although this policy has kept the Lord of the Eighth in power for as long as anyone can remember, it has also robbed him of his ablest nobles. As a consequence, both his political and military schemes have suffered, and his conflict with Baalzebul continues to stalemate.
Mephistopheles likes to play up his diabolic image. In addition to his classic wings, claws, and horns appearance, he favors a militaryfork +3. Each of this weapon's three tines can cause 3d4 points of extra damage on a melee hit from fire, cold, and electricity respectively (save vs. spell applicable). Only one power can be used per hit, and each type can only be used three times a day.
Once per round Mephistopheles can use the following spell-like powers, in addition to those normally available to baatezu: beguile, detect invisibility, geas, ice storm, light, polymorph self, produce flame, pyrotechnics, raise dead, read languages, read magic, restoration, and wall of ice. Once per day Mephistopheles can utter an unholy word and fulfill a wish. His gaze causes fear. Three times per day he can summon 1d3 gelugons with a 90% chance of success.