- For Priest Version of spell, see Melisander's Harp (Priest Spell).
The spell is named for its creator, the elven mage and Harper hero known to Realmslore as "The Last Lonely Harpist."
This spell brings into being the spectral, shadowy illusion of a harp that plays by itself, floating in midair. The caster has near total control over the initial position, movement, and playing of the harp. However, the powers of a harp cannot pass through magical barriers (such as a wall of force), and a spellcaster cannot cause the harp to come into being beyond or to move through such a barrier.
This aside, the harp can appear anywhere the caster desires, up to 10 feet per level distant. If the caster is within 10 feet per level of the harp, he can move it up to 10 feet per round as he wills. The harp's playing can be turned on and off instantly and repeatedly by the silent will of the caster, and this does not affect spell duration. While the harp is playing, it has the following effects:
- All normal sound is hushed (but not negated) and available light, even magical light, dims.
- All creatures and objects within 60 feet of the harp are affected as if by a feather fall spell with no saving throw (rendering most missiles useless).
- All creatures of 4+4 HD or less within 40 feet must make a saving throw vs. spell or be affected as if by a sleep spell.
- All creatures within 20 feet of the harp are slowed (no saving throw).
Melisander's harp is unaffected by dispel magic or silence spells, nor can it be damaged by physical or magical attacks. A limited wish or stronger spell is required to dispel it.
The material components of this spell are a silver harpstring and at least three tears: the tears of an elf, of a maiden who sings, of a harpist (or other musician), or of the caster. Tears from different individuals can be combined in the casting.
Notes: Known to the Seven Sisters, their apprentices, and some senior harpers in the Forgotten Realms setting; rare or very rare. Known to be in The Glandar's Grimoire.