When this spell is cast upon a mechanical creation, the creation will be unable to perform any action and will remain immobile for the duration of the spell (at 7th level, 3 to 6 rounds). There is no known way to reduce the duration of this spell, and clockwork mages aren't at all amused to discover someone who knows how to cast it. Mechanicians have been known to pay handsomely for any knowledge of this spell in order to unravel its secrets.
In no case should this spell be installed into a mechanical. When placed in the vessel of a mechanical, this spell will always cause the mechanical to cease working, and 20% of the time it will also cause the mechanical to collapse into a useless pile of broken parts.
Mechanical or clockwork monsters receive a saving throw vs. death magic to avoid the effects of this spell.
Notes: Uncommon for spellcasters from an Arabian setting; otherwise very rare.