Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Master Weapon List[]

The table that follows includes all of the other following weapon statistics.

Weight: This is the weapon's weight in pounds. Some weapons have a negligible weight, but a group of 10 weigh one pound.

Size: Weapons are described as Small, Medium, or Large. A character can employ a weapon equal to his own size in one hand and can employ a weapon one size larger in two hands. A size S gnome can use a dagger or short sword one-handed, but he would need two hands to use a size M battle axe.

Type: Weapons are divided into three categories: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing. This describes the weapon's method of creating injuries and is used to determine what kind of critical hits the weapon inflicts. In addition, some monsters may be partially resistant to the effects of certain weapon types; for example, skeletons only take 1/2 damage from slashing or piercing weapons.

Speed: Weapons are rated as fast, average, or slow for purposes of the Player's Option combat system. In addition, a number is included after the category to reflect the weapon's speed factor under standard AD&D rules. If the Player's Option combat system is not being used in a campaign, the speed factors are used instead.

Melee Reach: All hand-to-hand weapons are rated as having a reach of 1, 2, or 3 squares. A reach of 1 allows the user to attack any target in an adjacent square that he threatens, a range of 2 allows the user to attack targets one or two spaces away, and so on. A weapon with a range of 3 cannot be used to attack a target only 1 square away; it can only attack targets 2 or 3 squares away.

If a weapon has a “—” in this category, it cannot be used to make melee attacks.

Missile ROF: This is the number of times per combat round that a missile weapon may be used to attack. Naturally, a character can't throw two or three weapons per round if he only has one available.

Missile Range: Range is expressed as three numbers. The first number is the outermost limit of short range, the second is the outermost limit of medium range, and the third is the outermost limit of long range. For example, a thrown dagger has a range of 2/4/6. If it is thrown at a target one or two squares away, it's a short-range shot; a target three or four squares away is a medium-range shot; and so on.

Missile ranges are given in combat system squares. In normal melee scale, a square equals 5 feet. In missile scale (only used for outdoors or open battlefields) a square equals 5 yards.

Damage: Damage is divided into two categories: versus Small–Medium creatures, and versus Large or larger creatures. The target size dictates which rating to use.

Knockdown: The knockdown die is rolled any time the weapon scores a hit. A result of 7 or better creates a possible knockdown against a Man-sized target.

Master Weapons Table[]

Weapon Wt. Size Type Speed Melee
Damage vs Size Knockdown
Sm-Med Large
Adze 4 S S/P Fa(4) 1 1d4+1 1d4 d6
Ankus 4 M P/B Av(6) 1 1d4 1d4 d8
Battle 7 M S Av(7) 1 1d8 1d8 d10
Hand/throwing 5 M S Fa(4) 1 1/rnd 2/4/6 1d6 1d4 d8
Stone 6 M B/S Av(6) 1 1d6 1d4 d8
Two-handed h 10 L S Sl(9) 1 1d10 2d8 d12
Bagh nakh 1 S S Fa(2) 1 1d2 1d2 d4
Belaying pin 2 S B Fa(4) 1 1d3 1d3 d6
Blowgun h 2 L Av(5) 2/rnd 2/4/6
Barbed dart * S P 2/rnd 2/4/6 1d3 1d2 d4
Needle 1 * S P 2/rnd 2/4/6 1 1
Bo stick s 4 L B Fa(3) 1 1d6 1d4 d8
Bolas 2 M B Sl(8) 1/rnd 6/12/18 1d3 1d2 d6
Boomerang 2 2 S B Fa(4) 1 1/rnd 4/8/12 1d4 1d4 d8
Bottle b 2 S B Fa(4) 1 1/rnd 2/3/4 1d3 1d2 d6
Composite long h 3 L (P) Av(7) 2/rnd d6
w/flight arrow * S P 12/24/42 1d6 1d6 d6
w/pile arrow * S P 8/16/34 1d6 1d6 d6
w/sheaf arrow * S P 8/16/34 1d8 1d8 d6
w/stone arrow b * S P 12/24/42 1d4 1d4 d6
Composite short h 2 M (P) Av(6) 2/rnd
w/flight arrow * S P 10/20/36 1d6 1d6 d6
w/stone arrow b * S P 10/20/36 1d4 1d4 d6
Long h 3 L (P) Av(7) 2/rnd
w/flight arrow * S P 14/28/42 1d6 1d6 d6
w/sheaf arrow * S P 10/20/34 1d8 1d8 d6
w/pile arrow * S P 10/20/34 1d6 1d6 d6
w/stone arrow * S P 14/28/42 1d4 1d4 d6
Short h 2 M (P) Av(7) 2/rnd
w/flight arrow * S P 10/20/30 1d6 1d6 d6
w/stone arrow * S P 10/20/30 1d4 1d4 d6
Brandistock 5 M P Av(7) 1 1d6 1d6 d8
Caltrop * S P 1 1d2
Cestus 2 S B Fa(2) 1 1d4 1d3 d6
Chain h, s 3 L B Av(5) 2 1d4+1 1d4 d6
Chakram 1 S S Fa(4) 2/rnd 4/8/12 1d4 1d3 d4
Chijikiri h 6 M P/B Av(7) 1(2) 1d6 1d8 d6
Club 3 M B Fa(4) 1 1/rnd 2/4/6 1d6 1d3 d8
Great 15 L B Sl(9) 1 2d4 1d6+1 d12
War 6 M B/S Av(7) 1 1/rnd 2/4/6 1d6+1 1d4+1 d10
Combined Weapons
Axe-pistol 6 M S Fa(4) 1 as per wheellock belt pistol 1d6 1d4 d8
Dagger-pistol 3 S P Fa(2) 1 as per wheellock belt pistol 1d4 1d3 d6
Hammer-pistol 5 M B Fa(4) 1 as per wheellock belt pistol 1d4+1 1d4 d10
Sword-pistol 6 M S Av(5) 1 as per wheellock belt pistol 2d4 1d6+1 d8
Cho-ku-no h 12 M Av(6) 2/rnd 10/20/30
Hand 3 S Av(5) 1/rnd
Hand quarrel * S P 4/8/12 1d3 1d2 d4
Heavy h 14 M Sl(10) 1/2 rnd
Heavy quarrel * S P 16/32/48 1d8+1 1d10+1 d6
Light h 7 M Av(7) 1/rnd
Light quarrel * S P 12/24/36 1d6+1 1d8+1 d6
Pellet bow h 5 M Av(7) 1/rnd
Pellet * S B 8/16/24 1d4 1d4 d4
Dagger 1 S P Fa(2) 1 2/rnd 2/4/6 1d4 1d3 d6
Bone b 1 S P Fa(2) 1 2/rnd 2/3/4 1d2 1d2 d6
Jambiya 1 S P/S Fa(3) 1 1d4 1d4 d6
Katar 1 S P Fa(2) 1 1d3+1 1d3 d6
Main-gauche 2 S P/S Fa(2) 1 1d4 1d3 d6
Parrying 1 S P Fa(2) 1 1d3 1d3 d6
Stiletto 1/2 S P Fa(2) 1 2/rnd 2/4/6 1d3 1d2 d4
Stone b 1 S P Fa(2) 1 2/rnd 2/3/4 1d3 1d2 d6
Dart 1/2 S P Fa(2) 3/rnd 2/4/8 1d3 1d2 d4
Footman's 15 L B Av(7) 1 1d6+1 2d4 d12
Grain 3 M B Av(6) 1 1d4 1d4 d8
Horseman's 5 M B Av(6) 1 1d4+1 1d4+1 d10
Flintlock 3
Belt Pistol 3 S P Av(7) 1/2 rn 4/8/12 1d8 k 1d8 k d8
Blundbuss Pistol 4 S P Sl(9) 1/3 rn 2/4/8 1d6 1d6 d10
Blunderbuss 4 10 M P Sl(10) 1/3 rn 3/6/12 1d8 1d8 d12
Carbine 8 M P Av(8) 1/2 rn 10/20/55 1d10 k 1d10 k d8
Horse Pistol 4 S P Av(8) 1/2 rn 5/10/15 1d10 k 1d10 k d8
Musket 12 M P Sl(9) 1/2 rn 15/30/80 1d12 k 1d12 k d8
Fork 6 L P Av(7) 1 1d6 1d6+1 d6
Gaff/hook 2 S P Fa(2) 1 1d4 1d3 d4
Grapple 3 S P/B Av(7) 1 1/2 rnd 2/4/6 1d4 1d4 d6
Gunpowder *
Gunsen 1 S B/P Fa(2) 1 1d3 1d2 d4
Hammer 3 S B Fa(4) 1 1/rnd 2/4/6 1d4 1d3 d6
Hand Match 5
Arquebus 10 M P Vsl(15) 1/3 rn 10/30/42 1d10 k 1d10 k d8
Handgunne 20 L P Vsl(18) 1/4 rn 8/24/34 1d8+2 2d6+2 d10
Harpoon h 6 L P Av(7) 2 1/rnd 2/4/6 2d4 2d6 d8
Bone b, h 5 L P Av(7) 2 1/rnd 2/3/4 1d6 1d10 d8
Hatchet 3 S S Fa(3) 1 1/rnd 2/4/6 1d4 1d4 d6
Holy symbol, big 4 S B Av(5) 1 1d6 1d3 d8
Javelin 2 M P Fa(4) 1 1/rnd 4/8/12 1d6 1d6 d6
Stone b 2 M P Fa(4) 1 1/rnd 3/6/9 1d4 1d4 d6
Jitte 2 S B Fa(2) 1 1d4 1d2 d6
Kama 2 S P/S Fa(4) 1 1d6 1d4 d6
Kau sin ke 4 M B Av(6) 1 1d8 1d6 d8
Kawanaga h 1 S P/B Av(7) 2 1d3 1d2 d6
Knife 1/2 S S/P Fa(2) 1 2/rnd 2/4/6 1d3 1d2 d4
Bone b 1/2 S P/S Fa(2) 1 2/rnd 2/3/4 1d2 1d2 d4
Stone b 1/2 S P/S Fa(2) 1 2/rnd 2/3/4 1d2 1d2 d4
Throwing 4 M S/P Sl(8) 1 1/rnd 2/4/6 2d4 1d6+1 d8
Kusari-gama h 3 M P/S/B Av(6) 2 1d6 1d4 d6
Light 5 L P Av(6) 2 1/rnd 2/3/4 1d6 1d8 d8
Medium 10 L P Av(7) 2 1d6+1 2d6 d10
Heavy m 15 L P Sl(10) 2 1d8+1 3d6 d12
Jousting m 20 L B Sl(10) 2 1d3–1 1d2–1 d12
Lantern 2–3 S Bd Av(6) 1 1/rnd 2/3/4 1d3 * 1d2 * d6
Lasso 3 L Sl(10) 1/2 rnd 2/4/6
Footman's 10 M B Av(7) 1 1d6+1 1d6 d10
Horseman's 6 M B Av(6) 1 1/rnd 2/3/4 1d6 1d4 d8
Mace-axe 9 L B/S Sl(8) 1 2d4 1d6+1 d10
Machete 5 M S Av(6) 1 1d8 1d8 d6
Mancatcher h, 6 8 L Av(7) 1 d6
Matchlock 7
Arquebus 10 M P Sl(10) 1/2 rnd 10/20/60 1d10 k 1d10 k d8
Caliver 11 M P Sl(9) 1/2 rnd 8/16/48 1d8 k 1d8 k d8
Musket w/rest 20 L P Sl(12) 1/2 rnd 12/24/72 1d12 k 1d12 k d8
Maul 10 L B Sl(8) 1 2d4 1d10 d12
Morningstar 12 M B/P Av(7) 1 2d4 1d6+1 d10
Net h 10 M Sl(10) 1 1/2 rnd 2/3/4
Nunchaku s 3 M B Fa(3) 1 1/2 1/2 1d6 1d6 d8
Oil flask 1 S d VS(15) 1/2 rnd 2/3/4 d d
Parang or Machete 5 M S Av(6) 1 1d8 1d8 d6
Farming tool 8 L P Sl(8) 1 1d6 1d6+1 d8
Footman's 6 M P Av(7) 1 1d6+1 2d4 d8
Horseman's 4 M P Av(5) 1 1d4+1 1d4 d6
Pike c, h 12 L P Sl(13) 3 1d6 1d12 d8
Pilum 3 M P Av(5) 1 1/rnd 3/6/9 1d6 1d6 d6
Awl Pike c 12 L P Sl(13) 3 1d6 1d12 d8
Bardiche 12 L S Sl(9) 2 2d4 2d6 d12
Bec de Corbin h 10 L P/B Sl(9) 2 1d8 1d6 d10
Bill-Guisarme h 15 L P/S Sl(10) 2 2d4 1d10 d10
Bill h 15 L P/S Sl(10) 2 2d4 1d10 d10
Fauchard 7 L S Sl(8) 2 1d6 1d8 d8
Glaive 8 L S Sl(8) 2 1d6 1d10 d10
Glaive-Guisarme h 10 L P/S Sl(9) 2 2d4 2d6 d10
Guisarme h 8 L S Sl(8) 2 2d4 1d8 d10
Halberd h 15 L P/S Sl(9) 2 1d10 2d6 d12
Lajatang 6 L S Av(6) 1 1d10 1d10 d8
Lucern hammer c, h 15 L P/B Sl(9) 2 2d4 1d6 d10
Military fork 7 L P Av(7) 2 1d8 2d4 d8
Nagimaki m 6 M S Av(6) 2 1d6 1d8 d6
Naginata m 10 L S Av(7) 2 1d8 1d10 d8
Partisan c 8 L P Sl(9) 2 1d6 1d6+1 d8
Ranseur c 7 L P Sl(8) 2 2d4 2d4 d8
Spetum c 7 L P Sl(8) 2 1d6+1 2d6 d8
Tetsubo 8 L B Av(7) 1 1/2 1/2 1d8 1d8 d12
Voulge 12 L S Sl(10) 2 2d4 2d4 d12
Pry bar 5 M B Av(5) 1 1d6 1d3 d8
Quarterstaff h 4 L B Fa(4) 1 1d6 1d6 d10
Rock 1 S B Fa(2) 1 2/rnd 2/4/6 1d3 1d2 d6
Sai s 2 S B Fa(2) 1 1d4 1d2 d6
Sang kauw h, s 10 L P/S Av(7) 1 1d8 1d6 d6
Sap 1/2 S B Fa(2) 1 1d2 1d2 d4
Scourge 8 2 S Av(5) 1 1d4 1d2 d4
Scythe 8 L P/S Sl(8) 1 1d6+1 1d8 d8
Shuriken * S P Fa(2) 2/rnd 3/6/9 1d4 1d4 d4
Sickle 3 S S Fa(4) 1 1d4+1 1d4 d4
Sledge hammer h 10 M B Sl(8) 1 1d6+1 1d4+1 d12
Sling 1 S Av(6) 1/rnd
Bullet * S B 10/20/40 1d4+1 1d6+1 d4
Stone * S B 8/16/24 1d4 1d4 d4
Slow match *
Smokepowder *
Snaplock 9
Belt Pistol 3 S P Av(7) 1/2 rnd 3/6/9 1d8 k 1d8 k d8
Horse Pistol 4 S P Av(8) 1/2 rnd 4/8/12 1d10 k 1d10 k d8
Musket 14 M P Sl(9) 1/2 rnd 14/26/78 1d12 k 1d12 k d8
Spade h 5 M S/B Av(7) 1 1d4 1d4 d8
Spear c 5 M P Av(6) 1 1/rnd 2/4/6
One-handed 1d6 1d8 d6
Two-handed 1d6+1 2d6 d8
Long c, h 8 L P Sl(8) 2 2d6 3d6 d8
Stone b 5 M P Av(6) 1 1/rnd 2/3/4
One-handed 1d4 1d6 d6
Two-handed c 1d6 2d4 d8
Staff sling h, 10 2 M Sl(11) 1/rnd
Stinkpot 2 S B 6/12/18 1d3 1d3 d6
Stone 2 S B 6/12/18 1d4+1 1d6+1 d6
Bastard 10 M S Av(6) 1
One-handed 1d8 1d12 d8
Two-handed 2d4 2d8 d10
Broad- 4 M S Av(5) 1 2d4 1d6+1 d8
Claymore h 8 M S Av(7) 1 2d4 2d8 d10
Cutlass 4 M S Av(5) 1 1d6+1 1d8+1 d8
Drusus 3 M S Fa(3) 1 1d6+1 1d8+1 d6
Estoc 5 M P Av(5) 1 1d6 1d8 d6
Falchion 8 M S Av(5) 1 1d6+1 2d4 d8
Gladius 3 S P Fa(3) 1 1d6 1d8 d6
Katana 6 M S/P Fa(4) 1
One-handed 1d10 1d12 d6
Two-handed 2d6 2d6 d8
Khopesh 7 M S Sl(9) 1 2d4 1d6 d8
Long 4 M S Av(5) 1 1d8 1d12 d8
Ninja-to 5 M S/P Fa(3) 1 1d8 1d6 d6
No-dachi 10 L S/P Sl(8) 1 1d10 1d20 d10
Rapier 4 M P Fa(4) 1 1d6 1d8 d6
Sabre 5 M S Av(5) 1 1d6+1 1d8+1 d8
Sapara 4 S S Av(5) 1 1d6+1 1d4 d6
Scimitar 4 M S Av(5) 1 1d8 1d8 d8
Great 16 L S Sl(9) 1 2d6 4d4 d10
Short 3 S P Fa(3) 1 1d6 1d8 d6
Spatha 4 M S Av(5) 1 1d8 1d12 d8
Sword-axe 12 L S Sl(10) 1 1d8+1 1d12+1 d10
Tulwar 8 M S Av(5) 1 1d6+1 2d4 d8
Two-handed 15 L S Sl(10) 1 1d10 3d6 d12
Wakizashi 3 M S/P Fa(3) 1 1d8 1d8 d6
Three-piece rod h, s 5 L B Av(7) 1 1d6 1d4 d8
Torch 1 M Bd Fa(4) 1 1/rnd 2/3/4 1d4 1d3 d6
Trident 5 L P Av(7) 1 1/rnd 2/3/4
One-handed 1d6+1 2d4 d6
Two-handed 1d8+1 3d4 d8
Vial b * S d Fa(2) 1/rnd 2/3/4 d d
Warhammer 6 M B Fa(4) 1 1/rnd 2/4/6 1d4+1 1d4 d8
Wheellock c
Arquebus 8 M P Sl(8) 1/2 rnd 10/20/60 1d10 k 1d10 k d8
Belt pistol 3 S P Av(7) 1/2 rnd 3/6/9 1d8 k 1d8 k d8
Horse pistol 4 S P Av(8) 1/2 rnd 4/8/12 1d10 k 1d10 k d8
Whip 11 2 M Sl(8) 3 1d2 1
Weapon Wt. Size Type Speed Melee
Damage vs Size Knockdown
Sm-Med Large
* These weapons weigh little individually. Ten of these weigh one pound.
bBone and stone weapons have a 1 in 6 chance of breaking any time maximum damage is rolled. For the bottle and the vial, any hit breaks the item unless a successful saving throw vs. normal blow is rolled. If a bottle is broken, it can then be used as a knife.
cThese weapons inflict double damage if firmly set to receive a charge.
dThese weapons may inflict additional damage from burning fuel, holy water, or acid.
hThese weapons require two hands to wield regardless of the wielder's size.
kIf the knockdown roll for these weapons is a 7 or higher, roll an additional damage die and add it to the original damage. Roll another knockdown die, and if the result is another 7 or higher, repeat the damage.
mThese weapons inflict double damage when wielded in a mounted charge.
sThese weapons can be used to perform special martial arts attacks.
1Poison is available for the blowgun needle only if the DM allows it.
2The boomerang returns only if it was thrown by a proficient user and misses its target.
3Flintlock firearms misfire on a natural attack roll of 1.
4The blunderbuss inflicts 1d4 separate attacks on targets at short range. It cannot cause additional damage like other firearms. See the weapon description.
5All range penalties for hand match firearms are doubled, so medium-range shots have a –4 attack modifier and long range shots a –10 modifier. Hand match firearms misfire on a natural attack roll of 5 or less (10 or less in wet conditions).
6The mancatcher dismounts a rider on a successful hit.
7Matchlock firearms misfire on a natural attack roll of 3 or less (6 or less in wet conditions).
8The scourge is ineffective against opponents in metal armor (scale mail or heavier).
9Snaplock firearms misfire on a natural attack roll of 2 or less.
10The staff sling has no short range. It cannot hit targets within 5 squares of the wielder, attacks made 6 to 12 squares away are considered to be at medium range, and attacks made 13 to 18 squares away are considered long range.
11The whip is ineffective against opponents in any type of armor.