Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
For other Birds, see Bird.

Created by: R. Derek Pattison

A man-drake is a duck that has the magical ability to periodically assume the form of a very charismatic and comely (but stupid) human, elven, or half-elven male. This power is inherited by all of the man-drake's male children (born or hatched), who undergo their changes upon reaching adulthood and for 1–4 days around each full moon thereafter.

In manlike shape, all man-drakes are druids. To find the druidic level of a random man-drake, roll 1d6; their druidic levels never improve or worsen. Spell selection is completely random.

Man-drakes constantly woo swanmays, although the latter are appalled by them and always ignore them. If not encountered while doing some over-chivalrous things in the presence of a swanmay, a man-drake is usually sulking, alone except for his constant duck companions (1-6 ducks, forget the stats). A man-drake wears no armor in manlike form, but he can fight with simple weapons like a club or staff. The man-drake is not to be confused with a mandrake, which is something completely different.
