Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
For other Baatezu (Devils), see Baatezu.

Mammon is a devil who knows what he wants, and that's power. He rules over the stinking mire of Minauros, but spends most of his time plotting and scheming. Despite his lordship over it, he cares little for the third layer. Some say that the city of Minauros is sinking because Mammon is unwilling to expend the power necessary to save it. Even if that slur is untrue, it is clear that Mammon only has eyes for what he might gain in the future. He enjoys the thrill of the hunt, but is indifferent to his prey once the hunt has ended.

Mammon does what's good for Mammon. When it served his purpose, he allied with Dispater and Mephistopheles during the Reckoning. In the wake of that disaster, Mammon was the first to abase himself in front of Asmodeus and beg to be allowed to serve him once again. Courtiers who have witnessed Mammon's antics in Malsheem have described his behavior as shameless and embarrassing. Nonetheless, Mammon was allowed to retain lordship over the third layer, although he was forbidden to continue his relationship with Princess Glasya. He has obeyed Asmodeus in this, though he once again plots with his old cronies Dispater and Mephistopheles.

In the distant past, Mammon had a form not unlike that of a pit fiend. After the Reckoning, Mammon changed forms, possibly to prove to Asmodeus that he had become “a new devil.” He now appears as an enormous snake with a human torso and head. This is suspiciously akin to Geryon's form, but after his deposition as Lord of the Fifth, Geryon could say little about it.

When he feels frustrated, or just wants to blow off steam, Mammon reverts to his former form, mounts a nightmare, and leads a pack of hell hounds on a brutal hunt across Minauros. His most frequent targets are those devils who desert the army, but several adventuring parties have had the bad luck to run into Mammon when he was in a bad moon. None have survived.


Mammon's enormous serpentine form makes him a dangerous adversary. He wields a long spear with a barbed head, a weapon of +4 enchantment with which he can make two attacks per round. In addition, he can make a tail attack (THAC0 5). Those hit by this attack take 2d6+10 points of constriction damage per round until they break free (requiring a Strength check at a -10 penalty). Every other round, Mammon can make a special bite attack (also THAC0 5). Those bitten take 1d10 points of damage and must save vs. poison or contract a wasting disease. Victims of the disease lose 1 hit point per hour until a heal spell is received-lesser magic has no effect. For each day that passes before being healed, the victim loses 2 points of Charisma.

Once per round Mammon can use the following spell-like powers at 20th level of effect, in addition to those normally available to baatezu: beguile (has the effect of a rod of beguiling), detect invisibility, detect magic, dispel magic, fools' gold, geas, invisibility, polymorph self, produce flame, pyrotechnics, raise dead, read languages, read magic, and wall of fire. Once per day Mammon can create a symbol of hopelessness, utter an unholy word, and fulfill a wish. Three times per day he can summon 1d3 barbazu, 1d3 hamatula, or 1d3 osyluths with an 80% chance of success.

When Mammon reverts to his former appearance and goes out on a hunt, he loses his bite and tail attacks but gains an extra attack every other round with his spear. He usually takes 2d12 hell hounds on such hunts, as well as a nightmare mount.
