This spell is similar to the reverse form of the 3rd-level spell remove curse, except the spell effect can be permanent. The cure can have one of the following effects (roll percentile dice):
1d1OO Roll | Result |
01-50 | Reduces one ability score to 3 (the DM determines which randomly). |
5l-75 | -4 penalty to victim's attack and saving throw rolls. |
76-100 | Makes victim 50% likely co drop whatever she or he is holding (or do nothing in the case of creatures that do not use tools). Roll each round. |
If the victim fails a saving throw vs. spell, the curse is permanent. If the saving throw is successful, the curse lasts only one tum per level of the priest who cast it. A major curse cannot be dispelled or removed by a remove curse spell, but a remove major curse spell, a limited wish, or a wish spell removes it.
This spell can be cast on an item, typically in a tomb where the item is not co be disturbed. In this case, those who touch the item fall victim to the major curse (and to the permanent major curse if a saving throw vs. spell is failed).
The reverse of this spell, remove major curse, removes the effects of a major curse or bestow curse spell.
Notes: Granted by the Mulhorandi god Nephthys of the Forgotten Realms setting.