A psionicist using magnetize can change tke magnetic orientation of a metal object, strongly magnetizing it. Tke initial cost is 2 PSPs per pound of metal so affected, so a four-pound long sword requires 8 PSPs to magnetize. The item remains magnetized for a number of rounds equal to the psionicist's level before reverting to normal.
The effects of this power are simple: the psionicist can make the item attracted to other metal objects or repelled by other metal objects. Any metal objects within 20 feet of the magnetized object are within its mag- netic influence. Metallic creatures gain a saving throw versus spells to avoid being magnetized.
In deciding how magnetism affects an object, remember that a heavier object remains stationary, while a lighter object moves toward or away from it If a character's short sword is magnetized and his friend standing beside him is wearing plate mail, the short sword will go flying over to stick to the armored fellow—not the other way around. A creature hold- ing or wearing an object under magnetic influence may attempt a Strength check to retain control of the item.
A character wearing metal armor can be immobilized if he fails his Strength check. Other effects are left to the DM's imagination, but small objects such as daggers can reach impressive speeds when attracted or repelled by magnetism.
Power Score: All Strength checks made hy opponents to keep control of metal items fail.
20: All metal objects on the psionicist's person are scattered 2—20 (2dl0) feet in random directions.