When cast, mage tunnel opens up a magical passageway between the caster and an area known to the caster no more than 1,000 miles away, through which the caster can freely travel. The only restriction on the spell is that the destination must be out-of-doors and in a location with which the caster is familiar.
The tunnel can be used to kidnap others. In this case, the tunnel is cast to appear next to the victim. Anyone within 5 feet of either opening must then make a successful surprise roll or be immediately drawn into the tunnel, sucked through it, and expelled at the other end. Furthermore, the victim at the opposite end of the mage tunnel must roll for surprise with a -2 penalty, since the appearance of this spell is usually totally unexpected. The caster himself is not affected, need not roll to resist the suction, and may enter the tunnel or not at his discretion. Szass Tarn developed this high-level transportation spell, then discovered its use in kidnapping or in sending away unwanted visitors. The mage tunnel's material component is a 1-inch length of copper tubing engraved with silvered runes.
Notes: Unique; known to Szass Tarn of Thay in the Forgotten Realms setting.