- 0-Level Characters (DMG)
- 1st Edition Ranger (CRH)
- 400 Fantastic Materials (CWH)
- AA Tables
- AD&D Rules in Space (CSH)
- ADND 2e Books
- AL-QADIM Setting (PSC)
- AL-QADIM Setting (WSC)
- A Bard's Mind Isn't Barred (CBH)
- A DM's Miscellany (DMG)
- A DM Guide to the Planes (PCS)
- A Day in the Life (CPaH)
- A Day in the Life (Priest Spell)
- A Day in the Life of a Peasant (TCG)
- A Druid's Responsibilities (CDH)
- A General History of the Halfling Race (CBGH)
- A Guide to the Astral Plane
- A Guide to the Ethereal Plane
- A Kit for Any Class (CBE)
- A Look at Druid Kits (CDH)
- A Mysterious World (CBOH)
- A New Source of Magic (CB)
- A Non-Human World (DMG)
- A Note About Magic (TCG)
- A Player's Guide to the Planes (PCS)
- A Player's Primer to the Outlands
- A Psionics Campaign (CPsiH)
- A Psionics Primer (CPsiH)
- A Short History of Commerce (DMG)
- A Tour of the Outlands(PPO)
- A Typical Astral Fortress (GAP)
- A Word About Minor Schools (CWH)
- A Word of Warning(PPO)
- A Word of Warning - Spellsinger (WRR)
- Aarakocra (Athas)
- Aarakocra (CBOH)
- Aarakocra (Creature)
- Aarakocra (DSC)
- Aarakocra (Race)
- Aarakocra (disambiguation)
- Aartuk
- Aasimar (Creature)
- Aasimar (PWH)
- Aasimar (Race)
- Aasimar (disambiguation)
- Aasimon
- Aasimon (Magic Sword)
- Aasimon Bow (Magic Bow)
- Abacus of Calculation (Magic Abacus)
- Aballin
- Abandoning Kits (CDH)
- Abandoning Kits (CPaH)
- Abandoning Kits (CPrH)
- Abandoning Kits (CRH)
- Abandoning a Kit (CFH)
- Abandoning a School (CWH)
- Abaris's Arrow (Magic Arrow)
- Abbathor's Armor (Magic Armor)
- Abbathor's Dagger (Magic Dagger)
- Abbathor's Greed (Priest Spell)
- Abbor Alz's Brooch of Warning (Magic Brooch)
- Abelaat (Magic Crystal)
- Abeyance (Priest Spell)
- Abhir
- Abhorrence of Shape Changers (Magic Sword)
- Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting (Wizard Spell)
- Abilities vs. Thief Skills (POSP)
- Ability Alteration (Priest Spell)
- Ability Requirements Clothing (CWH)
- Ability Score Modifiers (CBD)
- Ability Scores (AA)
- Ability Scores (CSH)
- Ability Scores (GAP)
- Ability Scores (POSP)
- Abiorach
- Abishai
- Abjuration (WSC)
- Abjure (Priest Spell)
- Abjure - Shukenja (Priest Spell)
- Abjurer
- Aboleth
- Abomination of Diirinka
- About (disambiguation)
- About This Book (TIP)
- About the Schools (CWH)
- Abrasion (Wizard Spell)
- Abrian
- Absalom
- Absinthe Oil (Magical Liquid)
- Absorb Disease (Psionic)
- Absorption (Wizard Spell)
- Abundance (Quest Spell)
- Abyss Ant
- Academician (Character Kit)
- Accelerate (Psionic)
- Accelerate Animal Growth (Wizard Spell)
- Accelerate Healing (Priest Spell)
- Accelerate Lifeline (Wizard Spell)
- Accelerate Metabolism (Wizard Spell)
- Accelerate Plant Growth (Wizard Spell)
- Accelerator (Magic Weapon)
- Acceptance (Psionic)
- Accidental or Violent Death (CBE)
- Accuracy (Wizard Spell)
- Accursed Carpet (Magic Carpet)
- Acererak's Blackstone (Wizard Spell)
- Achaierai
- Acheron (PWH)
- Acid Arrow (Magic Arrow)
- Acid Bolt
- Acid Bolt (Wizard Spell)
- Acid Bolt - Drow (Wizard Spell)
- Acid Hit Location Chart (POSM)
- Acid Lash (Wizard Spell)
- Acid Pigeon
- Acid Rain
- Acid Rain (Priest Spell)
- Acid Rain (Wizard Spell)
- Acid Rain - Red Wizard (Wizard Spell)
- Acid Storm (Wizard Spell)
- Acidic Blast (Wizard Spell)
- Acorn Barrage (Priest Spell)
- Acorn of Wo Mai (Magic Artifact)
- Acquiring, Dropping, and Changing Kits (CBH)
- Acquiring Kits (CBarbH)
- Acquiring Kits (CPaH)
- Acquiring Land (TCG)
- Acquiring Proficiencies (CBD)
- Acquisition of Spells Beyond the 1st Level (DMG)
- Acrobat (Character Kit)
- Acrobat - Festival (Character Kit)
- Acrobat - Thief (Character Kit)
- Actaeon
- Acting (Proficiency)
- Action Phase (OSS)
- Activities and Events (CRH)
- Activities of Thieves' Guilds (CTH)
- Activities on the Astral (GAP)
- Adamantite Dragon
- Adamantite Mace (Priest Spell)
- Adaptation (Priest Spell)
- Adaptation - Lvl 5 (Priest Spell)
- Addazahr
- Adding Humanoids to a Campaign (CBOH)
- Adding New Proficiencies (DMG)
- Addition (Priest Spell)
- Additional Comments on Spells and Magical Items (HLC)
- Additional Equipment (CPaH)
- Adept (Class)
- Adherer
- Adhesion (Wizard Spell)
- Adjatha, the Drinker (Magic Sword)
- Administration (Proficiency)
- Administrator Genie
- Admundfort, Ring of Leadership (Magic Ring)
- Adrenaline Control (Psionic)
- Advanced Domination (Wizard Spell)
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
- Advanced Games (CGH)
- Advanced Illusion (Wizard Spell)
- Advanced Locks and Traps (CTH)
- Advanced Martial Arts - Optional (CNH)
- Advanced Procedures (CWH)
- Advanced Sunshine (Priest Spell)
- Advancement (CPsiH)
- Adventure Four: Stolen Hoards (CWS)
- Adventure One: Not the Draca (CWS)
- Adventure Suggestions for Gnome and Halfling Campaigns (CBGH)
- Adventure Three: The Terrible Alliance (CWS)
- Adventure Two: Color Blind (CWS)
- Adventurer's Equipment (AEG)
- Adventurer (Character Kit)
- Adventures (HLC)
- Adventures and Society (DMG)
- Adventures in the Inner Planes (EAFW)
- Advice (Priest Spell)
- Adviser (Character Kit)
- Advisor - Imperial Fleet (Character Kit)
- Aegir's Club (Magic Club)
- Aerial Acceleration (Wizard Spell)
- Aerial Anchor (Magic Anchor)
- Aerial Anchor II (Magic Anchor)
- Aerial Movement (DMG)
- Aerial Servant (Creatures)
- Aerial Servant (GEP)
- Aerial Servant (Priest Spell)
- Aerial Servant (disambiguation)
- Aeserpent
- Afanc
- Affect Normal Fires (Wizard Spell)
- African Ju Ju Oil (Magical Liquid)
- African Weapons & Armor (AEG)
- Afterclap (Wizard Spell)
- Agannazar's Scorcher (Wizard Spell)
- Agarat
- Agathinon
- Age Animal (Wizard Spell)
- Age Creature (Priest Spell)
- Age Dragon (Priest Spell)
- Age Object (Priest Spell)
- Age Plant (Priest Spell)
- Age to Destruction (Wizard Spell)
- Aggie
- Aging, Death, and Beyond (CWS)
- Aging (Psionic)
- Agitate Wounds (Wizard Spell)
- Agni's Red Axe (Magic Axe)
- Agony Beetle
- Agoraphobic (Enhancement)
- Agra's Ambush (Wizard Spell)
- Agriculture: Expanded Rules (CDH)
- Agriculture (CPrH)
- Agriculture (Proficiency)
- Agrutha
- Ahmoras
- Ahuizotl
- Aid (Priest Spell)
- Aiming at the Target (Wizard Spell)
- Air-Kin
- Air/Earth Elemental of Chaos
- Air/Earth Elemental of Law
- Air/Earth Fundamental
- Air (WSC)
- Air Balloon (Magic Balloon)
- Air Dragon
- Air Drake
- Air Elemental
- Air Elemental Beast
- Air Genasi (PWH)
- Air Genasi (Race)
- Air Knight (Character Kit)
- Air Lens (Priest Spell)
- Air Mephit
- Air Sentinel
- Air Spiral (Wizard Spell)
- Air Spores (EM)
- Air Spores (Magic Air Spores)
- Air Tread (Priest Spell)
- Air Walk (Priest Spell)
- Air of Permanence (Priest Spell)
- Airball (Wizard Spell)
- Airboat
- Airboat (Magic Boat)
- Airboat (Wizard Spell)
- Airbolt (Wizard Spell)
- Airsphere (Wizard Spell)
- Airy Earth (Wizard Spell)
- Airy Water (Wizard Spell)
- Ajagava (Magic Bow)
- Ajami (Character Kit)
- Akadi's Vortex (Priest Spell)
- Akikage
- Al-Azid's Ghostly Palace (Magic Artifact)
- Al-Qadim Arabian Adventures Spells
- Al-Qadim Misc Creatures
- Al-Qadim setting books
- Al-mi'raj
- Alacrity (Wizard Spell)
- Alaghi (CBOH)
- Alaghi (Creature)
- Alaghi (Race)
- Alaghi (disambiguation)
- Alahandra's Questing Call (Wizard Spell)
- Alakvalt (Character Kit)
- Alamanther's Return (Wizard Spell)
- Alamir's Fundamental Breakdown (Wizard Spell)
- Alar Ch'Aranol's Staff (Magic Staff)
- Alarm (Wizard Spell)
- Albari
- Albino Crocodile
- Albino Wyrm
- Albruin (Magic Sword)
- Alchemist
- Alchemist's Apparatus (Magic Apparatus)
- Alchemist (POSP)
- Alchemy (Proficiency)
- Alchemy (WSC)
- Alchemy Jug
- Alchemy Plant
- Aleax
- Aleese's Philter of Overwhelming Love (Magical Liquid)
- Alert Allies (Priest Spell)
- Alert Vigil (Priest Spell)
- Alertness (Proficiency)
- Algarth's Embattlement (Wizard Spell)
- Algoid
- Alguduir
- Alhoon
- Alicorn
- Alicorn Lance (Priest Spell)
- Alienists or Summoners (POSM)
- Alignment (CBarbH)
- Alignment (CSH)
- Alignment (CWS)
- Alignment (DMG)
- Alignment (PHB)
- Alignment Detection Dagger (Magic Dagger)
- Alignment Stabilization (Psionic)
- Alignment as a Tool (DMG)
- Alignment as a World View (DMG)
- Alignment of Magical Items (DMG)
- Alkilith
- All-Round Vision (Psionic)
- All-Seeing Crystal Ball (Priest Spell)
- All Knowing Eye of Yasmin Sira (Magic Eye)
- All Priest Spells
- All Psionic Powers
- All Wizard Spells
- Allati (Character Kit)
- Allergy Dust (Magic Dust)
- Allergy Field (Priest Spell)
- Alliance Of The Veil (WSC)
- Allisandro's Binding Curse (Wizard Spell)
- Allowable Clerical Spells (TotL)
- Allowed Races (CWH)
- Allspice Oil (Magical Liquid)
- Allspice Oil II (Magical Liquid)
- Allura
- Alms (Proficiency)
- Alphabetical Spell Index (TOM)
- Alter Beast (Wizard Spell)
- Alter Breath Weapon (Wizard Spell)
- Alter Climate (Priest Spell)
- Alter Dream (Wizard Spell)
- Alter Features (Psionic)
- Alter Instrument (Wizard Spell)
- Alter Luck (Priest Spell)
- Alter Normal Winds (Wizard Spell)
- Alter Reality (Wizard Spell)
- Alter Self (Wizard Spell)
- Alteration (WSC)
- Alterations to Other Spells (GAP)
- Altering Prices (DMG)
- Alternate Realities: Realms of Dreams and Powers (GEP)
- Alternate Reality (Wizard Spell)
- Alternate Subability Method (POSP)
- Alternatives to Churches (CPaH)
- Altruism (Priest Spell)
- Alu-Fiend
- Alustriel's Banner (Wizard Spell)
- Alustriel's Fang (Wizard Spell)
- Alustriel's Improved Mantle (Wizard Spell)
- Alustriel's Mantle (Wizard Spell)
- Alustriel's Sword of Stars (Wizard Spell)
- Alven