Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The following is a list of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition monsters. It includes all monsters appearing in an official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition product.

List of monsters[]

Name Source Size Frequency XP value
Aarakocra Monstrous Manual M (20' Wingspan) Very Rare 65
Aarakocra, Athasian Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (with 20'+ wingspan) Rare 65
Aarakocra, Malatran Polyhedron 121 M (20' wingspan) Very Rare 65
Aartuk, Elder Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix L (8') Very Rare 3000
Aartuk, Warrior Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix M (6') Rare 120
Aasimar Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (5.5-6.5') Rare 420
Aasimon, Agathinon Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix Special Uncommon to Very Rare 30500
Aasimon, Agathinon Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I Special Uncommon to Very Rare 8000
Aasimon, Deva, Astral Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (7') Very Rare 60000
Aasimon, Deva, Astral Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (7') Very Rare 15000
Aasimon, Deva, Monadic Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (6') Very Rare 52500
Aasimon, Deva, Monadic Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (6') Very Rare 13000
Aasimon, Deva, Movanic Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (6') Very Rare 78500
Aasimon, Deva, Movanic Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (6') Very Rare 14000
Aasimon, Light Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix S Very Rare 35000
Aasimon, Light Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I S Very Rare 10000
Aasimon, Planetar Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I L (8') Very Rare 20000
Aasimon, Planetar Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix L (8') Very Rare 143500
Aasimon, Solar Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix L (9') Very Rare 225000
Aasimon, Solar Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I L (9') Very Rare 32000
Aballin Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix L (10') Uncommon 270
Aballin Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (10') Uncommon 270
Abhir Dungeon Magazine 23 L (7') Rare 10000
Aboleth Monstrous Manual H (20' Long) Very Rare 5000
Aboleth, Savant Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (20') Very Rare 13000+
Abrian Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (7') Common 175
Absalom City by the Silt Sea M (7') Unique 10000
Achaierai Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix H (15') Very Rare 2000
Achaierai Planes of Law L (15') Very Rare 5000
Actaeon Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (9') Rare 4000
Addazahr Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II T (2") Uncommon 15
Adherer Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M (5-6') Rare 650
Aeserpent Planes of Conflict L (20') Very Rare 2000
Afanc Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I G (50') Very Rare 11000
Afanc (Gawwar Samakat) City of Delights G (50') Very Rare 11000
Agarat Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (5-7') Very Rare 975
Agrutha Dragon Magazine 268 M (7-8') Very Rare 120+
Ahmoras, Mechanical Form Dungeon Magazine 22 G (68') Unique 23000
Ahmoras, Original Form Dungeon Magazine 22 G (68') Unique 21000
Ahuizotl Fires of Zatal H (18') Very Rare 9000+
Air Sentinel Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (6') Uncommon 975
Akikage Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6') Very Rare 3000
Alaghi Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II L (6') Very Rare 2000+
Alaghi Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L (6') Very Rare 2000+
Albari Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix S (3-4') Very Rare 4000
Alchemy Plant Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II S (1-3') Very Rare 25
Aleax Planescape Campaign Setting M Very Rare Varies
Algoid Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M (5-7') Very Rare 420
Alguduir, Adult Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II M (7') Rare 975
Alguduir, Young Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II S (1-4') Rare 420
Al-Jahar City of Delights M (5-7') Very Rare 3000
Al-Jahar (Dazzle) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (5-7') Very Rare 3000
Allura Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II M (5') Very Rare 975
Al-Mi'raj Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix S (3') Very Rare 65+
Ambuchar Devayam (Tan Chin) Blood Charge M (6') Unique 20000
Amiq Rasol Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (5-6') Very Rare 7000
Ammonite, Giant Sea Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV L (8') Rare 1000
Ammonite, Golden Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II L (6-8') Very Rare 8000
Ammonite, Golden Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV L (6-8') Very Rare 6000
Ammut Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L (12') Very Rare 650
Amphibian, Poisonous, Frog Dragon Magazine 237 T (1-2") Uncommon 65
Amphibian, Poisonous, Neotropical Toad Dragon Magazine 237 T-S (3-9") Common 120
Amphitere Dragon Magazine 248 L (12') Rare 975
Anadjiin Realmspace L (10' tall) Very rare 2000
Ancestors Shaman M Uncommon 60
Ancient Mariner Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix M (5') Very Rare 2000+
Andeloid Dragon Magazine 159 T (Spore), S (Ooze), Varies Very Rare Varies
Anemone, Giant Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix L (10') Very Rare 12000
Anemone, Giant, Dragon Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV L (8') Rare 1000
Anemone, Giant, Lance Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV L (10') Very Rare 12000
Angreden Dragon Magazine 198 M (5-7') Rare 1400
Anguiliian The Sea Devils M (6') Very Rare 270+
Animal, Cenozoic, Agriotherium Dragon Magazine 167 L (10') Uncommon 2000
Animal, Cenozoic, Amphicyon Dragon Magazine 167 M (6.5') Uncommon 650
Animal, Cenozoic, Anancus Dragon Magazine 167 L (10') Common 2000
Animal, Cenozoic, Andrewsarchus Dragon Magazine 167 L (13') Rare 1400
Animal, Cenozoic, Elephant, Dwarf Dragon Magazine 167 S (3') Rare 65
Animal, Cenozoic, Eucladoceros Dragon Magazine 167 L (7') Rare 175
Animal, Cenozoic, Giant Camel Dragon Magazine 167 L (11') Common 420
Animal, Cenozoic, Giant Hippopotamus Dragon Magazine 167 L (12') Rare 1400+
Animal, Cenozoic, Megalania Dragon Magazine 167 G (26') Rare 650
Animal, Cenozoic, Metridiochoerus Dragon Magazine 167 M (3.5') Uncommon 175
Animal, Cenozoic, Pelorovis Dragon Magazine 167 M (6') Common 420
Animal, Cenozoic, Sarkastodon Dragon Magazine 167 L (10') Uncommon 2000
Animal, Domestic, Aprig Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II S (2-3') Common 15
Animal, Domestic, Athas, Aprig Dark Sun Campaign Setting S (2-3') Common 15
Animal, Domestic, Athas, Carru Dark Sun Campaign Setting L (10') Common 175
Animal, Domestic, Athas, Erdlu Dark Sun Campaign Setting Revised M (7') Common 65
Animal, Domestic, Athas, Inix Dark Sun Campaign Setting Revised H (16') Uncommon 650
Animal, Domestic, Athas, Kank Dark Sun Campaign Setting Revised L (8') Common 35
Animal, Domestic, Athas, Mekillot Dark Sun Campaign Setting Revised G (30') Rare 6000
Animal, Domestic, Athas, Mulworm Dark Sun Campaign Setting T (8") Uncommon 35
Animal, Domestic, Athas, Sygra Dark Sun Campaign Setting S (3-4') Common 65
Animal, Domestic, Carru Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (10') Common 175
Animal, Domestic, Mulworm Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II T (8") Uncommon 35+
Animal, Domestic, Sygra Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II S (3-4') Common 65+
Animal, Herd, Jankz Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix T (1') Common 35
Animal, Herd, Kip Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix S (2-4') Common 65
Animal, Herd, Z'tal Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix S (2-3') Common 120
Animal, Household, Critic Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix T (17") Uncommon 35
Animal, Household, Hurrum Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix T (1") Common 15
Animal, Household, Ock'n Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix T (1/2") Common 7
Animal, Household, Renk Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix T (2") Common 7
Animal, Pleistocene, Axebeak Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (7') Uncommon 65
Animal, Pleistocene, Balucitherium Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (25') Rare 8000
Animal, Pleistocene, Irish Deer Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (7') Rare 120
Animal, Pleistocene, Megatherium Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (20') Uncommon 1400
Animal, Pleistocene, Phororhacos Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (10') Uncommon 650
Animal, Pleistocene, Titanothere Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (16') Uncommon 2000
Animal, Pleistocene, Wooly Rhino Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (15') Common 1400
Animal Lord, Cat Lord Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix Special Very Rare 24000
Animal Lord, Cat Lord Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I Special Very Rare 18000
Animal Lord, Hawk Lord Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix Special Very Rare 24000
Animal Lord, Hawk Lord Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I Special Very Rare 18000
Animal Lord, Lizard Lord Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I Special Very Rare 18000
Animal Lord, Wolf Lord Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix Special Very Rare 24000
Animal Lord, Wolf Lord Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I Special Very Rare 18000
Animator, Common Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M to L (4-12') Very Rare Varies
Animator, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness L to G (12'+) Very Rare Varies
Animator, Minor Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T to S (1" to 4') Very Rare Varies
Animental Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III Varies Common Varies
Animus From the Ashes M Very Rare Varies
Ankheg Monstrous Manual L-H (10'-20' Long) Rare 175+
Ankou Dragon Magazine 162 M Very Rare 975
Ant, Abyss Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I S (2') Uncommmon to Very Rare 175
Ant, Giant Sugar Polyhedron 95 M (6') Rare 35
Ant, Giant Sugar Queen Polyhedron 95 L (10') Rare 175
Ant, Piranha Dragon Annual 1998 Special Rare Varies
Antloid, Desert, Dynamis Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix L (10') Rare 270
Antloid, Desert, Queen Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix H (20'+) Very Rare 975
Antloid, Desert, Soldier Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix L (10') Uncommon 420
Antloid, Desert, Worker Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix L (8') Uncommon 120
An-Ur (The Wandering Death) Dragon Magazine 260 G (140') Unique 32000
Aperusa Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II M (5-6') Common 175+
Apodalypse, Apodalypse Night of the Shark H (30') Unique 5000
Apodalypse, Progeny Night of the Shark S (2') Very Rare 650
Apparition Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M (4-7') Very Rare 1400
Arak, Alven The Shadow Rift T (1') Rare 1400
Arak, Brag The Shadow Rift S (3') Uncommon 3000
Arak, Fir The Shadow Rift S (3') Rare 3000
Arak, Muryan The Shadow Rift M (5') Uncommon 5000
Arak, Portune The Shadow Rift T (6") Very Rare 3000
Arak, Powrie The Shadow Rift T (1') Common 5000
Arak, Shee The Shadow Rift M (6') Rare 5000
Arak, Sith The Shadow Rift M (6') Rare 6000
Arak, Teg The Shadow Rift S (3') Common 3000
Arashaeem Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (6') Very Rare 7000+
Arcane Adventures in Space L (12') Very Rare 3000
Arcane Monstrous Manual L (12' tall) Very Rare 3000
Arcane Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II L (12') Very Rare 4000
Arcane Head Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III T (1') Very Rare 270
Arcane Head The Nightmare Lands T (1') Very Rare 270
Archomental, Evil, Cryonax Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (15') Unique 28000
Archomental, Evil, Imix Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (18') Unique 25000
Archomental, Evil, Ogremoch Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (10') Unique 28000
Archomental, Evil, Olhydra Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (20') Unique 27000
Archomental, Evil, Yan-C-Bin Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (10') Unique 28000
Archomental, Good, Ben-Hadar Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (18') Unique 24000
Archomental, Good, Chan Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (10') Unique 28000
Archomental, Good, Sunnis Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (12') Unique 29000
Archomental, Good, Zaaman Rul Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (10') Unique 23000
Archon, Hound Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (6') Common 15000
Archon, Hound Planes of Law M (6') Common 2000
Archon, Lantern Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix S (3') Common 5000
Archon, Lantern Planes of Law S (3') Common 975
Archon, Sword Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix L (8') Rare 48500
Archon, Sword Planes of Law L (8') Rare 14000
Archon, Throne Planes of Law L (10') Very Rare 16000
Archon, Tome Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix L (8') Very Rare 53500
Archon, Tome Planes of Law L (8') Very Rare 23000
Archon, Trumpet Planes of Law L (7') Very Rare 15000
Archon, Warden Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix L (8') Uncommon 24500
Archon, Warden Planes of Law L (8') Uncommon 7000
Arch-Shadow Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (6') Very Rare 4500
Arch-Shadow, Demi-Shade Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (6') Very Rare 8000
Argos Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix L-G (2' per HD) Very Rare 2000+
Argos Monstrous Manual L-G (2' per HD) Very Rare 2000+
Armadillephant Dragon Magazine 243 L (11') Very Rare 3000
Armmegh Polyhedron 58 L (6') Unique 7000
Asabis Villains' Lorebook M (7-9') Rare 120
Ash Crawler Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S (2') Rare 270
Ashiera Dragon Magazine 244 M (5.5') Rare 975
Ashira Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M Rare 270
Asperii Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV L (8') Rare 420
Aspis, Cow Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix H (15') Very Rare 2000
Aspis, Drone Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix M (6') Rare 650
Aspis, Larva Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix S (1-3') Rare 65+
Asrai Planes of Chaos T-S (1-4') Rare 120+
Astral Dreadnought Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II G (30') Very Rare 22000
Astral Searcher Planescape Campaign Setting M Very Rare 175
Astral Streaker In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil T (2') Uncommon 15
Asuras Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M Very Rare 7000
Asuras Planes of Conflict M (6') Rare 7000
Audreeana The Book of Magecraft M (5-6.5') Mythical 9000
Aurumvorax Monstrous Manual S (3' long) Very Rare 9000
Autognome Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II S (3') Very Rare 975
Automaton, Copper Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M Very Rare 650
Automaton, Enchanted Scalader, Squch Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (12'+) Very Rare 5000
Automaton, Scaladar Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (12'+) Very Rare 5000
Automaton, Scaladar The Ruins of Undermountain H (12'+) Very Rare 5000
Automaton, Scaladar, Enhanced The Ruins of Undermountain II: The Deep Levels H (12'+) Unique 7000
Automaton, Triobrand's, Ferragam Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (5-7') Very Rare 1400
Automaton, Triobrand's, Silversann Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II S (2') Very Rare 640
Automaton, Triobrand's, Thanatar Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (15') Very Rare 9000
Avanc The Shadow Rift H (20') Unique 2000
Avangion Dragon Kings M-L (6-12') Very Rare Varies
Avatar, Demigod, Caoimhin Monster Mythology T (1') Unique Special
Avatar, Demigod, Diinkarazan Monster Mythology M (5') Unique Special
Avatar, Demigod, Flonnghuala Monster Mythology M (5') Unique Special
Avatar, Demigod, Gaknulak Monster Mythology S (3.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Demigod, Gorellik Monster Mythology L (9') Unique Special
Avatar, Demigod, Klaransalee Monster Mythology M (5.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Demigod, Kostchtchie Monster Mythology G (28') Unique Special
Avatar, Demigod, Kuraulyek Monster Mythology S (4') Unique Special
Avatar, Demigod, Laogzed Monster Mythology L (12') Unique Special
Avatar, Demigod, Parrafaire Monster Mythology L (10') Unique Special
Avatar, Demigod, Sess'innek Monster Mythology H (16') Unique Special
Avatar, Demigod, Skiggaret Monster Mythology L (7.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Demigod, Squelaiche Monster Mythology S (2') Unique Special
Avatar, Demigod, Stalker Monster Mythology Varies Unique Special
Avatar, Demigod, Urogalan Monster Mythology S (4') Unique Special
Avatar, Greater God, Annam Monster Mythology G (60') Unique Special
Avatar, Greater God, Corellon Larethian Monster Mythology M (7') Unique Special
Avatar, Greater God, Garl Glittergold Monster Mythology S (4') Unique Special
Avatar, Greater God, Great Mother Monster Mythology H (18') Unique Special
Avatar, Greater God, Gruumsh Monster Mythology L (10') Unique Special
Avatar, Greater God, Hiatea Monster Mythology L/G (10'/30') Unique Special
Avatar, Greater God, Ilsensine Monster Mythology L (8') Unique Special
Avatar, Greater God, Io Monster Mythology G (800') Unique Special
Avatar, Greater God, Jazirian Monster Mythology G (30-200') Unique Special
Avatar, Greater God, Maglubiyet Monster Mythology L (9') Unique Special
Avatar, Greater God, Moradin Monster Mythology M (5') or H (20') Unique Special
Avatar, Greater God, Shekinester Monster Mythology H (15') Unique Special
Avatar, Greater God, Stronmaus Monster Mythology G (45') Unique Special
Avatar, Greater God, The Elder Elemental God Monster Mythology H (24') Unique Special
Avatar, Greater God, Titania Monster Mythology S (3.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Greater God, Yondalla Monster Mythology S (4') Unique Special
Avatar, Hero, Diancastra Monster Mythology M-H (4-25') Unique Special
Avatar, Hero, Gerdreg Monster Mythology L (9') Unique Special
Avatar, Hero, Gnaridan Steelshield Monster Mythology M (4.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Hero, Kaldair Swiftfoot Monster Mythology S (4') Unique Special
Avatar, Hero, Lafarallinn Monster Mythology M (6') Unique Special
Avatar, Hero, Zinzerena Monster Mythology M (5.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Aerdrie Faenya Monster Mythology M (6') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Arvoreen Monster Mythology M (4.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Baervan Wildwanderer Monster Mythology S (4') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Bahgtru Monster Mythology H (16') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Berronar Truesilver Monster Mythology M (5') or H (18') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Blibdoolpoolp Monster Mythology H (15') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Callarduran Smoothhands Monster Mythology M (4.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Chronepsis Monster Mythology Varies Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Clangeddin Silverbeard Monster Mythology M (5') or H (18') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Cyrrollalee Monster Mythology S (4') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Deep Sashelas Monster Mythology M (5.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Diirinka Monster Mythology S (3.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Dumathoin Monster Mythology M (5.5') or H (18') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Emmantiensien Monster Mythology H (24') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Erevan Ilesere Monster Mythology Varies Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Flandal Steelskin Monster Mythology S (4') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Grolantor Monster Mythology H (18') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Hanali Celanil Monster Mythology M (5.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Hruggek Monster Mythology L (8') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Ilneval Monster Mythology L (9') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Kanchelsis Monster Mythology M (6.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Koriel Monster Mythology H (16') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Kurtulmak Monster Mythology M (5.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Labelas Enoreth Monster Mythology M (6') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Laduguer Monster Mythology M (5') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Lolth Monster Mythology M (6') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Maanzecorian Monster Mythology L (10') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Memnor Monster Mythology G (30') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Merladar Monster Mythology L (8') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Merrshaulk Monster Mythology G (40') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Nathair Sgiathach Monster Mythology T (2') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Panzuriel Monster Mythology M (6') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Persana Monster Mythology L (10') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Psilofyr Monster Mythology M (6') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Segojan Earthcaller Monster Mythology M (4') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Sehanine (Moonbow) Monster Mythology M (5') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Sekolah Monster Mythology G (35') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Shargaas Monster Mythology L (8') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Sheela Peryroyl Monster Mythology S (4') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Skoraeus Stonebones Monster Mythology H (24') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Solonor Thelandira Monster Mythology M (6.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Syranita Monster Mythology M (6') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, The Queen of Air and Darkness Monster Mythology S (3.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Urdlen Monster Mythology L (8.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Vergadain Monster Mythology Varies Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Vergadain Monster Mythology L (8') Unique Special
Avatar, Intermediate God, Yurtrus Monster Mythology L (12') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Aasterinian Monster Mythology G (450') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Bahamut Monster Mythology G (500') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Balador Monster Mythology M or L (6' or 11') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Baphomet Monster Mythology L (12') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Baravar Cloakshadow Monster Mythology S (4') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Bargrivyek Monster Mythology L (8') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Bargrivyek Monster Mythology L (7.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Brandobaris Monster Mythology S (4') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Cegilune Monster Mythology L (10') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Damh Monster Mythology S (3.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Daragor Monster Mythology L (12') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Demogorgon Monster Mythology H (18') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Dugmaren Brightmantle Monster Mythology M (5') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Eachthighern Monster Mythology L (11') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Eadro Monster Mythology L (8') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Eshebala Monster Mythology M (5') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Faluzure Monster Mythology G (520') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Fenmarel Mestarine Monster Mythology M (5') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Ferrix Monster Mythology L (8-12') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Gaerdal Ironhand Monster Mythology S (4') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Gzemnid Monster Mythology L (8') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Iallanis Monster Mythology H (13') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Jubiliex Monster Mythology L (9') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Karontor Monster Mythology H (18') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Khurgorbaeyag Monster Mythology L (9') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Luthic Monster Mythology L (8.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Mellifleur Monster Mythology M (6') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Muamman Duathal Monster Mythology M (5') or L (12') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Nebelun Monster Mythology M (5.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Nomog-Geaya Monster Mythology L (10') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Oberon Monster Mythology M (4.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Quorlinn Monster Mythology M (6') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Ramenos Monster Mythology H (20') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Remnis Monster Mythology H (20') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Semuanya Monster Mythology L (10') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Skerrit Monster Mythology L (12') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Squerrik Monster Mythology M (5.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Surminare Monster Mythology M (6') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, The Dark God Monster Mythology M (6') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Tiamat Monster Mythology G (500') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Trishina Monster Mythology M (5') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Vaprak Monster Mythology H (15') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Verenestra Monster Mythology M (4.5') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Vhaerun Monster Mythology M (6') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Water Lion Monster Mythology H (15') Unique Special
Avatar, Lesser God, Yeenoghu Monster Mythology L (10') Unique Special
Avatar, Unknown, Stillsong Monster Mythology G (40') Unique Special
Averx Dragon Magazine 172 T (1.5') Rare 650+
Avian, Boobrie Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II L (12') Rare 2000
Avian, Eblis Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II L (8') Very Rare 650+
Avian, Flightless Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II S to L (2-8') Common 15+
Aviarag Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (15') Very Rare 3000
Baatezu, Abishai, Black Monstrous Manual L (12') Very Rare 57500
Baatezu, Abishai, Green Monstrous Manual L (8') Common 21500
Baatezu, Abishai, Red Monstrous Manual L (7') Common 23500
Baatezu, Arch, Asmodeus Guide to Hell H (20') Unique Special
Baatezu, Greater, Amnizu Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (4') Rare 32500
Baatezu, Greater, Amnizu Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (4') Rare 11000
Baatezu, Greater, Cornugon Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix L (9') Very Rare 36500
Baatezu, Greater, Cornugon Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I L (9') Very Rare 10000
Baatezu, Greater, Gelugon Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix H (12') Rare 39500
Baatezu, Greater, Gelugon Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I H (12') Rare 19000
Baatezu, Greater, Gelugon, Vreesar Villains' Lorebook H (12') Very Rare 39500
Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix L (12') Very Rare 57500
Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I L (12') Very Rare 21000
Baatezu, Least, Nupperibo Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (5') Common 65
Baatezu, Least, Nupperibo Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 120
Baatezu, Least, Spinagon Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix S (3') Common 7500
Baatezu, Least, Spinagon Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I S (3') Common 3000
Baatezu, Lemure Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (6') Common 120
Baatezu, Lemure Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 120
Baatezu, Lesser, Abishai, Black Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix L (8') Common 21500
Baatezu, Lesser, Abishai, Black Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I L (8') Common 7000
Baatezu, Lesser, Abishai, Green Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix L (7') Common 23500
Baatezu, Lesser, Abishai, Green Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I L (7') Common 8000
Baatezu, Lesser, Abishai, Red Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (6') Common 25500
Baatezu, Lesser, Abishai, Red Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (6') Common 9000
Baatezu, Lesser, Barbazu Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (6') Common 23500
Baatezu, Lesser, Barbazu Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (6') Common 6000
Baatezu, Lesser, Erinyes Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (6') Uncommon 29500
Baatezu, Lesser, Erinyes Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (6') Uncommon 7000
Baatezu, Lesser, Hamatula Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (7') Uncommon 23000
Baatezu, Lesser, Hamatula Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (7') Uncommon 6000
Baatezu, Lesser, Kocrachon Planes of Law M (5') Uncommon 5000
Baatezu, Lesser, Mezzikim Guide to Hell M Rare 650+
Baatezu, Lesser, Osyluth Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix L (9') Uncommon 24000
Baatezu, Lesser, Osyluth Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I L (9') Uncommon 7000
Baatezu, Lord, Baalzebul Guide to Hell] H (25') Unique 27000
Baatezu, Lord, Bel Guide to Hell] L (12') Unique 29000
Baatezu, Lord, Belial Guide to Hell] L (10') Unique 27000
Baatezu, Lord, Dispater Guide to Hell] M (7') Unique 26000
Baatezu, Lord, Fierana Guide to Hell] M (6') Unique 28000
Baatezu, Lord, Levistus Guide to Hell] M (6') Unique 32000
Baatezu, Lord, Malagard Guide to Hell] L (10') Unique 29000
Baatezu, Lord, Mammon Guide to Hell] G (30') Unique 27000
Baatezu, Lord, Mephistopheles Guide to Hell] L (9') Unique 32000
Baatezu, Lord, Minauros the Serptent Dragon Magazine 223 G (30') Unique ???
Baatezu, Lord, Molikroth Dragon Magazine 223 H Unique ???
Baatezu, Lord, Triel the Fallen Dragon Magazine 223 H (25') Unique ???
Baatezu, Noble, Glasya Guide to Hell] L (9') Unique 17000
Baatezu, Noble, Martinet Guide to Hell] L (9') Unique 17000
Baatezu, Pit Fiend Monstrous Manual M (6') Common 25500
Baazrag Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II T (2') Uncommon 65
Baazrag, Boneclaw Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (8') Very Rare 650
Baba Yaga The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga M (5') Unique 30000
Bacar Endless Armies L (10') Very Rare 270
Bacchae Planes of Chaos M (6') Uncommon 270
Baelnorn Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (5') Very Rare 10000
Bainligor Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (3-6') Rare 270+
Bajang Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix S (3') Very Rare 3000
Bakhna Rakhna Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness S (3') Uncommon 175
Baku Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I L (9') Very Rare 14000
Balaena Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix G (30') Rare 5000
Balaena Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II G (30') Rare 5000
Baldandar Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6-7') Very Rare 2000
Balhiir Villains' Lorebook M (6') Very Rare 16000
Banedead Ruins of Zhentil Keep M (5'+) Rare 2000
Banedead Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5'+) Rare 2000
Baneguard Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (5-6') Rare 975
Banelar Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I H (20-25') Rare 3000
Banshee Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Very Rare 4000
Banshee, Dwarf Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix M (4-5') Uncommon Varies
Bargda Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (9') Rare 4000
Barghest Planescape Campaign Setting M-L (5-9') Very Rare 2000+
Bariaur Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix L (7') Uncommon 3000
Bariaur Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I L (7') Uncommon 2000
Basilisk, Dracolisk Monstrous Manual H (15-20') Very Rare 3000
Basilisk, Greater Monstrous Manual L (12') Very Rare 7000
Basilisk, Lesser Monstrous Manual M (7') Uncommon 1400
Bastellus Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (6') Very Rare 6000
Bat, Azmyth Monstrous Manual S (3') Rare 650
Bat, Bonebat Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5-6') Rare 975
Bat, Bonebat, Battlebat Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5-6') Rare 1400
Bat, Common Monstrous Manual T (1') Common 15
Bat, Deep, Azmyth Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II S (3') Rare 650
Bat, Deep, Night Hunter Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II M (7') Uncommon 175
Bat, Deep, Sinister Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II L (9') Rare 2000
Bat, Deep, Werebat Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II M Very Rare 975
Bat, Fire Bat Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III S (2') Common 175
Bat, Huge Monstrous Manual H (12-16') Rare 420+
Bat, Large Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Uncommon 35
Bat, Night Hunter Monstrous Manual M (7') Uncommon 175
Bat, Ravenloft, Sentinel Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I T (1') Very Rare 65
Bat, Ravenloft, Skeletal Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I T (1') Rare 65
Bat, Sinister Monstrous Manual L (9') Rare 2000
Bat, Skeletal Nehwon S (1') Rare 15
Bat, Sporebat Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (3') Very Rare 7000
Batfly In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil T (1') Very Rare 15
Batracine Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix S (2') Common 175
Bear, Black Monstrous Manual M (6'+) Common 175
Bear, Brown Monstrous Manual L (9'+) Uncommon 420
Bear, Cave Monstrous Manual H (12'+) Uncommon 650
Bear, Ice Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix L (12') Uncommon 975
Bear, Polar Monstrous Manual H (14'+) Rare 1400
Beast, Undead, Gholor Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix H (20') Very Rare 8000
Beast, Undead, Stahnk Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix H (20') Very Rare 8000
Beast of Chaos Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV S-H (3-15') Very Rare 3000+
Beastman Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix M (5') Very Rare 270
Bebilith Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I H (15') Very Rare 13000
Bebilith Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix H (15') Very Rare 17000
Beetle, Agony Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix T (1") Rare 270
Beetle, Death Watch Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix M (5') Very Rare 2000
Beetle, Deathmirror Polyhedron 93 T (1") Very Rare 35
Beetle, Deathwatch Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5') Very Rare 2000
Beetle, Diving, Giant, Adult Dragon Magazine 250 M (5-6') Common 175
Beetle, Diving, Giant, Larva Dragon Magazine 250 M (4') Rare 120
Beetle, Dragon Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II T (1') Uncommon 65
Beetle, Dragon City by the Silt Sea T (1') Uncommon 65
Beetle, Giant, Bombardier Monstrous Manual S (4') Common 12
Beetle, Giant, Boring Monstrous Manual L (9') Common 175
Beetle, Giant, Fire Monstrous Manual S (2') Common 35
Beetle, Giant, Rhinoceros Monstrous Manual L (12') Uncommon 4000
Beetle, Giant, Stag Monstrous Manual L (10') Common 975
Beetle, Giant, Water Monstrous Manual M (6') Common 120
Beetle, Scarab, Giant Dragon Magazine 227 L (12' long) Uncommon 420
Beetle, Scarab, Giant Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (6") Rare 975
Beetle, Scarab, Grave Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (3") Common 420
Beetle, Scarab, Monstrous Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness L (11') Rare 1400
Beetle, Shaqat Merchant House of Amketch T (6") Rare 35
Beetle, Skrit Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix L (7') Rare 2000
Beetle, Slicer Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix S (3') Rare 420
Beetle, Slicer Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III S (3') Rare 420
Beetle, Steelback Practical Planetology H (20') Uncommon 850
Beetle, Stink Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III S (3') Rare 120
Beguiler Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II S (2') Rare 270
Behemoth, Black Lankhmar: City of Adventure G (40') Very Rare 9000
Behemoth, Snow Lankhmar: City of Adventure G (40') Very Rare 8000
Behemoth, Swamp Lankhmar: City of Adventure G (40') Very Rare 6000
Behir Monstrous Manual G (40') Rare 7000
Behir, Desert Dragon Magazine 156 L (35') Very Rare 8000
Behir, Jungle Dragon Magazine 156 L (45') Very Rare 12000
Beholder Adventures in Space M (4-6') Rare 14000
Beholder, Astereater Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix L (8-12') Very Rare 2000
Beholder, Doomsphere I, Tyrant M (4-6') Very Rare 14000
Beholder, Elder Orb The Ruins of Undermountain M (4-6') Very Rare 18000
Beholder, Hive Mother Adventures in Space L (8') Very Rare 24000
Beholder, Kasharin The Legend of Spelljammer M (4-6') Rare 3000
Beholder, Mage I, Tyrant M (3-5') Very Rare 11500+
Beholder, Mount, Crawler I, Tyrant L (30') Very Rare 270
Beholder, Mount, Patroller I, Tyrant L (8') Very Rare 975
Beholder, Observer Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II L (6') Very Rare 15000
Beholder, Observer I, Tyrant L (6') Very Rare 15000
Beholder, Orbus Adventures in Space M (4-6') Rare 270+
Beholder and Beholder-kin, Beholder Monstrous Manual M (4-6') Rare 14000
Beholder and Beholder-kin, Death Kiss, Spawn Dragon Magazine 188 T (8") Very Rare 120
Beholder and Beholder-kin, Death Kiss (Bleeder) Monstrous Manual H (6-12') Very Rare 8000
Beholder and Beholder-kin, Director Monstrous Manual H (8'-10') Very Rare 10000
Beholder and Beholder-kin, Examiner Monstrous Manual M (4') Very Rare 6000
Beholder and Beholder-kin, Eye of the Deep (Water) Monstrous Manual S-M (3-5') Very Rare 4000
Beholder and Beholder-kin, Gauth Monstrous Manual L (4-6') Rare 6000+
Beholder and Beholder-kin, Hive Mother Monstrous Manual H (8') Very Rare 24000
Beholder and Beholder-kin, Lensman Monstrous Manual M (5') Very Rare 175
Beholder and Beholder-kin, Overseer Monstrous Manual H (15') Very Rare 15000
Beholder and Beholder-kin, Spectator Monstrous Manual M (4') Very Rare 4000
Beholder and Beholder-kin, Undead (Death Tyrant) Monstrous Manual L (4-6') Very Rare 13000
Beholder and Beholder-kin, Watcher Monstrous Manual L (6') Very Rare 420
Beholder-kin, Death Kiss The Ruins of Undermountain H (6-12') Rare 8000
Beholder-kin, Director Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix L (8-10') Uncommon 8000+
Beholder-kin, Examiner Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix M (4') Rare 6000
Beholder-kin, Lensman Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix M (5') Uncommon 175
Beholder-kin, Overseer Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix H (15') Very Rare 15000
Beholder-kin, Watcher Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix M (6') Rare 420
Beholder Eater, Thagar ("Grimgobbler") Lost Ships L (7' diameter) Rare 9000
Belabra (Tangler) Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I M (5') Rare 975
Belgoi Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (6') Uncommon 1400
Beliarh Dragon Magazine 268 L (8') Rare 3000
Belker Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (7-9') Rare 5000
Berbalang A Guide to the Astral Plane M (4-7') Rare 65
Bhut Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Very Rare 1400
Bi-Nou, Bi-Nou Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (5-7') Rare 975
Bi-Nou, Rocklord Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (8-15') Very Rare 5000
Bi-Nou, Rockworm Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (5-7') Very Rare 2000
Bionoid Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II L (9-11') Very Rare 6000
Bird, Bird of Tyaa Lankhmar: City of Adventure T (1') Rare 120
Bird, Blood Hawk Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 120
Bird, Boobrie Monstrous Manual ? Rare 2000
Bird, Condor Monstrous Manual ? Common 175
Bird, Crayghe (Elven Hawk) Dragon Magazine 269 S (4') Rare 120
Bird, Eblis Monstrous Manual ? Rare 650+
Bird, Emre Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (6') Rare 120
Bird, Falcon Monstrous Manual ? Common 65
Bird, Falcon, Fire Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix S (2.5') Uncommon 270
Bird, Flame Swallow Practical Planetology S (5' wingspan) Rare 75
Bird, Flightless Monstrous Manual ? Common 15+
Bird, Giant Eagle Monstrous Manual ? Rare 420
Bird, Giant Owl Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 270
Bird, Giant Raven Monstrous Manual ? Very Rare 175
Bird, Giant Vulture Monstrous Manual ? Rare 120
Bird, Gyre Practical Planetology H (20' wingspan) Rare 400
Bird, Huge Raven Monstrous Manual ? Rare 35
Bird, Jaleeda Vale of the Mage L (8-9') Very Rare 2000
Bird, Kingfisher Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (4-5') Uncommon 35
Bird, Large Hawk Monstrous Manual ? Common 65
Bird, Lyra Bird, Saragon Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix T (4-5') Very Rare 65
Bird, Magpie, Common Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T( 2') Common 15
Bird, Magpie, Giant Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S-M (3-5') Rare 65
Bird, Netherbird Shadowdale S to M Rare 35
Bird, Owl Monstrous Manual ? Common 65
Bird, Owl, Space Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II S (2.5') Rare 420
Bird, Piranha Bird, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S (2.5') Very Rare 65
Bird, Piranha Bird, Lesser Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T (1') Rare 15
Bird, Raptor Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn L Uncommon 300
Bird, Raven Monstrous Manual ? Common 15
Bird, Raven, Executioner's In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil M (5' wingspan) ? 120
Bird, Skullbird Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II L (16') Uncommon 1400
Bird, Skyfisher Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix S (3-4') Uncommon 270
Bird, Sprackle, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S (4') Very Rare 175
Bird, Sprackle, Lesser Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T (2') Very Rare 65
Bird, Swan Monstrous Manual ? Common 65
Bird, Talking City of Delights S (2') Very Rare 975
Bird, Talking Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I S (2') Very Rare 1400
Bird, Talking Owl Monstrous Manual ? Very Rare 975
Bird, Turkey Polyhedron 110 S Common ???
Bird, Vulture Monstrous Manual ? Common 65
Bird, Vulture, Marsh Nehwon L (30') Rare 975
Bird, 'Wari Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (6') Rare 65
Bird, Wild Eagle Monstrous Manual ? Common 175
Bisan Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (5') Very Rare 6000
Black Cloud of Vengeance Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix G Very Rare 15000+
Blackball Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (5') Very Rare 8000
Blackroot Marauder Dragon Magazine 270 M (7') Very Rare 6000
Bladderwort, Giant Dragon Magazine 167 L-G Uncommon 4000
Bladeling Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (6') Rare 120+
Bladeling Planes of Law M (6') Rare 120+
Blazing Bones Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (6') Very Rare 3000
Blazozoid Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix G (30') Rare 12000
Blindheim Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV S (4') Very Rare 270+
Blizzard Dragon Magazine 223 L (20') Unique 17000
Blood Warrior Villains' Lorebook M Very Rare 1400
Bloodflower Dragon Magazine 167 S (1') Rare 65
Bloodgrass Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II Varies Uncommon Varies
Bloodsac Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II S (4') Rare 420
Bloodsipper Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV G (600+ sqft), Denizen: 2 Very Rare 1000+
Bloodthorn Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II L (10') Common 175+
Bloodvine The Ivory Triangle L-G (4' per HD) Common 50
Boar, Armor Polyhedron 67 M (6') Uncommon 650
Boar, Spittle In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil L Uncommon 175
Boar, The White Boar Dungeon Magazine 37 M (5') Unique 5000
Bodak Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (6') Very Rare 5500
Bodak Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (6') Very Rare 5000
Bog Wader Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix M (5-7') Uncommon 420
Boggart Dragon Magazine 239 T (1') Rare 270
Boggle Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II S (3') Very Rare 270
Bolandi Otherlands M (4-5') Very Rare 270
Bone Weird Return to the Tomb of Horrors H (15'+) Rare 8000
Boneless Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6') Very Rare 270
Bonesnapper Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix M (5') Rare 120
Bonespear Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II L (8') Rare 650
Boobrie Celts Campaign Sourcebook M (20') Rare 420
Booka Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix T (1') Uncommon 35
Boowray Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (2') Rare 1400
Bowlyn Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (6') Very Rare 975
Brain, Living (Rudolph Von Aubrecker) Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix II T (8") Unique 975
Brain Mole Monstrous Manual T (3") Very Rare 35
Brambleweed, Tree Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix S-M (2-7') Common Varies
Brambleweed, Weed Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix G (50'+) Common Varies
Braxat Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III H (15') Rare 7000
Bredthrall (Slave Race), Komazar The Scarlet Brotherhood S (4') Uncommon 15
Bredthrall (Slave Race), Kurg The Scarlet Brotherhood M (6') Uncommon 35
Bredthrall (Slave Race), Rullhow The Scarlet Brotherhood S (4.5') Common 7
Breiryn The Book of Magecraft L (6-7') Mythical 7000
Broken One, Common Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (4-7') Rare 175
Broken One, Greater Monstrous Manual M (4-7') Very Rare 650
Broken One, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (4-7') Very Rare 420
Broken One, Lesser Monstrous Manual M (4-7') Rare 175
Brownie Monstrous Manual T (2') Rare 175
Brownie, Buckawn Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix T (2') Rare 420
Brownie, Dobie Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II T (2') Rare 120
Brownie, Killmoulis Monstrous Manual T (<1') Uncommon 35
Brownie, Quickling Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix T (2') Very Rare 2000+
Brownie, Quickling Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II T (2') Very Rare 2000+
Bruja Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (5-6') Very Rare 2000
Bugbear Monstrous Manual L (7') Uncommon 120
Bugbear, Bug-a-boo Dragon Magazine 158 M (5') Rare 65
Bugbear, Chief Monstrous Manual L (7') Uncommon 175
Bugbear, Leader Monstrous Manual L (7') Uncommon 175
Bugbear, Shaman Monstrous Manual L (7') Uncommon 175
Bulette Monstrous Manual L (9' tall, 12' long) Very Rare 4000
Bulette, Gohlbrorn Dragon Annual 1996 M (5-7' long, 5' high) Rare 975
Bulette, Gohlbrorn Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (5-6') Rare 975
Bulette, Mutated Dungeon Magazine 37 L (9.5') Unique 5000
Bullywug Monstrous Manual S to M (4-7') Rare 65
Bunyip Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (6') Rare 175
Buraq Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L Very Rare 1400
Buraq Planes of Conflict L (6') Uncommon to Rare 1400
Burbur Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III T (6-12") Rare 35
Burnbones Ruins of Zhentil Keep M (6') Very Rare 12000
Burnflower Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix G (50'+) Very Rare Varies
Busen Planes of Law M (6') Very Rare 4000
Buso, Tagamaling Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (5-6') Uncommon Varies
Buso, Tigbanua Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (7') Uncommon 2000
Bussengeist Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (6') Very Rare 0
Butterwort, Giant Dragon Magazine 167 M Uncommon 420
Butu Polyhedron 121 S (3.5') Rare 15+
Buzzjewel Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II T (6"0 Very Rare 650
Bvanen Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5') Very Rare 420
Bzastra Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III M (5') Very Rare 650
Cabhaigh The Book of Magecraft M (3-4') Mythical 6000
Cactus, Hunting Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II S (3') Rare 1400
Cactus, Rock Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II T (1') Uncommon 65
Cactus, Sand Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix M (6') Rare 975+
Caladrius The Glory of Rome Campaign Sourcebook S (3-4') Very Rare 7
Caller in Darkness City by the Silt Sea Special Unique Special
Calopus Dragon Magazine 199 M Very Rare 175
Cambrian Creature, Amiskwia Dragon Magazine 204 M (5') Common 65
Cambrian Creature, Anomalocaris Dragon Magazine 204 G (80') Very Rare 6000
Cambrian Creature, Hallucigenia Dragon Magazine 204 H (25') Very Rare 3000
Cambrian Creature, Hallucigenia, Acidic Dragon Magazine 204 L (8') Rare 2000
Cambrian Creature, Hallucigenia, Cave Dragon Magazine 204 S (3') Common 420
Cambrian Creature, Leanchoilia Dragon Magazine 204 L (8') Uncommon 270
Cambrian Creature, Marrella Dragon Magazine 204 L (12') Common 975
Cambrian Creature, Odontogriphus Dragon Magazine 204 H (18') Uncommon 270
Cambrian Creature, Opabinia, Giant Dragon Magazine 204 M (5') Rare 175
Cambrian Creature, Ottoia Dragon Magazine 204 G (30') Uncommon 975
Cambrian Creature, Sanctacaris Dragon Magazine 204 H (15') Rare 650
Cambrian Creature, Wiwaxia Dragon Magazine 204 S (3') Common 65
Cambrian Creature, Yohoia Dragon Magazine 204 M (6') Rare 270
Camel, Desert Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L (8') Common 65
Camel, Mountain Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L (8') Common 65
Camel, Racing Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L (8') Common 75
Camel, War Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L (8') Common 95
Camel of the Pearl Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix G (30') Rare 1400
Campestri Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T-S (3" per HP) Rare 65
Caniquine Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (9') Uncommon 270+
Cantobele Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II L (7-9') Rare 650+
Carapace Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV S (1') Very Rare 175
Cariad Ysbryd Dragon Magazine 186 M (5-6') Very Rare 1400
Carrion Crawler Monstrous Manual L (9') Uncommon 420
Carrion Stalker Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (1') Uncommon 650
Carrionette Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T (0.5-2') Very Rare 975
Carrionette Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (6" to 2') Very Rare 975
Casurua Dragon Magazine 210 M Very Rare 21000
Cat, Change Cat Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II S (3') Rare 270
Cat, Crypt, Large Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II S (4') Very Rare 650
Cat, Crypt, Normal Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II T (18-28") Very Rare 120
Cat, Domestic Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II T (1') Common 35
Cat, Elven Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II T (1') Rare 1400
Cat, Great, Cath Shee Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (4') Rare 975
Cat, Great, Cheetah Monstrous Manual M (4-4.5') Uncommon 175
Cat, Great, Giant Lynx Monstrous Manual M (4.5') Rare 175
Cat, Great, Jaguar Monstrous Manual L (5-6') Uncommon 420
Cat, Great, Leopard Monstrous Manual M (4-4.5') Uncommon 270
Cat, Great, Lion Monstrous Manual M (4.5-6.5') Uncommon 650
Cat, Great, Lion, Mountain Monstrous Manual M (4-5') Uncommon 270
Cat, Great, Lion, Spotted Monstrous Manual L (4.5-6.5') Rare 975
Cat, Great, Pardal Dragon Magazine 187 M (5-6') Rare 650
Cat, Great, Smilodon Monstrous Manual L (8-12') Rare 1400
Cat, Great, Snow Tiger Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L (7-10') Uncommon 975
Cat, Great, Tiger, Wild Monstrous Manual L (6-9') Uncommon 650
Cat, Leopard, Marsh Nehwon M (4-4.5') Rare 175
Cat, Luck Eater Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II T (1') Rare 420
Cat, Marine Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix S (2') Rare 120+
Cat, Midnight Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (1') Very Rare 1400
Cat, Moat Dragon Magazine 243 M (4-5') Very Rare 175
Cat, Plains The Awakening L (5') Rare 420
Cat, Psionic, Tagster Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix M (4') Uncommon 270
Cat, Psionic, Tigone Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix M (5-7') Uncommon 420
Cat, Sand Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II S (2-3') Uncommon 120
Cat, Skeletal Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (1') Uncommon 65
Cat, Small, Domestic Monstrous Manual T (1') Common 7
Cat, Small, Elven Monstrous Manual T (1') Rare 650
Cat, Small, Wild Monstrous Manual T (1-2') Uncommon 35
Cat, Tiger, Ebon Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (8') Very Rare 975
Cat, Tiger, Thylacine Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I L (8') Rare 650
Cat, War Lankhmar: City of Adventure L (6') Very Rare 6000
Cat, Water Dragon Magazine 238 T (1') Rare 420
Cat, Wild Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II T (1-2') Uncommon 65
Cat, Winged, Greater City of Delights L (6-7') Very Rare 975
Cat, Winged, Greater (Jana-nimr) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (6-7') Very Rare 650
Cat, Winged, Lesser City of Delights T (1-2') Very Rare 175
Cat, Winged, Lesser Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T (1-2') Very Rare 65
Cat, Winged, Tressym Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T (2') Very Rare 175
Caterwaul Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M (5') Rare 270
Catfish, Stalking Dragon Magazine 267 G (30') Very Rare 4000
Catoblepas Monstrous Manual L (6') Very Rare 975
Cave Fisher Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (7') Rare 175
Cave Fisher Monstrous Manual M (7') Rare 175
Centaur Monstrous Manual L (8-9') Rare 175
Centaur, Desert Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M (6') Rare 120+
Centaur, Desert Rary the Traitor L (8-9') Rare 270
Centaur, Leader Monstrous Manual L (8-9') Rare 270
Centaur, Nomadic The Horde L (8-9') Rare 420
Centaur, Priest Monstrous Manual L (8-9') Rare 420
Centaur, Sylvan Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix L (8-9') Rare 175+
Centaur-Kin, Dorvesh Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (5') Very Rare 270+
Centaur-Kin, Gnoat Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (5'+) Very Rare 270+
Centaur-Kin, Ha'Pony Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (4.5-5') Very Rare 175+
Centaur-Kin, Zebranaur Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (6') Very Rare 175+
Centipede, Giant Monstrous Manual T (1') Common 35
Centipede, Huge Monstrous Manual T (6") Common 35
Centipede, Megalo Monstrous Manual M (5') Very Rare 175
Centipede, Spirit, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix S (4') Very Rare 975
Centipede, Spirit, Least Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix T (6") Very Rare 120
Centipede, Spirit, Lesser Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix T (1') Very Rare 270
Centipede, Tunnel Monstrous Manual G (25') Rare 1400
Ceremorph, Mozgriken Dragon Magazine 255 S (3') Very Rare 650
Ceremorph, Tzakandi Dragon Magazine 255 M (7') Rare 1400
Cetus, Lesser Dragon Magazine 248 G (60') Very Rare 8000
Chac Maztica Campaign Set M (5-7') Very Rare 1400
Changeling, Faerie Blood Spawn S (2-4') Very Rare 1400
Changeling, Human (Adult) Blood Spawn M (5-6') Very Rare 65
Changeling, Human (Child) Blood Spawn S (2-4') Very Rare 7
Changeling (Kin) The Shadow Rift M (6') Uncommon 35+
Chaos Beast Planes of Chaos M (5-7') Very Rare 2000+
Charuntes Dragon Magazine 210 M Very Rare 7000+
Cha'thrang Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix M (6') Rare 2000
Chattur Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix S (1-2') Common 15
Chevall Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (5-8') Rare 650
Chiang Lung (River Dragon) Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I G (50' base) Rare 2000+
Children of the Sea, Accantus Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (5-7') Very Rare 650
Children of the Sea, Child Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (5-7') Rare 120
Chimera Monstrous Manual L (5') Rare 5000
Chimera, Gorgimera Monstrous Manual L (5') Very Rare 6000
Chitine Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I S (4') Rare 120
Chitine Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II S (4') Rare 65
Chitine, Prestess (Choldrith) Dragon Magazine 223 M (5') Very Rare 450
Choker Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S (3.5') Rare 120
Chosen One Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M Rare 175
Chososion Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III M (6') Very Rare 8000
Chraal Dungeon Magazine 76 L (8') Very Rare 4000
Chronolily Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II G (50') Very Rare 65
Chronovoid Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III Special Common 9000
Chulcrix Dragon's Rest G (100') Very Rare 18000
Chu-u Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (5') Very Rare 3000
Cildabrin Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II H (13') Very Rare 7000
Cilops The Ivory Triangle H (15') Rare 420
Cilops Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II H (15') Rare 420
Cinnavixen Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix S (3') Uncommon 65
Cistern Fiend Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix G (40'+) Rare 10000
Clam, Giant Dragon Magazine 190 M Rare 430
Clam, Giant, Carnivorous Scallop Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (6') Very Rare 650
Clam, Giant, Oyster Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (6') Rare 175
Cloaker Monstrous Manual L (8') Very Rare 1400
Cloaker, Lord Menzoberranzan H (12'+) Very Rare 2000
Cloaker, Resplendent Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (7') Very Rare 2000
Cloaker, Sea Lankhmar: City of Adventure M (5') Very Rare 270
Cloaker, Shadow Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (7') Very Rare 2000
Cloaker, Undead Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (7') Very Rare 2000
Clockwork Horror, Adamantite Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix S (2') Unique 6000
Clockwork Horror, Adamantite Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV S (2') Unique 6000
Clockwork Horror, Copper Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix S (2') Uncommon 65
Clockwork Horror, Copper Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV S (2') Uncommon 65
Clockwork Horror, Electrum Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix S (2') Rare 175
Clockwork Horror, Electrum Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV S (2') Rare 175
Clockwork Horror, Gold Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix S (2') Very Rare 975
Clockwork Horror, Gold Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV S (2') Very Rare 975
Clockwork Horror, Platinum Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix S (2') Unique 1400
Clockwork Horror, Platinum Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV S (2') Unique 1400
Clockwork Horror, Silver Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix S (2') Rare 120
Clockwork Horror, Silver Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV S (2') Rare 120
Clockwork Swordsman Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (6') Very Rare 650+
Clubthorn Dragon Magazine 167 L-H Uncommon 975
Cockatrice Monstrous Manual S (3') Uncommon 650
Cockatrice, Pyrolisk Monstrous Manual S (3') Rare 1400
Coelenite Golden Voyages M (4-6') Very Rare 270
Coffer Corpse Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M (4-7') Very Rare 65
Coffer Corpse Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (4-7') Very Rare 65
Cold Spawn Nehwon L (8') Very Rare 5000
Cold Woman Lankhmar: City of Adventure G (30') Unique 17000
Colliebirddogs Polyhedron 56 M Rare 975
Colossus Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix G (60') Very Rare 27000
Colossus, Stone Old Empires H (18') Rare 18000
Coltpixy Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T-L (1-7') Very Rare 120
Conashellae Polyhedron 80 T (2') Common 10
Constellate Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II G (1-100 million sq.mile) Common N/A
Contemplator Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II L (12') Very Rare 13000
Con-Tinh Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (5') Rare 2000
Coral, Brain Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV S (2') Very Rare 175
Coral, Death Nehwon T (2") Common 270
Coral, Giant Nehwon L to H (7-20') Very Rare 270+
Coral, Worm Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV L to H (7-20') Very Rare 270+
Corpse Candle Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6') Very Rare 1400
Couatl Monstrous Manual L (12') Very Rare 6000
Cow, Sand In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil M Common 65
Crabman Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M-L (7-10') Rare 65
Crabman Monstrous Manual M-L (7-10') Rare 65
Crawling Claw Monstrous Manual T (6") Rare 35
Crawling Claw, Flying Fingers Dragon Magazine 188 T (6") Rare 270
Crimson Bones The Shadow Rift M (6') Uncommon 270
Critter, Temple Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix T (1') Uncommon 175
Crocodile Monstrous Manual L (8-15') Common 65
Crocodile, Albino Dragon Magazine 238 M (4-5') Common 420
Crocodile, Giant Monstrous Manual H (21-30') Very Rare 1400
Crocodilian, Brute Dragon Magazine 268 L (8') Very Rare 175
Crocodilian, Master Dragon Magazine 268 M (6-7') Very Rare 270+
Crodlu Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (10'+) Common 420
Crodlu, Heavy Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (12'+) Rare 2000
Crustacean, Giant Crab Monstrous Manual L (8-15') Rare 65
Crustacean, Giant Crayfish Monstrous Manual L (8+') Uncommon 175
Crustaid Polyhedron 130 G (30-50') Very Rare 4500
Crypt Servant City of Delights M (4-7') Rare 650
Crypt Servant Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (4-7') Rare 650
Crypt Thing Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix M (6') Very Rare 650
Crypt Thing Monstrous Manual M (6') Very Rare 975
Crystalmist Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix T (1') Uncommon 2000
Curotai Wild Elves L (9') Rare 2000
Cursed Dead (Hungry Body) Black Flames M Common 70
Cursed One Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (4-7') Rare 3000
Curst City of Splendors M Rare 120+
Curst Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (5-6') Rare Varies
Dabus Planescape Campaign Setting M (6') Uncommon 75+
Daegandal The Book of Magecraft M (4-6') Mythical 4270
Daemon Warrior Dragon Magazine 246 M (4-7') Very Rare 5000
Daemonlord Chaos Spawn L (12') Very Rare 21000
Dagorran Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (4-6') Rare 1400
Dark Creeper Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix S (4') Rare 120
Dark Lord Dragon Magazine 210 M Very Rare 17000+
Dark Stalker Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M (6') Very Rare 175
Darkenbeast Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I M (4-5') Very Rare 975
Darkhood (Rorphyr) Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Very Rare 5000
Darklight Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III M (6') Very Rare 7000
Darkling Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (6') Very Rare 420
Darklore Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV L (10') Very Rare 6000
Darkness, Greater Dungeon Magazine 81 M (6') Very Rare 8000
Darkness, Lesser Dungeon Magazine 81 M (6') Very Rare 270
Darkness, Normal Dungeon Magazine 81 M (6') Very Rare 2000
Darktentacles The Ruins of Undermountain L-H (7-15'+) Very Rare 14000
Darktentacles Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L to H (7-15'+) Very Rare 14000
Darkweaver Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (4') Very Rare 8000
Darkwing Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (5') Very Rare 65
Darter Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix T (1-2') Rare 120
Dawnspirit Polyhedron 67 M (6') Very Rare 3000
Death Knight Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (6-7') Very Rare 6000
Death Knight Monstrous Manual M (6-7') Very Rare 6000
Death Linen, Killer Pillow Dragon Magazine 252 T-M Rare 175
Death Linen, Flannel Beast Dragon Magazine 252 M Rare 420
Death Linen, Sheet Dragon Magazine 252 M Rare 1400
Death Shade Skull & Crossbows N/A Very Rare 2000
Deathmare Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (8') Very Rare 650
Death's Head Tree Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness H (15-20') Rare 1400
Debbi Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix S (2') Uncommon 65
Decapus Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (4') Rare 175
Deep Glaurant Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (8') Very Rare 2000
Deepspawn Monstrous Manual H (14') Very Rare 12000
Deer, Fey (Byut) Dragon Magazine 269 S (1') Rare 35
Delphinid Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix L (9') Uncommon 120
Delphon Planes of Conflict L (8') Rare 1400
Demarax Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (6') Very Rare 2000
Denizen Waterdeep M or L Common 650+
Denzelian Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix L (10') Very Rare 420
Devete Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III M (5') Rare 975
Devourer, Lankhmar Lankhmar: City of Adventure L (7'+) Very Rare 5000
Devourer (Planescape) Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (8') Very Rare 13000
Dhampir A Guide to Transylvania M Rare 475+
Dhaot Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (6') Uncommon 650+
Dharculus Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV H (30') Very Rare 3000
Dharum Suhn Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III H (20') Uncommon 32000
Dhour Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II L (8') Rare 7000
Dhrakoth (The Corrupter) Dragon Magazine 260 G (100') Unique 37000
Diabolus Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Very Rare Varies
Diakk, Carcene Planes of Conflict M (5') Common 4000
Diakk, Varath Planes of Conflict L (8') Common 2000
Dimensional Warper Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II M (6') Very Rare 3500+
Dinosaur, Allosaurus Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II G (40') Uncommon 9000
Dinosaur, Ankylosaurus Monstrous Manual H (15') Uncommon 1400
Dinosaur, Aquatic, Archelon Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (12') Uncommon 420
Dinosaur, Aquatic, Dinichthys Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (25'+) Common 4000
Dinosaur, Aquatic, Mosasaurus Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II G (50') Uncommon 4000
Dinosaur, Aquatic, Nothosaurus Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (10'+) Uncommon 650
Dinosaur, Aquatic, Plesiosaurus Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (18'+) Common 12000
Dinosaur, Aquatic, Temnodontosaurus Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II G (30') Rare 2000
Dinosaur, Brachiosaurus Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I
Dinosaur, Brontosaurus Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II G (70') Common 22000
Dinosaur, Camarasaurus Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I
Dinosaur, Camptosaurus Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I
Dinosaur, Ceratosaurus Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (17') Uncommon 650
Dinosaur, Compsognathus Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II T (1.5') Common 35
Dinosaur, Dacentrurus Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I
Dinosaur, Deinonychus Monstrous Manual L (12') Rare 270
Dinosaur, Deinosuchus Dragon Magazine 187 G (49') Rare 10000
Dinosaur, Dimetrodon Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (9') Uncommon 65+
Dinosaur, Diplodocus Monstrous Manual G (80') Common 16000
Dinosaur, Dilophosaurus Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I
Dinosaur, Elasmosaurus Monstrous Manual G (50') Uncommon 6000
Dinosaur, Euparkeria Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II S (3') Common 35
Dinosaur, Gorgosaurus Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II G (30') Uncommon 5000
Dinosaur, Iguanodon Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (9') Common 65+
Dinosaur, Kentrosaurus Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I
Dinosaur, Kronosaurus Dragon Magazine 187 G (42') Rare 11000
Dinosaur, Lambeosaurus Monstrous Manual H (20') Common 2000
Dinosaur, Mamenchisaurus Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I
Dinosaur, Massospondylus Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I
Dinosaur, Megalosaurus Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I
Dinosaur, Monoclonius Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II S (3') Common 35
Dinosaur, Ornitholestes Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I
Dinosaur, Paleocinthus Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I
Dinosaur, Pentaceratops Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I
Dinosaur, Plateosaurus Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (20'+) Common 650
Dinosaur, Podokesaurus Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I
Dinosaur, Pteranodon Monstrous Manual L (30') Common 175
Dinosaur, Pterosaurus Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I
Dinosaur, Shonisaurus Dragon Magazine 187 G (49') Rare 12000
Dinosaur, Stegosaurus Monstrous Manual H (25') Common 9000
Dinosaur, Struthiomimus Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (16'+) Uncommon 420
Dinosaur, Styracosaurus Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I
Dinosaur, Tanystropheus Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (30-40') Rare 650
Dinosaur, Teratosaurus Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (20') Uncommon 1400
Dinosaur, Trachodon Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II G (30'+) Common 2000
Dinosaur, Triceratops Monstrous Manual H (24'+) Common 8000
Dinosaur, Tyranosaurus Monstrous Manual G (50') Uncommon 12000
Dinosaur, Utahraptor Dungeon Magazine 54 L (20') Rare 975
Dinosaur, Velociraptor Dragon Magazine 187 M (6') Uncommon 270
Dirtwraith (Sargusian Fungus) Dragon Magazine 270 Varies Uncommon to Rare 420+
Disenchanter Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L (5') Very Rare 650
Disir Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (6-7') Very Rare 975
Displacer Beast Monstrous Manual L (8-12') Very Rare 975
Displacer Beast, Shadow Panther Dragon Magazine 251 L (10-12') Very Rare 650
Dispossessed Blood Spawn M (6') Uncommon 975
Dizantar Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix L (8') Very Rare 5000
Doc cu'o'c Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (5') Very Rare 6000
Dog, Aoskian Hound In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil M (5') ? 120
Dog, Blink Dog Monstrous Manual M (4') Rare 270
Dog, Blood Hound Blood Spawn M (4-6') Very Rare 120
Dog, Bog Hound Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (6') Very Rare 65
Dog, Brak Twan (Dwarven Tunnel Hound) Dragon Magazine 269 M (4-5') Rare 120
Dog, Cwn Annwn Blood Spawn L (7') Uncommon to Very Rare 2000
Dog, Death Monstrous Manual M (6') Very Rare 120
Dog, Fenhound Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness L (8') Very Rare 2000
Dog, Hound of Ill Omen Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5') Very Rare 0
Dog, Hound-of-the-Hill Dragon Magazine 158 M (4-6') Uncommon 65
Dog, Moon Dog Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (3') Rare 30500
Dog, Moon Dog Monstrous Manual M (3') Rare 9000
Dog, Moor Hound Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (7') Very Rare 3000
Dog, Phantom Hound Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (5-6') Very Rare 175
Dog, Ruve Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix S (3') Uncommon 975
Dog, Saluqi Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I S (3') Uncommon 120
Dog, Shadowhound Giantcraft M Very Rare 270
Dog, Silver Dog Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II M (5') Very Rare 1000+
Dog, Skeletal Hound Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness S to M (3-5') Very Rare 65
Dog, Spectral Hound Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (5') Very Rare 975
Dog, Stalking Death Wonders of Lankhmar L (7') Very Rare 4000
Dog, Temporal Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (3-4') Uncommon 375
Dog, Vos Hound Blood Spawn M (4-6') Very Rare 120
Dog, War Monstrous Manual M (4-6') Uncommon 65
Dog, Weisshund Falconmaster Varies Very Rare 650
Dog, Wild Monstrous Manual S (3') Common 35
Dog, Yeth Hound Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix M (4-5') Very Rare 3000
Dog, Yeth Hound Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (4-5') Very Rare 975
Dohwar Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II S (4') Common 65+
Dolphin Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Uncommon 120
Dolphin, Athasian Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (5-6') Uncommon 270
Doom Guard Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (6') Rare 2000
Doppelganger Monstrous Manual M Very Rare 420
Doppelganger, Greater City of Splendors M-L Very Rare 4000
Doppelganger, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M-L Very Rare 4000
Doppelganger, Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (5') Rare 650
Doppelganger Plant Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I G (10' per HP) Very Rare 25000
Doppelganger Plant, Podling Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (6') Very Rare Varies
Doppleganger, Uran Polyhedron 72 M Very Rare 2000
Dowagu Black Courser H (12') Very Rare 14000
Dracimera Dragon Magazine 170 L (5') Very Rare 9000+
Dracimera Cult of the Dragon L (5') Very Rare 9000+
Dracohydra Cult of the Dragon G (45' base) Very Rare 1400+
Dracolich Monstrous Manual As per dragon type Very Rare Varies
Dracolich Cult of the Dragon As base Very Rare Varies
Dracon Adventures in Space L (10-12') Rare 270
Draconian, Aurak Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (7') Rare 6000
Draconian, Baaz Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (5.5') Uncommon 175
Draconian, Bozak Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (6'+) Uncommon 1400
Draconian, Kapak Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (6') Uncommon 650
Draconian, Sesk Dragon Dawn M (4-5') Very Rare 100
Draconian, Sivak Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix L (9') Uncommon 2000
Draconian (Proto), Traag Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (5-6') Very Rare 120+
Dragger The City of Ravens Bluff L (8-12') Rare 1400+
Dragon, Adamantite Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix G (54' base) Very Rare 19000+
Dragon, Air Realmspace G (50') Very rare 20000+
Dragon, Amphi Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix H (25'+) Rare 1400+
Dragon, Astral, Mated Pair Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix G (50') Very Rare 40000
Dragon, Astral, Unmated Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (5') Very Rare 1400
Dragon, Dragon of Tyr Dragon Kings G (40') Very Rare Varies
Dragon, Beastiary Dragon Magazine 199 G (50' base) Very Rare 1400+
Dragon, Beljuril Dragon Magazine 265 G (50' base) Very Rare 2000+
Dragon, Brine Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (26' base) Very Rare 1400+
Dragon, Brown Monstrous Manual G (54') Very Rare 2000+
Dragon, Brown Old Empires G (54' base) Very Rare 1400+
Dragon, Cerilian Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III G (40' base) Very Rare 22000+
Dragon, Chromatic, Black Monstrous Manual G (30') Rare 4000+
Dragon, Chromatic, Blue Monstrous Manual G (42') Very Rare 6000+
Dragon, Chromatic, Green Monstrous Manual G (36') Very Rare 5000+
Dragon, Chromatic, Red Monstrous Manual G (48') Very Rare 7000+
Dragon, Chromatic, White Monstrous Manual H (24') Rare 3000+
Dragon, Cloud Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix G (66') Very Rare 3000+
Dragon, Cloud Monstrous Manual G (66') Very Rare 3000+
Dragon, Crimson Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix G (100'+) Very Rare 2000+
Dragon, Crystalline Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix G (40' base) Very Rare 5000+
Dragon, Deep Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II H (24') Rare 2000+
Dragon, Deep Monstrous Manual H (24') Rare 3000+
Dragon, Dregoth (The Undead Dragon King) City by the Silt Sea G (30') Unique 38000
Dragon, Dzalmaus Dragon Magazine 163 G (30' base) Very Rare 420+
Dragon, Electrum Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I G (36' base) Rare 2000+
Dragon, Eormennoth The City of Ravens Bluff G (78') Unique 20000
Dragon, Fang (Draco Dentus Terribilus) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I G (36' base) Very Rare 1400+
Dragon, Ferrous, Chromium (Chrome) Dragon Magazine 170 G (45' base) Very Rare 2000+
Dragon, Ferrous, Colbalt Dragon Magazine 170 G (38' base) Very Rare 2000+
Dragon, Ferrous, Iron Dragon Magazine 170 G (53' base) Very Rare 3000+
Dragon, Ferrous, Nickel Dragon Magazine 170 G (27' base) Very Rare 975+
Dragon, Ferrous, Tungsten Dragon Magazine 170 G (32' base) Rare 1400+
Dragon, Fire Dragon Magazine 246 G (55' base) Very Rare 4000+
Dragon, Gem, Amethyst Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix G (30' base) Very Rare 3000+
Dragon, Gem, Amethyst Monstrous Manual G (30') Very Rare 4000+
Dragon, Gem, Crystal Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix L (12' base) Very Rare 1400+
Dragon, Gem, Crystal Monstrous Manual L (12') Very Rare 1400+
Dragon, Gem, Emerald Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix H (20' base) Very Rare 1400+
Dragon, Gem, Emerald Monstrous Manual H (20') Very Rare 2000+
Dragon, Gem, Sapphire Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix H (24' base) Very Rare 1400+
Dragon, Gem, Sapphire Monstrous Manual G (24') Very Rare 2000+
Dragon, Gem, Topaz Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix H (15' base) Very Rare 1400+
Dragon, Gem, Topaz Monstrous Manual H (15') Very Rare 2000+
Dragon, Ghost Cult of the Dragon G (40-100') Very Rare 10500+
Dragon, Ghost Dragon Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III G (40-100') Very Rare 10500+
Dragon, Gorynych Dragon Magazine 158 G (50') Very Rare 6000
Dragon, Greater Purple, Gaumahavi Storm Riders G (125') Unique 18000
Dragon, Greater Undead, Ghost Dragon Magazine 234 As base Very Rare Varies
Dragon, Greater Undead, Mummy Dragon Magazine 234 As base Very Rare Varies
Dragon, Greater Undead, Spectre Dragon Magazine 234 As base Very Rare Varies
Dragon, Greater Undead, Vampire Dragon Magazine 234 As base Very Rare Varies
Dragon, Greater Undead, Wraith Dragon Magazine 234 As base Very Rare Varies
Dragon, Greyhawk Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix H (25') Very Rare 2000+
Dragon, Gruaghlothor (Supreme Ruler of the Ferrous Dragons) Dragon Magazine 170 G (185') Unique 35000
Dragon, Half Dragon Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (6.5') Very Rare 15
Dragon, Jade Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix G (35' base) Very Rare 5000+
Dragon, Kodragon Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix S (3') Very Rare 2000
Dragon, Lesser Undead, Ghast Dragon Magazine 234 As base Very Rare Varies
Dragon, Lesser Undead, Ghoul Dragon Magazine 234 As base Very Rare Varies
Dragon, Lesser Undead, Skeleton Dragon Magazine 234 As base Very Rare Varies
Dragon, Lesser Undead, Skeleton Cult of the Dragon As base Very Rare Varies
Dragon, Lesser Undead, Wight Dragon Magazine 234 As base Very Rare Varies
Dragon, Lesser Undead, Zombie Dragon Magazine 234 As base Very Rare Varies
Dragon, Lesser Undead, Zombie Cult of the Dragon As base Very Rare Varies
Dragon, Linnorm, Corpse Tearer Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I G (330') Unique 35000
Dragon, Linnorm, Dread Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I G (68' base) Very Rare 13000+
Dragon, Linnorm, Flame Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I G (40' base) Very Rare 14000+
Dragon, Linnorm, Forest Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I H-G (21' base) Very Rare 1400+
Dragon, Linnorm, Frost Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I G (48' base) Very Rare 6000+
Dragon, Linnorm, Gray Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I H-G (18' base) Very Rare 7000+
Dragon, Linnorm, Land Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I H (48' base) Very Rare 8000+
Dragon, Linnorm, Midgard Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I G (500') Unique 31000
Dragon, Linnorm, Rain Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I H-G (20' base) Very Rare 2000+
Dragon, Linnorm, Sea Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I G (48' base) Very Rare 5000+
Dragon, Maztica Fires of Zatal G (30' base) Very Rare 10000+
Dragon, Mercury Monstrous Manual H (25') Very Rare 1400+
Dragon, Metallic, Brass Monstrous Manual G (30') Rare 4000+
Dragon, Metallic, Bronze Monstrous Manual G (42') Very Rare 6000+
Dragon, Metallic, Copper Monstrous Manual G (36') Rare 5000+
Dragon, Metallic, Gold Monstrous Manual G (54') Very Rare 8000+
Dragon, Metallic, Silver Monstrous Manual G (48') Very Rare 7000+
Dragon, Mist Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix G (54') Very Rare 1400+
Dragon, Mist Monstrous Manual G (54') Very Rare 3000+
Dragon, Mithril Practical Planetology G (40' base) Very rare Variable
Dragon, Moon Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II G (25' base) Rare 1400+
Dragon, Neutral, Amber Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III H-G (20' base) Very Rare 8000+
Dragon, Neutral, Jacinth Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I H-G (16' base) Very Rare 7000+
Dragon, Neutral, Jade Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I H-G (18' base) Very Rare 7000+
Dragon, Neutral, Moonstone Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV H to G (18'+) Very Rare 8000+
Dragon, Neutral, Pearl Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I H-G (14' base) Very Rare 1400+
Dragon, Onyx Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix G (30' base) Very Rare 2000+
Dragon, Orange (Sodium) Dragon Magazine 248 G (39' base) Very Rare 1400+
Dragon, Othlorx Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix Varies Very Rare Varies
Dragon, Paper Dragon Magazine 156 T (6") Very Rare 650
Dragon, Pink Dragon Magazine 156 L (36') Very Rare 650+
Dragon, Prismatic Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV G (30'+) Very Rare 8000+
Dragon, Purple (Energy) Dragon Magazine 248 G (45' base) Very Rare 3000+
Dragon, Radiant (Celestial) Adventures in Space G (100' base) Very Rare 4000+
Dragon, Red, Mistinarperadnacles Villains' Lorebook G (300') Very Rare 22000
Dragon, Red Hawk Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix H-G (50'+) Rare 1400+
Dragon, Ruby Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix G (48' base) Very Rare 4000+
Dragon, Rust Planes of Law G (30' base) Rare 4000+
Dragon, Sea Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix G (35'+) Rare 2000+
Dragon, Shadow Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix H (21') Very Rare 4000+
Dragon, Shadow Monstrous Manual H (21') Very Rare 4000+
Dragon, Spider Wild Elves G (25' base) Very Rare 975+
Dragon, Steel Monstrous Manual H (25') Very Rare 1400+
Dragon, Stellar Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II G (1200' base) Very Rare 54000
Dragon, Sun Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II G (30' base) Rare 1400+
Dragon, Vore Lekeniskiy (Master Fire Worm) Dragon Magazine 248 G (unknown) Unique 28000
Dragon, Yellow Monstrous Manual G (36') Very Rare 2000+
Dragon, Yellow (Salt) Dragon Magazine 248 G (30' base) Very Rare 1400+
Dragon Fish, Electric Dragon Magazine 190 L (8') Very Rare 750
Dragon Fish, Giant Dragon Magazine 190 L (10') Rare 650
Dragon Fish, Saber-toothed Dragon Magazine 190 L (12') Very Rare 975
Dragon of Tyr Dark Sun Campaign Setting Revised G (40') Unique 42000
Dragon Turtle Monstrous Manual G (30') Very Rare 10000+
Dragonet Dragon Magazine 248 L (12') Rare 1400
Dragonet, Common Dragon Magazine 158 M (6') Rare 420
Dragonet, Crow's-nest Dragon Dragon Magazine 272 T (2') Rare 270
Dragonet, Faerie Dragon Monstrous Manual T (1-1.5') Very Rare 3000
Dragonet, Firedrake Monstrous Manual S (4') Rare 420
Dragonet, Geyser Dragon Dragon Magazine 272 T-S (2-4') Very Rare 120+
Dragonet, Mole Dragon Dragon Magazine 272 M (5') Very Rare 975+
Dragonet, Pavilion Dragon Dragon Magazine 272 S (2-4') Rare 650
Dragonet, Pseudodragon Monstrous Manual T (1.5') Very Rare 420
Dragonfly, Black Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S (3-4') Very Rare 275
Dragonfly, Blue Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S (3-4') Very Rare 270
Dragonfly, Giant Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix M (6-8') Rare 1400+
Dragonfly, Giant, Larva Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix M (4-6') Rare 650+
Dragonfly, Green Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S (3-4') Very Rare 275
Dragonfly, Red Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S (3-4') Very Rare 270
Dragonfly, White Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S (3-4') Very Rare 120
Dragonfly Turtle Dragon Magazine 243 L (10') Very Rare 35+
Dragon-kin Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (7-9') Very Rare 1400
Dragon-kin, Albino Wyrm Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV H to G (20'+) Rare 1400+
Dragon-kin, Cult of the Dragon Cult of the Dragon L (7-9') Very Rare 2000
Dragon-kin, Sea Wyrm Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L-H (7-25') Rare 1400+
Dragon-kin, Tribal Cult of the Dragon L (7-9') Very Rare 1400
Dragonne Monstrous Manual M (5') Very Rare 2000
Dragonnel Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix H (24') Very Rare 2000
Drake, Athasian, Air Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix G (25'+) Very Rare 34000
Drake, Athasian, Earth Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix G (30'+) Very Rare 33000
Drake, Athasian, Fire Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix G (25'+) Very Rare 28000
Drake, Athasian, Water Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix H (20'+) Very Rare 28000
Drake, Greater, Arsalon Dragon Magazine 260 L Very Rare 2000
Drake, Greater, Fumarandi Dragon Magazine 260 L Very Rare 975
Drake, Greater, Kavainus Dragon Magazine 260 L Very Rare 975
Drake, Greater, Retchenbeast Dragon Magazine 260 M-L Very Rare 650
Drake, Greater, Silislithis Dragon Magazine 260 L Very Rare 1400
Drake, Greater, Vandalaug Dragon Magazine 260 L Rare 2000
Drake, Magma Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II G (60') Very Rare 9000
Drake, Mystaran, Colddrake Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S (3-4') Rare 650
Drake, Mystaran, Elemental Drake Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (8') Very Rare 975
Drake, Mystaran, Mandrake Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Rare 270
Drake, Mystaran, Wooddrake Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (3-5') Rare 420
Drake, Rain Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II G (50') Very Rare 7000
Drake, Silt Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II G (70') Rare 7000
Drake, Space Skull & Crossbows G (50') Very Rare 8000
Drake, Sun Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II G (80') Rare 17000
Drake, Wyvern Dragon Magazine 170 G (45') Very Rare 9000+
Draknor Dungeon Magazine 24 G (56') Very Rare 26000
Dray City by the Silt Sea M (7') Common Varies
Dray Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (7') Common Varies
Dread Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I S (4') Rare 975+
Dread Warrior Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M Rare 175
Dream Spawn, Greater, Ennui Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (6') Very Rare 6000
Dream Spawn, Lesser, Gray Morph Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III S (4') Common 420
Dream Spawn, Lesser, Shadow Morph Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5') Rare 975
Dream Stalker Requiem: The Grim Harvest T (4") Very Rare 650
Dreamshadow Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix Varies Very Rare Varies
Dreamslayer Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II M (7') Very Rare 10000
Dreamstalker Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV T (4") Very Rare 650
Dreamweaver Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III T (6") Common 420
Dreamwraith Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix Varies Very Rare 2000
Drik Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II G (36') Very Rare 9000
Drik, High Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II H (18') Very Rare 9000
Dryad Monstrous Manual M (5') Very Rare 975
Dryad, Hamadryad Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II M (5-5.5') Very Rare 650
Dryad, Hamadryad Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5-5.5') Very Rare 650
Dryad, Hamadryad Nehwon M Very Rare 3000
Duck, Man-Drake Dragon Magazine 156 T (1') or M (5-6') Rare 65+
Duckbunny Dragon Magazine 243 T Rare 7
Duhlarkin, Generic City of Splendors Special Very Rare Special
Duhlarkin, Wolveraven City of Splendors M Very Rare 175
Dune Freak Dark Sun Campaign Setting Revised M (6') Uncommon 650
Dune Reaper, Drone Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (8') Common 4000
Dune Reaper, Warrior Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (10') Common 6000
Dune Runner Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix M (7') Very Rare Varies
Dune Stalker Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M (7') Very Rare 2000
Dune Trapper Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix G (100'+) Very Rare 19000
Duruch'i-lin, Ch'i-lin Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix G (75') Very Rare 18000
Duruch'i-lin, Duru Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix G (60') Very Rare 15000
Dusanu (Rot Fiend) Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Very Rare 3000
Dvati Dragon Magazine 271 M (5-6') Rare 175
Dwarf, Aquatic Port of Raven's Bluff S to M (4'+) Very Rare 270
Dwarf, Arctic Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III S (2-3') Rare Varies
Dwarf, Arctic, Inugaakalikurit Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III S (2-3') Rare Varies
Dwarf, Athasian Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II S (4') Uncommon 65+
Dwarf, Cursed Dead City by the Silt Sea M (4') Uncommon 1500
Dwarf, Daergar Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix S (4') Uncommon Varies
Dwarf, Derro From the Ashes S (4') Very Rare Varies
Dwarf, Derro Monstrous Manual S (4') Very Rare 975+
Dwarf, Duergar Monstrous Manual S (4') Very Rare 420+
Dwarf, Groundling Polyhedron 93 M (4') Very Rare 175
Dwarf, Gully (Aghar) Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix S (4') Rare Varies
Dwarf, Hill Monstrous Manual S-M (4'+) Common 175
Dwarf, Hill (Neidar) Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (4-5') Common Varies
Dwarf, Mountain Monstrous Manual M (4.5'+) Common 270
Dwarf, Mountain (Hylar) Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (4.5') Uncommon Varies
Dwarf, Theiwar Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix S (4') Very Rare Varies
Dwarf, Undead Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (4-5') Very Rare 1400
Dwarf, Urdunnir Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (4.5') Rare 975+
Dwarf, Utuchekulu Dungeon Magazine 56 S (3') Rare 35+
Dwarf, Wild Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II S (3') Rare 270
Dwarf, Zakhar Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix S (3') Very Rare Varies
Dweomerborn Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II L (8') Rare 9000
Eater of Knowledge Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II L (9') Very Rare 13000
Eel, Giant Moray Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L-H (8-20') Rare 420+
Eel, Poisonous Nehwon S (2') Rare 35
Eel, Super Dragon Magazine 190 G (50 to 180') Rare 975+
Egarus Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III T (6") Rare 270
Einheriar Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (6') Common Varies
Einheriar Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (6') Common Varies
Ekimmu Dragon Magazine 210 L Very Rare 2000
Ekimmu Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (10') Very Rare 3000
Eladrin, Greater, Firre Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (6') Rare 14000
Eladrin, Greater, Ghaele Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (6') or L (20') Rare 19000
Eladrin, Greater, Tulani Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (7') Very Rare 27000
Eladrin, Lesser, Bralani Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (5') Uncommon 9000
Eladrin, Lesser, Coure Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II S (2') Common 650
Eladrin, Lesser, Noviere Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (5' or 7') Uncommon 5000
Eladrin, Lesser, Shiere Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (7') Common 11000
Elder Eternal Evil, Dendar The Night Serpent Powers & Pantheons G (300') Unique 35000
Elder Eternal Evil, Ityak-Ortheel the Elf Eater Powers & Pantheons G (80') Unique 27000
Elder Eternal Evil, Kezef The Chaos Hound Powers & Pantheons H (15') Unique 34000
Elemental, Air Monstrous Manual L to H (8-16') Very Rare 3000+
Elemental, Air, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix L to H (8-16') Very Rare 7000+
Elemental, Air, Lesser Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix S-M (2-6') Rare 650+
Elemental, Air-Kin, Aerial Servant Monstrous Manual L (8') Very Rare 9000
Elemental, Air-Kin, Sylph Monstrous Manual M (4-5') Very Rare 2000
Elemental, Chaos, Eolian Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (10') Very Rare 5000
Elemental, Chaos, Erdeen Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (9') Very Rare 7000
Elemental, Chaos, Pyrophor Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (5') Very Rare 3000
Elemental, Chaos, Undine Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (12') Very Rare 4000
Elemental, Clerical (Athas) Dragon Kings Varies Very Rare Varies
Elemental, Composite, Arctic Tempest Monstrous Manual G (50') Very Rare 6000+
Elemental, Composite, Black Cloud of Vengeance Monstrous Manual G (50') Very Rare 6000+
Elemental, Composite, Skriaxit Monstrous Manual L (10') Very Rare 16000+
Elemental, Composite, Tempest Monstrous Manual G (50') Very Rare 6000+
Elemental, Darkness Dragon Magazine 227 L-H (8-16') Very Rare 3000+
Elemental, Earth Monstrous Manual L to H (8-16') Very Rare 2000+
Elemental, Earth, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix L to H (8-16') Very Rare 6000+
Elemental, Earth, Lesser Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix S-M (2-6') Rare 420+
Elemental, Earth Kin, Pech Monstrous Manual S (4') Rare 1400
Elemental, Earth Kin, Sandling Monstrous Manual L (10') Rare 420
Elemental, Earth Weird Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (10'+) Very Rare 5000
Elemental, Fire Monstrous Manual L to H (8-16') Very Rare 2000+
Elemental, Fire, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix L to H (8-16') Very Rare 6000+
Elemental, Fire, Lesser Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix S-M (2-6') Rare 420+
Elemental, Fire Kin, Tome Guardian Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III T (1-2') Very Rare 3000
Elemental, Fire-Kin, Fire Snake Monstrous Manual S (2-3') Uncommon 120
Elemental, Fire-Kin, Salamander Monstrous Manual M (7') Rare 2000
Elemental, Law, Anemo Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (5') Very Rare 6000
Elemental, Law, Helion Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T-G (1-40') Very Rare 6000
Elemental, Law, Hydrax Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (8') Very Rare 1400+
Elemental, Law, Kryst Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Very Rare 6000
Elemental, Nature Ruins of Zhentil Keep G (35'+) Very Rare 15000
Elemental, Nature Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II G (35'+) Very Rare 15000
Elemental, Negative Energy Return to the Tomb of Horrors L-H (8-16') Very Rare 5000+
Elemental, Para, Ice Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (8-16') Common 7000+
Elemental, Para, Magma Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (8-16') Common 3000+
Elemental, Para, Ooze Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (8-16') Common 3000+
Elemental, Para, Smoke Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (8-16') Common 3000+
Elemental, Quasi, Negative, Ash Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III M (6') Common 2000+
Elemental, Quasi, Negative, Dust Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III M (6') Common 3000+
Elemental, Quasi, Negative, Salt Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (9-12') Uncommon 2000+
Elemental, Quasi, Negative, Vacuum Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III S (4') Uncommon 2000+
Elemental, Quasi, Positive, Lightning Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III S (3') Common 2000+
Elemental, Quasi, Positive, Mineral Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (9-12') Common 2000+
Elemental, Quasi, Positive, Mineral, Chamrol Dragon Magazine 174 M-G (5-500') Unknown Varies
Elemental, Quasi, Positive, Mineral, Crystalle Dragon Magazine 174 L (22') Unique 16000
Elemental, Quasi, Positive, Mineral, Energy Pod Dragon Magazine 174 L (8') Rare 6000
Elemental, Quasi, Positive, Mineral, Glomus Dragon Magazine 174 S-L (1-10') Very Rare Varies
Elemental, Quasi, Positive, Mineral, Shard Dragon Magazine 174 M-L Uncommon Varies
Elemental, Quasi, Positive, Mineral, Spined Shard Dragon Magazine 174 L (12') Rare 10000
Elemental, Quasi, Positive, Mineral, Trilling Crysmal Dragon Magazine 174 L (7') Uncommon 12000
Elemental, Quasi, Positive, Radiance Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III S (3') Common 3000+
Elemental, Quasi, Positive, Steam Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III G (60') Common 2000+
Elemental, Ravenloft, Blood Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I L (8-16') Very Rare 3000+
Elemental, Ravenloft, Grave Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I L (8-16') Very Rare 3000+
Elemental, Ravenloft, Mist Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I L-H (8-16') Very Rare 4000+
Elemental, Ravenloft, Pyre Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I L-H (8-16') Very Rare 3000+
Elemental, Sandman Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (5-6') Rare 975
Elemental, Smoke The Awakening S (4') Very Rare 1400
Elemental, Water Monstrous Manual L to H (8-16') Very Rare 2000+
Elemental, Water, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix L to H (8-16') Very Rare 6000+
Elemental, Water, Lesser Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix S-M (2-6') Rare 420+
Elemental, Water-Kin, Nereid Monstrous Manual M (4-5') Very Rare 975
Elemental, Water-Kin, Water Weird Monstrous Manual L (10'+) Very Rare 420
Elemental, Wind Walker Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (10-12') Rare 2000
Elemental Beast, Air Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (8') Very Rare 3000
Elemental Beast, Earth Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (8') Very Rare 3000
Elemental Beast, Fire Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (8') Very Rare 3000
Elemental Beast, Para, Magma Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (12') Very Rare 3000
Elemental Beast, Para, Rain Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II H (16') Very Rare 3000
Elemental Beast, Para, Silt Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (12') Very Rare 3000
Elemental Beast, Para, Sun Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (16') Very Rare 3000
Elemental Beast, Water Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II S (1') Very Rare 300
Elemental Kin, Earth, Crysmal Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I S (3') Very Rare 4000
Elemental Kin, Fire, Azer Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (5') Very Rare 520+
Elemental Vermin, Air (Duster) City of Delights T (18") Rare 175
Elemental Vermin, Air (Duster) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T (18") Rare 175
Elemental Vermin, Earth (Crawler) City of Delights T (1') Rare 175
Elemental Vermin, Earth (Crawler) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T (1') Rare 175
Elemental Vermin, Fire (Flameling) City of Delights T (9") Rare 175
Elemental Vermin, Fire (Flameling) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T (9") Rare 175
Elemental Vermin, Water (Spitter) City of Delights T (1') Rare 175
Elemental Vermin, Water (Spitter) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T (1') Rare 175
Elephant, African Monstrous Manual L (11') Common 4000
Elephant, Mammoth Monstrous Manual L-H (10-14') Very Rare 6000
Elephant, Mastadon Monstrous Manual L (10') Very Rare 5000
Elephant, Oliphant Monstrous Manual L (8-10') Rare 2000+
Elephant Bird Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M (5') Rare 420
Elf Monstrous Manual M (5'+) Uncommon 420
Elf, Aquatic Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II M (6'+) Very Rare 420
Elf, Aquatic Monstrous Manual M (6'+) Very Rare 420
Elf, Athas Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (7') Common 35+
Elf, Drider Monstrous Manual L (9') Very Rare 3000+
Elf, Drow (Dark) Monstrous Manual M (5'+) Very Rare 650+
Elf, Ee'aar Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (5-6') Uncommon 650+
Elf, Grugach Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix M (4-5') Very Rare 120
Elf, Half Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (5-6') Very Rare Varies
Elf, High, Qualinesti Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (5') Uncommon Varies
Elf, High, Silvanesti Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (5') Uncommon Varies
Elf, Rockseer Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (7') Very Rare 420+
Elf, Sea, Dargonesti Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (5') Very Rare Varies
Elf, Sea, Dimernesti Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (5') Very Rare Varies
Elf, Valley Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix M (5-6') Very Rare 420
Elf, Wild, Kagonesti Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (5') Very Rare Varies
Elf, Winged (Avariel) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (5'+) Rare 650
Elghonn Dragon Annual 1996 M (7') Unique 15000
Elmarin Adventures in Space S (4') Rare 175+
Enduk Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (6-7') Rare 650+
Entrope Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III H (20') Very Rare 10000
Ephemeral Adventures in Space M (6') Rare 975
Erdland Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix L (10') Common 120+
Ermordenung Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (6') Rare 650
Ermordenung (Nostalia Romaine) Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix II M (5'11") Unique 1400
Esperweed Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix S (3') Rare Varies
Esthetic Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix G Very Rare 10000
Ethyk Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III S (1') Very Rare 175
Ethyk Planes of Conflict S (1') Rare to Very Rare 175
Ettercap Monstrous Manual M (6') Rare 650
Eyewing Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix L (15') Rare 650
Eyewing Monstrous Manual L (15') Rare 650
Facet (Creature) Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III M (5') Uncommon 175+
Fachan (Celts) Celts Campaign Sourcebook M (6') Very Rare 270
Fachan (Savage Coast) Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (9-11') Very Rare 2000+
Fachan (Toril) Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II S (2-4') Very Rare 650
Fael Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (6') Very Rare 975+
Faerie, Asrai Dragon Magazine 191 T (4.5") Rare 15
Faerie, Faerie Fiddler Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III T (2') Uncommon 270
Faerie, Faux Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix T (1-2') Very Rare 2000
Faerie, Glouras Dragon Magazine 227 S (3') Very Rare 650
Faerie, Petty, Bramble Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III T (3") Rare 65+
Faerie, Petty, Gorse Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III T (3") Uncommon 270
Faerie, Petty, Squeaker Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I S (1') Common 15
Faerie, Petty, Stwinger Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T (1.5-2') Common to Rare 15
Faerie, Seelie Blood Spawn T to L (6" to 12') Uncommon 2000
Faerie, Unseelie, Living Evil Blood Spawn T to L (6" to 12') Uncommon 2000
Faerie, Unseelie, Undead Blood Spawn T to L (6" to 12') Uncommon 3000
Faerie Phiz Dragon Magazine 191 S-L Very Rare 7000+
Fainil (Night Flyer) Dragon Magazine 244 M (5.5') Very Rare 270
Fal Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II G (50'+) Very Rare 6000
Familiar, Aryth Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T (1') Very Rare 2000
Familiar, Bogan Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T (1') Very Rare 2000
Familiar, Fylgar Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T (2') Very Rare 975
Familiar, Gretch Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T (2') Very Rare 1400
Familiar, Pseudo Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (2' or less) Very Rare Varies
Familiar, Ulzaq Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T (2') Very Rare 2000
Familiar, Undead Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (2' or less) Very Rare 1400
Feeblestar, Kuo-toan The Wyrmskull Throne T (8") Uncommon 35
Feeblestar, Normal The Wyrmskull Throne T (4") Rare 15
Feesu Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II S (2') Common 270
Feliquine Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (10') Uncommon 270+
Feng Huang Test of the Samurai G (100') Very Rare 24000
Fensir Planes of Chaos M-L (6-25') Uncommon 270+
Fetch Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (4-7') Very Rare 3000
Fetch (Myth) Dragon Magazine 261 M (5-6.5') Very Rare 175
Feylaar Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (8') Rare 2000
Feyr Monstrous Manual S (2') Very Rare 975
Feyr Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II S (2') Very Rare 975
Feyr, Great Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II M (7') Very Rare 11000
Feyr, Great Monstrous Manual M (7') Very Rare 13000
Feystag Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (4') Very Rare 975
Fhorge Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II L (5') Uncommon 1400
Fiend, Narvaezan Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (6') Very Rare 4000
Fiend, Water Lord Dragon Mountain L (10' tall) Very rare 12,000
Fiend Knight Dragon Magazine 206 M (6'+) Very Rare Varies
Figurine, Ceramic Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (3-15") Very Rare 975
Figurine, Crystal Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (6") Very Rare 3000
Figurine, Diamond Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (6") Very Rare 2000
Figurine, Ivory Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T to L (2" to 11') Very Rare 975
Figurine, Obsidian Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (1-12") Very Rare 650
Figurine, Porcelain Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T to L (3" to 9') Very Rare 3000
Fire Minion Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix L (7-9') Very Rare 975
Firebird Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II L (20') Uncommon 2000
Firedrake Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix S (4') Rare 420
Firenewt Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5-6') Rare 175+
Fireshadow Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix G (30') Very Rare 11000
Firestar Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV T (3-6") Uncommon 2000
Firetail, Lesser Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II S (2') Rare 1400
Firetail, Lesser Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III S (2') Rare 1400
Firetail, Tshala Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II S (4') Very Rare 6000
Firetail, Tshala Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III S (4') Very Rare 6000
Firethorn Corsairs of the Great Sea M (4') Rare 1400
Fireweed Dragon Magazine 227 S-L (1-8') Rare 0
Fish, Air Fish, Catfish Polyhedron 69 T (16-20") Rare 35
Fish, Air Fish, Goldfish Polyhedron 69 T (6-8") Rare 15
Fish, Air Fish, Neon Polyhedron 69 T (2") Rare 15
Fish, Air Fish, Piranha Polyhedron 69 T (8-10") Rare 15
Fish, Air Fish, Shark Polyhedron 69 M (4-5') Rare 270+
Fish, Air Fish, Sting Ray Polyhedron 69 S (5') Rare 175
Fish, Air Fish, Trout Polyhedron 69 T (12-16") Rare 35
Fish, Ascallion, Adult Male (Shadow) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV L (8') Very Rare 975
Fish, Ascallion, Female Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV H (18') Rare 1400
Fish, Ascallion, Young Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV T (1') Rare 65
Fish, Athasian, Kreel Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (4-6') Uncommon 65
Fish, Athasian, Puddingfish Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV H (20'+) Very Rare 3000
Fish, Athasian, Shark Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV L (10'+) Uncommon 175
Fish, Athasian, Skyfish Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (5-6') Common 65
Fish, Barracuda Monstrous Manual ? Common 15+
Fish, Carp, Giant Monstrous Manual ? Rare 3000+
Fish, Catfish, Giant Monstrous Manual ? Rare 2000+
Fish, Chandos Realmspace S-M (2'-5') Common Varies
Fish, Clownfish, Giant Dragon Magazine 250 S (3') Rare 65
Fish, Deep Ocean, Angler Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV L (8') Uncommon 1400
Fish, Deep Ocean, Death Minnow Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV T to L (2"-8') Very Rare 2000
Fish, Deep Ocean, Gulper Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV L (12') Uncommon 3000
Fish, Deep Ocean, Viperfish Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV H (20') Uncommon 5000
Fish, Dragonfish Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 270
Fish, Eel, Electric Monstrous Manual ? Rare 65
Fish, Eel, Giant Monstrous Manual ? Rare 175
Fish, Eel, Marine Monstrous Manual ? Rare 420+
Fish, Eel, Weed Monstrous Manual ? Rare 120
Fish, Floating Eye Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II S (1') Rare 35
Fish, Giant Archerfish Dragon Magazine 165 L (9') Uncommon 420
Fish, Giant Carp Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix L (20-30') Uncommon 3000+
Fish, Giant Damselfish Dragon Magazine 165 L (7.5') Uncommon 120
Fish, Giant Gar Monstrous Manual ? Very Rare 2000
Fish, Giant Lungfish (Bichir) Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I L (9-12') Rare 1400+
Fish, Great Glacier, Black Burner The Great Glacier T (1-2') Uncommon 7
Fish, Great Glacier, Bloatfish The Great Glacier T (1-2') Rare 7
Fish, Great Glacier, Crystal Sipper The Great Glacier T (1") Very Rare 7
Fish, Great Glacier, Icetail The Great Glacier T (6") Very Rare 15
Fish, Great Glacier, Spiny Sleeper The Great Glacier T (1-2') Very Rare 35
Fish, Hetfish Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II S (1-3') Uncommon Varies
Fish, Lamprey Monstrous Manual ? Common 65
Fish, Lamprey, Giant Monstrous Manual ? Very Rare 270
Fish, Lamprey, Land Monstrous Manual ? Rare 120
Fish, Manta Ray Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 3000+
Fish, Masher Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (12-15') Uncommon 1400
Fish, Pike, Giant Monstrous Manual ? Very Rare 175
Fish, Piranha Monstrous Manual ? Common 7
Fish, Piranha, Giant Monstrous Manual ? Rare 65
Fish, Pungi Ray Monstrous Manual ? Common 975
Fish, Quipper Monstrous Manual ? Common 7
Fish, Seahorse, Giant Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 35+
Fish, Shark Monstrous Manual ? Common 65+
Fish, Shark, Giant Monstrous Manual ? Rare 2000+
Fish, Stingray Monstrous Manual ? Common 120
Fish, Subterranean, Irridescent Plecoe Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II T (6-24") Very Rare 35
Fish, Subterranean, Lemon Fish Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II S-M (2-6') Uncommon 270+
Fish, Subterranean, Wattley Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II T (6-12") Rare 35
Fish, Tropical, Electric Ray Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (6') Rare 420
Fish, Tropical, Giant Grouper Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV H (16'+) Uncommon 1400
Fish, Tropical, Morena Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV S (3-4') Uncommon 2000
Fish, Tropical, Porcupine Fish Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV S (2-3') Rare 3000
Fish, Verme Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II G (50-80') Very Rare 14000
Fish, Vurgens (Giant Gulper Eel) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV H (20-40') Very Rare 4000+
Flailer Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix S (4') Rare 2000
Flame Spirit, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix L (10') Very Rare 650
Flame Spirit, Least Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix T (1') Very Rare 120
Flame Spirit, Lesser Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (6') Very Rare 270
Flameskull Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I S (1') Rare 2000
Flareater Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (6') Very Rare 1400+
Flawder Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix S (3-4') Rare 35+
Fleas of Madness Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T Rare 270
Floater Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix S (3') Common 420
Floating Helm Dragon Magazine 190 S (1') Very Rare 3000
Flow Barnacle Lost Ships T (8" - 2') Uncommon 35
Flowfiend Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II Varies Rare 5000
Flumph, Common Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II T (2') Rare 270
Flumph, Monastic Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II T (2') Very Rare 975+
Focoid Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix L (9') Very Rare 1400
Fogwarden Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (6') Very Rare 4000
Foo Creature, Foo Dog Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (3-4') Rare 3000
Foo Creature, Foo Dog Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (3-4') Rare 6000
Foo Creature, Foo Lion Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix L (7') Very Rare 7000
Foo Creature, Foo Lion Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I L (7') Very Rare 10000
Fordorran Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (8') Uncommon 1400
Formian, Myrmarch Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L (7') Very Rare 2000
Formian, Myrmarch Planes of Law L (7') Very Rare 2000
Formian, Queen Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L (10') Very Rare 5000
Formian, Queen Planes of Law L (10') Very Rare 5000
Formian, Warrior Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5') Very Rare 420
Formian, Warrior Planes of Law M (5') Very Rare 420
Formian, Worker Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III S (4') Rare 35
Formian, Worker Planes of Law S (4') Rare 35
Foulwing Menzoberranzan H (16-20') Rare 975
Foulwing Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I H (16-20') Rare 1400
Fraal Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (5') Very Rare Varies
Fractine Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix H (1 sq ft per HD) Very Rare 2000+
Frelon Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (7') Very Rare 2000+
Frog, Archer Dragon Magazine 247 M (6') Very Rare 270
Frog, Ghoul Dragon Magazine 247 S (2-3') Very Rare 65
Frog, Giant Monstrous Manual T-M (2-6') Uncommon 120+
Frog, Killer Monstrous Manual S (3') Very Rare 35
Frog, Pigeontoad Dragon Magazine 156 S (2') Very Rare 35+
Frog, Poisonous Monstrous Manual T (6"-1') Rare 65
Froghemoth Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (18') Very Rare 21000
Frost Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II T (1') Rare 650
Fundamental Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III T (1-2') Common 175
Fundamental, Air Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T (1') Rare 120
Fundamental, Earth Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S (2.5') Rare 120
Fundamental, Fire Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T (2') Rare 175
Fundamental, Negative Return to the Tomb of Horrors T (2') Rare 420
Fundamental, Water Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T (1-2') Rare 120
Fungifolk, Beaters Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn L Very Rare 975
Fungifolk, Movers Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn M Very Rare 15
Fungus, Ascomid Monstrous Manual M-L (5-10') Very Rare 1400
Fungus, Cushion Dragon Magazine 172 S-L (2-8') Uncommon 35
Fungus, Friendly Dragon Magazine 196 T (1') Rare 35
Fungus, Gas Spore Monstrous Manual M (4-6') Rare 120
Fungus, Phycomid Monstrous Manual T (2') Rare 650
Fungus, Shrieker Monstrous Manual M (4-7') Common 120
Fungus, Violet Monstrous Manual M (4-7') Rare 175
Funno Otherlands S (3') Common 15
Furies, Alecto Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6') Unique Varies
Furies, Megarea Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6') Unique Varies
Furies, Tisiphone Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6') Unique Varies
Fyrefly Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix T (1") Rare 175
Gadabout Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II M (4-6') Rare Varies
Gaint, Earth Dragon Magazine 256 G (150'+) Very Rare 24000
Gaj Dark Sun Campaign Setting Revised L (6') Very Rare 2000
Gaki, Jiki-ketsu-gaki Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (5') Very Rare 3000
Gaki, Jiki-niku-gaki Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (5') Rare 650
Gaki, Shikki-gaki Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (5') Uncommon 1400
Gaki, Shinen-gaki Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (5') Uncommon 1400
Galeb Duhr Monstrous Manual L (8-12') Very Rare 8000+
Gambado Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M (6') Rare 175
Gambado Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (6') Rare 175
Gammaroid Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II G (2500') Very Rare 125000
Garbug, Black Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M (6') Rare 650
Garbug, Black Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (6') Rare 650
Garbug, Violet Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix L (9') Rare 650
Garbug, Violet Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (9') Rare 650
Gargantua, Carrion Crawler Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix G (36') Very Rare 9000
Gargantua, Humanoid Monstrous Manual G (80-100') Very Rare 28000
Gargantua, Humaoid Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix G (80-100') Very Rare 28000
Gargantua, Insectoid Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix G (60') Rare 14000+
Gargantua, Insectoid Monstrous Manual G (60') Rare 14000+
Gargantua, Reptilian Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix G (100-200') Rare 43000
Gargantua, Reptilian Monstrous Manual G (100-200') Rare 43000
Gargantua, Troll Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix H (20') Very Rare 24000
Gargouille Dragon Magazine 248 G (70') Very Rare 10000
Gargoyle Monstrous Manual M (6') Uncommon 420
Gargoyle, Archer Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III S (4') Very Rare 975
Gargoyle, Grandfather Plaque Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III S (1-2') Very Rare 2000
Gargoyle, Guardgoyle Ruins of Zhentil Keep S (2') Rare 975
Gargoyle, Guardgoyle, Greater Ruins of Zhentil Keep M (4-6') Rare 975
Gargoyle, Kapoacinth Monstrous Manual M (6') Uncommon 420
Gargoyle, Margoyle Monstrous Manual M (6') Rare 975
Gargoyle, Spouter Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III S (3') Very Rare 1400
Gargoyle, Stone Lion Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (7') Very Rare 3000
Gargoyle, True, Grist Vale of the Mage L (12') Very Rare 7000
Garigal The Book of Magecraft S (2-3') Mythical 4270
Garmorm Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (12') Rare 8000+
Gaund Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II M (6') Rare 650
Gautiere Planes of Conflict L (7') Uncommon 975+
Geckonid Dragon Magazine 268 M (5-6') Very Rare 35
Geese Polyhedron 56 S Rare 15
Gehreleth, Faratsu Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (7') Very Rare 28000
Gehreleth, Faratsu Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (7') Very Rare 14000
Gehreleth, Kelubar Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (6.5') Very Rare 33500
Gehreleth, Kelubar Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (6.5') Very Rare 17000
Gehreleth, Shator Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (6') Very Rare 40000
Gehreleth, Shator Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (6') Very Rare 22000
Geist Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6') Very Rare 0
Gelatinous Stalker Masters of Eternal Night L (10') Very Rare 975
Gello Monster Dragon Magazine 156 S (1-3') Very Rare Varies
Gen, Air (Djinnling) Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix S (8-12") Uncommon Varies
Gen, Fire (Efreetikin) Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix S (8-12") Uncommon Varies
Gen, Sand (Daolani) Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix S (8-12") Uncommon Varies
Gen, Water (Maridans) Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix S (8-12") Uncommon Varies
Genie, Dao Monstrous Manual L (8-11') Rare 6000
Genie, Djinni Monstrous Manual L (10.5') Very Rare 5000+
Genie, Efreeti Monstrous Manual L (12') Very Rare 8000
Genie, Jann Monstrous Manual M (6-7') Very Rare 3000+
Genie, Marid Monstrous Manual L (18') Very Rare 16000
Genie, Noble Dao Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L (12') Very Rare 11000
Genie, Noble Djinn Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L (12') Very Rare 10000
Genie, Noble Efreeti Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L (15') Very Rare 11000
Genie, Noble Marid Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix H (22') Very Rare 17000
Genie, Tasked, Administrator City of Delights M (7') Very Rare 2000
Genie, Tasked, Administrator Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (7') Very Rare 2000
Genie, Tasked, Architect/Builder Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M (7') Very Rare 5000
Genie, Tasked, Artist Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M (7') Very Rare 975
Genie, Tasked, Deceiver Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (7') Very Rare 10000
Genie, Tasked, Guardian Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L (10') Very Rare 13000
Genie, Tasked, Harim Servant City of Delights L (8') Very Rare 1400
Genie, Tasked, Harim Servant Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (8') Very Rare 1400
Genie, Tasked, Herdsman Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M (6') Rare 175
Genie, Tasked, Messenger Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I S (4') Rare 420
Genie, Tasked, Miner Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (8') Rare 1400
Genie, Tasked, Oathbinder Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (9') Very Rare 12000
Genie, Tasked, Slayer Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L (10') Very Rare 11000
Genie, Tasked, Warmonger Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M (5') Rare 1400
Genie, Tasked, Winemaker Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M Very Rare 120
Geonid Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S (3-4') Rare 65+
Geran Polyhedron 74 M (6') Very Rare 420+
G'grokon Dragon Magazine 256 S Common 65
Ghaunadan City of Splendors M (5-6') Rare 4000
Ghazneth, Boldovar the Mad Dragon Annual 1999 M (5') Unique 20000
Ghazneth, Luthax the Fiery Dragon Annual 1999 M (6') Unique 20000
Ghazneth, Merendil the Bloody Dragon Annual 1999 M (5') Unique 19000
Ghazneth, Merineth the Grasping Dragon Annual 1999 M (6') Unique 18000
Ghazneth, Suzara the Scold Dragon Annual 1999 M (6') Unique 21000
Ghazneth, Xanthon the Baneful Dragon Annual 1999 M (6') Unique 11000
Ghol (Myth) Dragon Magazine 261 M Rare 65
Ghost Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Very Rare 7000
Ghost, Animal, Bear Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness L (9') Very Rare 2000
Ghost, Animal, Mountain Lion Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (4-5') Very Rare 1400
Ghost, Animal, Stag Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness L (8') Very Rare 1400
Ghost, Animal, Wild Boar Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (5') Very Rare 1400
Ghost, Animal, Wild Horse Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness L (8-9') Very Rare 975
Ghost, Animal, Wolf Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness S (3-4') Very Rare 1400
Ghost, Casurua Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L-G Very Rare 15000
Ghost, Ker Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (5-6') Very Rare 7000
Ghost, Lacunae Dragon Magazine 265 M Very Rare 7000
Ghost, Pasocada City of Gold M (5-6') Very Rare 4000
Ghost, Pasocada City of Gold M (5-6') Very Rare 4000
Ghost, Stone Dragon Magazine 162 L (10') Very Rare 4000
Ghost Mount Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L Very Rare 420
Ghostlight Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II S (3') Rare 6000
Ghostly Horde Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Very Rare 120
Ghoul Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Uncommon 175
Ghoul, Ghast Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Rare 650
Ghoul, Ghast (Jugo Hesketh) Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix II M (6'3") Unique 650
Ghoul, Kleshite Lankhmar: City of Adventure L (5-6') Rare 270
Ghoul, Lacedon Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Very Rare 175
Ghoul, Lord Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (6') Very Rare 3000
Ghoul, Nehwon Lankhmar: City of Adventure M (5-6') Rare 175
Ghriest Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (10') Rare 975
Ghul, Great Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M (7-10') Rare 1400+
Ghul, Great Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (7-10') Rare 1400+
Ghul-kin, Soultaker Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (8-10') Rare 6000
Ghul-kin, Witherer Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (10') Rare 10000
Giant, Athach Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix H (18') Rare 12000
Giant, Athasian, Beasthead Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix H (20') Rare 7000
Giant, Athasian, Desert Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix H (25') Uncommon 6000
Giant, Athasian, Plains Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix H (25') Uncommon 8000
Giant, Biclops Dragon Magazine 172 L (11') Very Rare 2000
Giant, Bosk Krynnspace H (19') Rare Varies
Giant, Cave Lord Dragon Magazine 256 L (8-12') Very Rare 650
Giant, Cerilian, Forest Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III H (14') Very Rare 9000
Giant, Cerilian, Ice Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III H (16') Rare 12000
Giant, Cloud Monstrous Manual H (24') Very Rare 10000+
Giant, Cloud, Spectral Cloud Dragon Magazine 254 H (24') Very Rare 16000
Giant, Coombe Storm Riders L (10') Rare 2000
Giant, Crag Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV H (25') Uncommon 7000
Giant, Cyclops Monstrous Manual H (20') Very Rare 4000
Giant, Cyclopskin Monstrous Manual L (7.5') Rare 270
Giant, Desert Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix H (17') Very Rare 5000
Giant, Desert Monstrous Manual H (17') Very Rare 5000
Giant, Desolation Dragon Magazine 256 H (15') Very Rare 650
Giant, Ettin Monstrous Manual H (13') Very Rare 3000
Giant, Fhoimorien Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV H (13') Uncommon 6000+
Giant, Firbolg Monstrous Manual L (10.5') Very Rare 8000+
Giant, Fire Monstrous Manual H (18') Rare 8000
Giant, Fire, Firegaunt Dragon Magazine 254 H (18') Very Rare 15000
Giant, Fog Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix H (24') Very Rare 7000
Giant, Fog Monstrous Manual H (24') Very Rare 5000
Giant, Formorian Monstrous Manual H (13.5') Uncommon 6000
Giant, Frost Monstrous Manual H (21') Very Rare 7000
Giant, Frost, Frostmourn Dragon Magazine 254 H (21') Very Rare 14000
Giant, Half-giant (Athasian) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (13') Very Rare 420+
Giant, Hephaeston Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix H (18-25') Very Rare 28000
Giant, Hill Monstrous Manual H (16') Rare 3000
Giant, Hill, Barrowe Dragon Magazine 254 H (16') Very Rare 12000
Giant, Island Land of Fate H (18') Very Rare 7000+
Giant, Jungle Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix H (18') Uncommon 6000
Giant, Jungle Monstrous Manual H (18') Uncommon 6000
Giant, Mountain Monstrous Manual H (14') Very Rare 7000
Giant, Mountain Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II H (14') Very Rare 7000
Giant, Ogre Land of Fate H (20') Very Rare 4000+
Giant, Reef Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix H (16') Very Rare 12000
Giant, Reef Monstrous Manual H (16') Very Rare 13000
Giant, Shadow Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L-H (10-25') Very Rare 9000
Giant, Spacesea Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix H (18') Rare 8000
Giant, Stone Monstrous Manual H (18') Rare 7000
Giant, Stone, Cairn Dragon Magazine 254 H (18') Very Rare 14000
Giant, Storm Monstrous Manual G (26') Very Rare 14000
Giant, Storm, Temperament Dragon Magazine 254 G (26') Very Rare 21000
Giant, Swamp Krynnspace H (16') Rare Varies
Giant, Verbeeg Monstrous Manual L (8-10') Uncommon 270
Giant, Wood (Voadkyn) Monstrous Manual L (9.5') Very Rare 1400
Giant-kin, B'rohg Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix H (15') Common 650+
Giant-kin, Spriggan Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix S (3') or L (12') Very Rare 4000+
Giant-kin, Voadkyn Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix L (9.5') Very Rare 2000
Gibbering Mouther Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (4-7') Very Rare 975+
Gibbering Mouther, Gibberspawn The Scarlet Brotherhood T (5") Very Rare 65
Gibbering Mouther, Greater The Scarlet Brotherhood L (8') Unique 5000
Gibberling Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix S-M (4-5') Uncommon 15
Gibberling Monstrous Manual S-M (4'-5') Uncommon 35
Gibberling, Brood Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (3') Very Rare 950
Giff Adventures in Space L (9') Rare 270
Giff Monstrous Manual L (9') Rare 420
Gingwatzim A Guide to the Ethereal Plane H (15') Very Rare 10000
Gith Monstrous Manual M Uncommon 175
Gith, Pirate Monstrous Manual M (6-7') Rare Special
Githyanki Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (6') Very Rare Varies
Githyanki Monstrous Manual M (6') Very Rare Varies
Githyanki Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (6') Very Rare Varies
Githzerai Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (6') Very Rare Varies
Githzerai Monstrous Manual M (6') Very Rare Varies
Githzerai Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (6') Very Rare Varies
Gk'lok-Lok Dragon's Rest S (4') Very Rare 420
Gloomwing, Flying Serpent Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II L (9') Rare 975
Gloomwing, Gloomwing Moth Monstrous Manual M (8') Rare 1400
Gloomwing, Moth Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II M (8') Rare 1400
Gloomwing, Tenebrous Worm Monstrous Manual M (6') Uncommon 5000
Glutton, Sea Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix G (50'+) Very Rare 3000+
Gnasher, Normal Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (5-7') Uncommon 120+
Gnasher, Winged Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (8-10') Rare 270+
Gnoll Monstrous Manual L (7.5') Uncommon 35
Gnoll, Flind Monstrous Manual M (6.5') Rare 120
Gnome, Forest Monstrous Manual S (2-2.5') Very Rare 120
Gnome, Gnome (Rock) Monstrous Manual S (3.5') Rare 65
Gnome, Ice Lankhmar: City of Adventure S (3') Rare 65
Gnome, Spriggan Monstrous Manual S (3') to L (12') Very Rare 3000
Gnome, Svirfneblin (Deep) Monstrous Manual S (3-3.5') Very Rare 420
Gnome, Tinker Monstrous Manual S (3.5') Rare 65
Gnome, Tinker (minoi) Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix S (3') Rare Varies
Goatman Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (5-6') Uncommon 175+
Goblin Monstrous Manual S (4') Uncommon 15+
Goblin, Bakemono Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix S (4') Uncommon 15+
Goblin, Cerilian Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L (7') Common 120
Goblin, Cerilian, Common Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III S (4') Common 35
Goblin, Cerilian, Elite Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (6') Common 65
Goblin, Gurik Cha'ahl (Ghost People) Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix S (3-4') Rare 65
Goblin Rat Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix S (3-4') Rare 270
Goblin Spider Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix L (8'-10' long) Rare 975+
Goblyn Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (4-6') Rare 975
God, African, Ananse Dragon Magazine 215 L (12') Unique ???
God, African, Animal Spirits Dragon Magazine 215 S-M (4-6') Unique ???
God, African, Asase Ya Dragon Magazine 215 M (5.5') Unique ???
God, African, Bumba Dragon Magazine 215 S (4') Unique ???
God, African, Cagn (Mantis or Kaggen) Dragon Magazine 215 L (7') Unique ???
God, African, Gauna Dragon Magazine 215 M (6') Unique ???
God, African, Khonvum Dragon Magazine 215 S (4') Unique ???
God, African, Leza Dragon Magazine 215 S (4') Unique ???
God, African, Nyame Dragon Magazine 215 S (4') Unique ???
God, African, So Dragon Magazine 215 M (6') Unique ???
God, Anglo-Saxon, Demi, Ing Dragon Magazine 263 M Unique Varies
God, Anglo-Saxon, Greater, Nerthus Dragon Magazine 263 M Unique Varies
God, Anglo-Saxon, Intermediate, Eostre Dragon Magazine 263 M Unique Varies
God, Anglo-Saxon, Intermediate, Hred Dragon Magazine 263 M Unique Varies
God, Anglo-Saxon, Lesser, Mannus Dragon Magazine 263 M Unique Varies
God, Anglo-Saxon, Lesser, Thunor Dragon Magazine 263 M Unique Varies
God, Anglo-Saxon, Lesser, Tir Dragon Magazine 263 M Unique Varies
God, Anglo-Saxon, Lesser, Woden Dragon Magazine 263 M Unique Varies
God, Demi, Iuz the Old One (Patron of Wickedness) Die Vecna Die! M Unique Special
God, Demi, Vecna the Maimed God (Lord of Cavitius) Die Vecna Die! M Unique Special
God, Demi, Xvim Polyhedron 71 L (12') Unique ???
God, Elfin, Intermediate, Rillifane Rallathil Dragon Magazine 191 M (6') Unique ???
God, Lesser, Beshaba Polyhedron 71 M (5') Unique ???
God, Lesser, Merrgsh Polyhedron 58 M (7') Unique ???
God, Lesser, Tymora Polyhedron 71 M (5') Unique ???
God, Oerth, Demi, Rudd Dragon Magazine 265 M (5'3") Unique Varies
God, Oerth, Lesser, Atroa Dragon Magazine 263 M (5') Unique Varies
God, Oerth, Lesser, Delleb Dragon Magazine 263 M (6') Unique Varies
God, Oerth, Lesser, Kurell Dragon Magazine 263 L (6') Unique Varies
God, Oerth, Lesser, Raxivort Dragon Magazine 264 S (4') Unique Varies
God, Oerth, Lesser, Telchur Dragon Magazine 265 L (8') Unique Varies
Golem, Amber Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (8-12') Very Rare 6000
Golem, Ash Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix L (8') Very Rare 3000
Golem, Blade Polyhedron 75 L (8') Very Rare 6000
Golem, Bone Monstrous Manual M (6') Very Rare 18000
Golem, Bone Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (6') Very Rare 18000
Golem, Brain Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (8') Very Rare 10000
Golem, Brass Minotaur Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV L (12') Very Rare 17000
Golem, Burning Man Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (18') Very Rare 10000
Golem, Byubo's Brass Statue Storm Riders L (10') Very Rare 1400
Golem, Chia Dragon Magazine 228 L (6-8') Rare 1400
Golem, Chitin Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix L (10') Very Rare 3000
Golem, Chocolate Dragon Magazine 228 L (7') Rare 650+
Golem, Doll Monstrous Manual T (1') Very Rare 6000
Golem, Doll Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I T (1') Very Rare 7000
Golem, Drolem Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix G (27-35') Very Rare 23000
Golem, Dwarf Crusher Axe of the Dwarvish Lords L (7') Unique 8000
Golem, Flesh Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness L (8') Very Rare 5000
Golem, Furnace Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix L (12') Very Rare 18000
Golem, Gargoyle Monstrous Manual M (6') Very Rare 14000
Golem, Gargoyle Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (6') Very Rare 16000
Golem, Gemstone, Diamond Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV L (10') Very Rare 10000
Golem, Gemstone, Emerald Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV L (9') Very Rare 8000
Golem, Gemstone, Ruby Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV L (8') Very Rare 5000
Golem, Glass Monstrous Manual M (6') Very Rare 5000
Golem, Glass Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (6') Very Rare 6000
Golem, Greater, Iron Monstrous Manual L (12') Very Rare 13000
Golem, Greater, Juggernaut, Hulean Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix G (30'x40'x40') Very Rare 21000
Golem, Greater, Red Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (12') Very Rare 14000
Golem, Greater, Stone Monstrous Manual L (9.5') Very Rare 8000
Golem, Serpent Griffon In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil L (19') ? 12000
Golem, Half (Desmond LaRouche) Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix II M (6'6") Unique 5000
Golem, Hammer Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (9') Very Rare 13000
Golem, Iron Gargoyle Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (12') Very Rare 19000
Golem, Leather Polyhedron 42 M Very Rare ???
Golem, Lemon Drop Polyhedron 95 L (10') Very Rare 270
Golem, Lesser, Aelder Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (8') Rare 2000
Golem, Lesser, Clay Monstrous Manual L (8') Very Rare 5000
Golem, Lesser, Flesh Monstrous Manual L (7.5') Very Rare 2000
Golem, Lesser, Glassine Horror Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix H Very Rare 4000
Golem, Lightning Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II L (8') Very Rare 2004
Golem, Maggot Requiem: The Grim Harvest S-M (3-6') Very Rare 5000
Golem, Maggot Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV S-M (3-6') Very Rare 5000
Golem, Magic Ruins of Zhentil Keep L (9') Very Rare 8000
Golem, Magic Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L (9') Very Rare 8000
Golem, Magma Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (8') Very Rare 7000
Golem, Mechanical Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (7') Very Rare 15000
Golem, Mechanical (Ahmi Vanjuko) Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix II M (7') Unique 15000
Golem, Metagolem Dragon Magazine 159 S-M (3-6') Very Rare 12000+
Golem, Metagolem Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I S-M (3-6') Very Rare 3000
Golem, Mist Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness L (12') Very Rare 14000
Golem, Mud Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Rare 2000
Golem, Naaruk Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (10') Very Rare 11000
Golem, Necrophidius (Death Worm) Monstrous Manual L (12') Very Rare 270
Golem, Nyraala Dragon Magazine 255 L (10') Very Rare 9000
Golem, Obsidian Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix L (12') Very Rare 9000
Golem, Obsidian Retriever Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (10') Very Rare 9000
Golem, Phantom Flyer Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (18') Very Rare 8000
Golem, Plush Dragon Magazine 228 L (6') Rare 650
Golem, Radiant Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix L (15') Unique Special
Golem, Radiant Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix L (15') Unique Special
Golem, Rock Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix L (9') Very Rare 3000
Golem, Rock Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (8-10') Very Rare 14000
Golem, Rope Polyhedron 42 M Very Rare ???
Golem, Salt Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (8') Very Rare 4000
Golem, Sand Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix L (8') Very Rare 2000
Golem, Scarecrow Monstrous Manual M (6') Very Rare 1400
Golem, Shaboath Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L (10') Very Rare 6000
Golem, Silver Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (8') Very Rare 9000
Golem, Skeletal Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Rare 1400
Golem, Snow Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness L (11') Very Rare 7000
Golem, Sogi Kora Storm Riders M (6') Very Rare 800
Golem, Spiderstone Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (7') Very Rare 8000
Golem, Stone, Padhrasattva Storm Riders L (8') Very Rare 2000
Golem, Stone Variants, Caryatid Column Monstrous Manual M (7') Very Rare 420
Golem, Stone Variants, Juggernaut Monstrous Manual L to H (8-20') Very Rare 3000+
Golem, Stone Variants, Stone Guardian Monstrous Manual M to L (6-8') Very Rare 420
Golem, Straw Polyhedron 42 M Very Rare ???
Golem, Tin Dragon Magazine 156 M (6-7') Rare 3000
Golem, Tomb Warden Axe of the Dwarvish Lords M (5') Very Rare 6000+
Golem, Vault Guardian Ruins of Zhentil Keep M (5-6') Rare 8000
Golem, Wax Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (5-6') Very Rare 5000
Golem, Wood Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix L (10') Very Rare 3000
Golem, Zombie Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (6') Very Rare 17000
Gonn Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II H to G (25-1000') Very Rare 25000
Goop Ghoul Dragon Magazine 198 M (4') Rare 975
Gorak Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II S (3') Common 120
Gorbel Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix S (3') Uncommon 120
Gorgon Monstrous Manual L (8') Rare 1400
Gorgon, Death Ox Polyhedron 67 L (8') Rare 975
Gorgon, Parthoris Dragon Magazine 256 S (3-4') or M (6') Common 120+
Gorynych Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I G (50') Very Rare 2000
Gossamer, Noble Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II G (120-250') Rare 49000
Gossamer, Standard Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II T (6") Uncommon 7
Grav Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II S (3') Uncommon 270
Grav, Elite Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II S (3') Rare 650
Grave Water Polyhedron 76 M (5-6') Rare 1400+
Gravislayer Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix M (6') Very Rare 3000
Gray Philosopher Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (5-6') Very Rare 2000
Gray Philosopher, Malice Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T (1-2') Very Rare 120
Great Dreamer Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II G (10–20 miles) Very Rare 61000+
Greatswan Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II L (10') Uncommon 420
Greelox Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (14') Very Rare 4000
Grell Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix M (5') Rare 2000
Grell, Colonial, Patriarch Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II L Very Rare 9000
Grell, Colonial, Philosopher Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II M Very Rare 5000
Grell, Colonial, Solider/Worker Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II M Rare 2000
Grell, Patriarch Monstrous Manual G (30') Very Rare 9000
Grell, Philosopher Monstrous Manual M (4') Very Rare 5000
Grell, Wild Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix M (5') Rare 2000
Grell, Worker Monstrous Manual M (4') Rare 2000
Gremishka Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (2') Rare 35
Gremlin Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix T (18") Very Rare 650
Gremlin Monstrous Manual T (18") Very Rare 650
Gremlin, Fremlin Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix T (1') Very Rare 270
Gremlin, Fremlin Monstrous Manual T (1') Very Rare 270
Gremlin, Galltrit Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix T (6") Very Rare 65
Gremlin, Galltrit Monstrous Manual T (6") Very Rare 65
Gremlin, Jermlaine Monstrous Manual T (1+') Uncommon 15
Gremlin, Mite Monstrous Manual T (2') Rare 35
Gremlin, Snyad Monstrous Manual T (2') Uncommon 65
Griffon Monstrous Manual L (9') Uncommon 650
Grillig Dragon Magazine 262 M (4-5') Uncommon 175
Grim The Shadow Rift M (2') Very Rare 975
Grim Reaper Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (7') Very Rare 4000
Grimlock Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M (5-6) Uncommon Varies
Grimlock Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Uncommon 35+
Grippli Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix S (2.5') Rare 65+
Grippli Monstrous Manual S (2.5') Rare 65+
Griveling Vale of the Mage M (6') Very Rare 1400
Grommam Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix M (5') Very Rare Varies
Gronk Dragon Magazine 262 L (6') Uncommon 270
Grotesque Dragon Magazine 248 M Rare 650
Groundling Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (4'+) Very Rare 175
Growler Dragon Annual 1997 G (40-50') Very Rare 7000
Grudgling Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix S (2-3') Rare 65+
Grue, Chaggrin Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I S (3') Uncommon 1400
Grue, Harginn Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (6') Uncommon 650
Grue, Ildriss Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I S (3') Uncommon 420
Grue, Varrdig Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (6') Uncommon 2000
Grung Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix S (3') Uncommon 120+
Grythok Falcon's Revenge T (6") Uncommon 65
Guardian Warrior, Horse Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (8') Very Rare 650
Guardian Warrior, Warrior Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Very Rare 650
Guardinal, Avoral Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (6.5') Uncommon 8000
Guardinal, Cervidal Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (5.5') Common 3000
Guardinal, Equinal Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II L (7.5') Common 5000
Guardinal, Leonal Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (6') Very Rare 18000
Guardinal, Lupinal Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (6') Rare 9000
Guardinal, Ursinal Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II L (8') Rare 14000
Gulguthhydra City of Splendors H (20') Very Rare 10000
Gulguthhydra Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (20') Very Rare 10000
Gullion Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II S (3') Common 7
Gyerian Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S-M (3-6') Rare 120+
Gyerian, Cockrobin Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (5'+) Rare 120+
Gyerian, Rooster Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Rare 120+
Hadozee Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix M (7') Uncommon 120
Hag, Annis Monstrous Manual L (8') Very Rare 4000
Hag, Bheur Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M Very Rare 6000
Hag, Crone of Chaos Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (5') Very Rare 650
Hag, Green Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Very Rare 4000
Hag, Makva Dragon Magazine 158 M (5') Very Rare 4000
Hag, Night (Styrix) Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix II M (5') Unique 16000
Hag, Night Hag Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (5') Very Rare 16000
Hag, Night Hag Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Very Rare 12000
Hag, Sea Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Rare 1400
Hag, Sea, Greater The City of Ravens Bluff M (3') Very Rare 975+
Hag, Silat, Adult Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L-G (12-15') Rare to Very Rare 10000+
Hag, Silat, Young Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L (10') Uncommon 5000
Hag, Spectral, Annis Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness L (8') Very Rare 7000
Hag, Spectral, Green Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6') Very Rare 7000
Hag, Spectral, Sea Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6') Very Rare 5000
Hai Nu Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (5') Rare 35+
Hai Riyo Dragon Magazine 248 G (80') Very Rare 23000
Hakeashar City of Splendors L (12') Very Rare 2000
Hakeashar Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (12') Very Rare 2000
Hakeashar Old Empires L (12') Very Rare 2000
Half-giant Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II H (10-12') Rare 175+
Halfling (Anadian) Realmspace S (3 12 Common 35
Halfling, Athas Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II S (3-4') Common 65+
Halfling, Domain Lord Blood Spawn S (4') Rare 2000
Halfling, Freedom Fighter Blood Spawn S (3.5') Uncommon 650
Halfling, Hairfoot Monstrous Manual S (3') Uncommon 35
Halfling, Renegade Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix S (3') Rare 270+
Halfling, Slave Blood Spawn S (3') Common 65
Halfling, Stout Monstrous Manual S (4') Rare 35
Halfling, Tallfellow Monstrous Manual S (3') Rare 35
Hama Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix S Rare 120
Hamster, Giant Space Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix L (9') Common to Very Rare 175
Handmaiden of Takhisis Wild Elves M or H (50') Unique 85000
Hannya Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (7') Very Rare 2000
Harpy Monstrous Manual M (6') Rare 975
Harpy, Parthoris Dragon Magazine 256 M Uncommon 120
Harrier Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II M (4') Very Rare 4000
Harrier, Larva Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II T (1-2') Very Rare 35
Harrla Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II M (6') Very Rare 5000
Hatori, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix L to G (10-50') Rare Varies
Hatori, Greater Monstrous Manual G (60-200') Very Rare Varies
Hatori, Lesser Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix G (60-200') Very Rare Varies
Hatori, Lesser Monstrous Manual L to G (10-50') Rare Varies
Haun Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II S (4') Very Rare 175
Haundar Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II G (30') Rare 12000
Haunt Monstrous Manual Varies Very Rare 2000
Haunt, Knight Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (6') Very Rare 2000
Hawk, Elven (Craighe) Dragon Magazine 269 S (4') Rare 120
H'Calos Endless Armies G (100') Unique 20000
Head Hunter Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (1') Rare 1400
Headless Horseman From the Shadows M or L N/A ???
Headless Horseman, Head From the Shadows S N/A 65
Hearth Fiend Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness Varies Very Rare Varies
Hebi-No-Onna Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (4-5') Very Rare 10000
Hej-kin Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix S (4') Rare 65+
Helborn Dragon Magazine 167 L (10-12') Very Rare 2000
Helian Realmspace L (10') Very rare/uncommon 10000
Hell Hound Monstrous Manual M Very Rare 420+
Hell Hound, Cwn Wybr Dragon Magazine 158 M Very Rare 650+
Hellcat (Bezekira) Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix L (6-9') Rare 3000
Hellcat (Bezekira) Planes of Law L (7') Rare 5000
Helmed Horror Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (6-7') Rare 2000
Hendar Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II L (14-22') Rare 975
Hengeyokai Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (5-6') Uncommon 420
Heraldic Servant, Aurochs Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (4') Very Rare 3000
Heraldic Servant, Bear Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (6.5') Very Rare 3000
Heraldic Servant, Bee Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (5') Very Rare 3000
Heraldic Servant, Dolphin Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (5') Very Rare 3000
Heraldic Servant, Dragon Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (6') Very Rare 6000
Heraldic Servant, Eagle Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (6') Very Rare 2000
Heraldic Servant, Griffon Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (7') Very Rare 4000
Heraldic Servant, Horse Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (6.5') Very Rare 2000
Heraldic Servant, Lion Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (6') Very Rare 3000
Heraldic Servant, Phoenix Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (5') Very Rare 7000
Heraldic Servant, Ram Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (6') Very Rare 2000
Heraldic Servant, Rooster Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (5') Very Rare 2000
Heraldic Servant, Sea Horse Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (6') Very Rare 2000
Heraldic Servant, Sea Lion Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (5') Very Rare 3000
Heraldic Servant, Stag Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (6') Very Rare 3000
Heraldic Servant, Swan, Black Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (5') Very Rare 2000
Heraldic Servant, Talbot Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (5') Very Rare 1400
Heraldic Servant, Tyger Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (9') Very Rare 3000
Heraldic Servant, Unicorn Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (6') Very Rare 5000
Heraldic Servant, Wyvern Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (6') Very Rare 4000
Herex, Adult Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix H (20') Rare 7000
Herex, Larva Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L-H (10-20') Rare 420+
Hermit, Sea Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix G (40') Very Rare 8000
Heucuva Monstrous Manual M (5-7') Very Rare 270
Heway Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M (12') Uncommon 175
Hippocampus Monstrous Manual H (18') Rare 120
Hippogriff Monstrous Manual L (10') Rare 175
Hivebrood, Broodling Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (4.5-7') Rare 270+
Hivebrood, Controller Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (7') Very Rare 4000
Hivebrood, Lieutenant Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (7') Very Rare 1400
Hivebrood, Mother Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (12') Very Rare 4000
Hivebrood, Solider Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (5') Rare 420
Hobgoblin Monstrous Manual M (6.5') Uncommon 35+
Hobgoblin, Chakchak Polyhedron 55 M (7') Very Rare 420
Hobgoblin, Norker Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix S (3') Rare 35+
Holbag Practical Planetology G Uncommon 1000
Hollyphant Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II S (2') Rare 9000
Holstein Polyhedron 56 L Common 0
Homunculus Monstrous Manual T (18") Very Rare 270
Homunculus, Axonan Dragon Magazine 246 T (18") Very Rare 270
Homunculus, Bolan Dragon Magazine 246 T (18") Very Rare 270
Homunculus, Carian Dragon Magazine 246 T (18") Very Rare 270
Homunculus, Chorasmian Dragon Magazine 246 T (18") Very Rare 270
Homunculus, Elemental, Breather Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III T (3") Varies 15
Homunculus, Elemental, Skin Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III M (6') Varies 65
Homunculus, Gendrasian Dragon Magazine 246 T (18") Very Rare 270
Homunculus, Mervan Dragon Magazine 246 T (18") Very Rare 270
Homunculus, Mullan Dragon Magazine 246 T (18") Very Rare 270
Homunculus, Thymban Dragon Magazine 246 T (18") Very Rare 270
Hook Horror Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix L (9') Rare 175
Hook Horror Monstrous Manual L (9') Rare 175
Horag Against the Giants - The Liberation of Geoff L (12') Very Rare 2000
Horax Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (5-6') Uncommon 270
Horde Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S-H (3-21') Very Rare 420+
Hordling Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix S-L Common to Very Rare Varies
Hordling Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I S-L Common to Rare Varies
Horg Greyspace M (7') Very Rare 1600
Horgar Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix G (30-100') Very Rare 26000+
Horse, Calnar Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn L Uncommon 270
Horse, Comet Steed Crystal Spheres L (10') Very Rare 650
Horse, Draft Monstrous Manual L Common 65
Horse, Equar, Banecourser Dragon Magazine 243 L Rare to Very Rare Varies
Horse, Equar, Charnalbalk Dragon Magazine 243 L Rare to Very Rare Varies
Horse, Equar, Favonian Dragon Magazine 243 L Rare to Very Rare Varies
Horse, Equar, Gildmane Dragon Magazine 243 L Rare to Very Rare Varies
Horse, Equar, Lithicthil Dragon Magazine 243 L Rare to Very Rare Varies
Horse, Equar, Menthric Dragon Magazine 243 L Rare to Very Rare Varies
Horse, Equar, Potherrounce Dragon Magazine 243 L Rare to Very Rare Varies
Horse, Equar, Rosinante Dragon Magazine 243 L Rare to Very Rare Varies
Horse, Equar, Trothspure Dragon Magazine 243 L Rare to Very Rare Varies
Horse, Ether A Guide to the Ethereal Plane L (10') Rare 120
Horse, Greater Equar Dragon Magazine 243 L Rare to Very Rare Varies
Horse, Heavy Monstrous Manual L Uncommon 120
Horse, Lesser Equar Dragon Magazine 243 L Rare to Very Rare Varies
Horse, Light Monstrous Manual L Uncommon 35
Horse, Medium Monstrous Manual L Uncommon 65
Horse, Moon-horse Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L Rare 270
Horse, Mule Monstrous Manual L Common 65
Horse, Nars The Horde L (7-8') Uncommon 120
Horse, Pennig (Halfling Pony), Riding Dragon Magazine 269 M Rare 35
Horse, Pennig (Halfling Pony), War Dragon Magazine 269 M Rare 65
Horse, Pony Monstrous Manual M Uncommon 35
Horse, Raurin The Horde L (7-8') Rare 65
Horse, Riding Monstrous Manual L Common 65
Horse, Semphari The Horde L (7-8') Very Rare 120
Horse, Sosser The Horde M (5-7') Uncommon 175
Horse, Spider Wild Elves L Very Rare 1400
Horse, Steppe The Horde M (5-7') Uncommon 175
Horse, The Knightly Steed Dragon Magazine 242 L Very Rare ???
Horse, Wild Monstrous Manual L Uncommon 35
Horse, Yyllethyn (Elven horse), Riding Dragon Magazine 269 L Very Rare 120
Horse, Yyllethyn (Elven horse), War Dragon Magazine 269 L Very Rare 270
Hound of Kyuss Dragon Magazine 270 M (4') Rare 650
Hound of Law Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV T (1') Very Rare 3000
Houyhnhnms Polyhedron 106 L Very Rare 120
Howler Planes of Chaos L (8') Very Rare 975
Hsiao Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (5') Rare 420+
Hsing-sing Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (5') Rare 65
Hu Hsien Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (5') Rare 4000
Human, Abber Nomads Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (6.5') Common 65
Human, Aborigine/Caveman Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Rare 35+
Human, Adventurer Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Very Rare Varies
Human, Amazon Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (6-7') Very Rare Varies
Human, Bandit/Brigand Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Common 15
Human, Barbarian Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Rare 15
Human, Berserker/Dervish Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Rare 15
Human, Cerilian, Anurien (Knight) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5-6') Rare Varies
Human, Cerilian, Brecht (Tradesman) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5-6') Common 15
Human, Cerilian, Khinasi (Soldier) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5-6') Common 15
Human, Cerilian, Rjurik (Berserker) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5-6') Uncommon 15
Human, Cerilian, Vos (Mercenary) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5-6') Common 15
Human, Cursed (Jacqueline Montarri) Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix II M (5'10") Unique 2000
Human, Darksun, Draxan Valley of Dust and Fire M (5-6') Uncommon 270
Human, Darksun, Ka'Ardan Valley of Dust and Fire M (5-7') Uncommon 175
Human, Dragon Slayer Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (6-7') Rare 270+
Human, Dune Trader Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (6') Uncommon 35
Human, Ex-gladiators Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (6') Uncommon 65
Human, Ex-slaves Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (6') Common 35
Human, Farmer/Herder Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Common 15
Human, Frost Barbarian Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (4-5') Rare Varies
Human, Gentry Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Common 15
Human, Herdsman Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (6') Common 35
Human, Knight Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Very Rare Varies
Human, Krynn, Ice Folk Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (6') Very Rare Varies
Human, Krynn, Knight of Solmania Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (6') Very Rare Varies
Human, Krynn, Plainsman Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (5-6') Rare Varies
Human, Krynn, Rebels Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (5-6') Rare Varies
Human, Lost Ones Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (6') Very Rare 15
Human, Madmen Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (6') Very Rare 35
Human, Madman (The Midnight Slasher) Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix II M (6'2" or 5'8") Unique 650
Human, Mercenary Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Rare 15
Human, Merchant Sailor/Fisherman Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Common 15
Human, Merchant/Trader Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Common 15
Human, Middle Class Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Common 15
Human, Nobles Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (6') Uncommon 65
Human, Peasant/Serf Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Common 15
Human, Pilgrim Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Uncommon 15
Human, Pirate/Buccaneer Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Common 15
Human, Police/Constabulary Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Uncommon 15
Human, Priest Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Very Rare Varies
Human, Pygmy Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV S (3-4') Uncommon 35
Human, Sailor Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Common 15
Human, Slaver Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Common 15
Human, Soldier Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Uncommon 15
Human, Templars Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (6') Common 120
Human, Thief/Thug Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Common Varies
Human, Tradesman/Craftsman Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Common 15
Human, Tribesman Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Rare 15
Human, Vistana Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (6') Very Rare 15
Human, Voodan (Chicken Bone) Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix II M (5') Unique 120
Human, Wako (Sea Pirate) Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (5-6') Uncommon Varies
Human, Wizard Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Very Rare Varies
Human, Wonderseeker Lost Ships M Rare Varies
Hummerfly Heart of the Enemy T (6' long) Very rare 120
Huptzeen Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T-M (2-5') Very Rare 650+
Hurdu Dragon Dawn L (7-8') Rare 100+
Hutaakan, Other Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Very Rare 7
Hutaakan, Priest Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Very Rare 65
Hutaakan, Warrior Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Very Rare 15
Hybsil Ruins of Zhentil Keep S (3') Rare 420+
Hybsil Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III S (3') Rare 420+
Hydden Prince of Lankhmar M (4-6') Very Rare 1400
Hydra Monstrous Manual G (30') Uncommon 2000
Hydra, Aquatic Lernean Axe of the Dwarvish Lords G (30') Very Rare 1400+
Hydra, Cyrohydra Monstrous Manual G (30') Very Rare 3000
Hydra, Lake Radruundar Monster Axe of the Dwarvish Lords G (200') Unique 22000
Hydra, Lernaean Monstrous Manual G (30') Very Rare 3000
Hydra, Pyrohydra Monstrous Manual G (30') Rare 3000
Hypnos The Nightmare Lands M (6') Unique 13000
Ibrandlin The Ruins of Undermountain G (40'+) Very Rare 5000
Ibrandlin Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III G (40'+) Very Rare 5000
Ice Crab Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S (2') Rare 175
Id Fiend Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix L (10') Rare 420
Iguanids Dragon Magazine 268 M (6-7') Rare 35+
Ikiryo Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix Nil Very Rare 7000
Illithid, Alhoon (Illithilich) Menzoberranzan M (6') Very Rare 9000
Illithid, Illithocyte Dawn of the Overmind S (4') Common 420
Immoth Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (8') Rare 8000
Imp Monstrous Manual T (2') Very Rare 1400
Imp Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I T (2') Very Rare 1400
Imp, Assassin Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I T (1') Rare 975
Imp, Blood Sea Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix T (2') Very Rare 975
Imp, Bog Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T (2') Rare 120
Imp, Chaos Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III T (2') Rare 175
Imp, Chaos Planes of Chaos T (2') Rare 175
Imp, Garden Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S (2.5') Very Rare 120
Imp, Mephit, Fire Monstrous Manual M (5') Very Rare 420
Imp, Mephit, Ice Monstrous Manual M (5') Very Rare 420
Imp, Mephit, Lava Monstrous Manual M (5') Very Rare 420
Imp, Mephit, Mist Monstrous Manual M (5') Very Rare 420
Imp, Mephit, Smoke Monstrous Manual M (5') Very Rare 420
Imp, Mephit, Steam Monstrous Manual M (5') Very Rare 420
Imp, Quasit Monstrous Manual T (2') Very Rare 2000
Imp, Quasit Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I T (2') Very Rare 2000
Imp, Wishing Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (1') Very Rare 5000
Imp, Wood Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T (1.5-2') Rare 65+
Impersonator Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I S (4') Rare 13000
Incantifer (Sect) Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (5-6') Very Rare 13000+
Incarnate Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I T (1') Very Rare 5000+
Infernal Avenger Dragon Magazine 268 M (6.5') Very Rare 4000
Infernite Dragon Magazine 159 M (6') Rare 650+
Ingundi Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix M (5-6') Very Rare 420
Inquisitor Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II M (6') Very Rare 3000
Inquisitor Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (6') Very Rare 3000
Insect, Ant, Giant Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 35+
Insect, Ant Lion, Giant Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 1400
Insect, Aratha Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 6000
Insect, Aspis, Cow Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 2000
Insect, Aspis, Drone Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 650
Insect, Aspis, Larba Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 65+
Insect, Assassin Bug Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 120
Insect, Bee, Soldier Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 270
Insect, Bee, Worker Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 175
Insect, Bumblebee Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 650
Insect, Cave Cricket Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 15
Insect, Dragonfly, Giant Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 1400
Insect, Dragonfly, Larva Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 650
Insect, Ear Seeker Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 15
Insect, Firefriend Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 35
Insect, Fly, Bluebottle Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 65
Insect, Fly, Horsefly Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 270
Insect, Fyrefly Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 175
Insect, Horax Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 270+
Insect, Hornet, Giant Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 650
Insect, Pernicon Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 15
Insect, Praying Mantis Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 35+
Insect, Praying Mantis, Gargantuan Realmspace S-M (2'-5') Rare Varies
Insect, Termite, Giant Harvester, King Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 975
Insect, Termite, Giant Harvester, Queen Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 1400
Insect, Termite, Giant Harvester, Soldier Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 120
Insect, Termite, Giant Harvester, Worker Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 35
Insect, Tick, Giant Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 35+
Insect, Wasp, Giant Monstrous Manual ? Uncommon 420
Insect Swarm, Athasian, Locust Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix T (8") Very Rare Varies
Insect Swarm, Athasian, Mini-kanks Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix T (5") Very Rare Varies
Insect Swarm, Grasshopper/Locust Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix Special Very Rare 2000
Insect Swarm, Grasshoppers and Locusts Monstrous Manual Special Very Rare 2000
Insect Swarm, Velvet Ants Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix Special Very Rare 975
Insect Swarm, Velvet Ants Monstrous Manual Special Very Rare 975
Insectare Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II M (6') Very Rare 420
Intellect Devourer, Adult Monstrous Manual T (6") Very Rare 6000
Intellect Devourer, Larva Monstrous Manual T (6") Very Rare 650
Invisible of Stardock Lankhmar: City of Adventure M (5-6') Very Rare 120
Invisible Stalker (Creature) Monstrous Manual L (8') Very Rare 3000
Iron Cobra Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix S (3') Extremely Rare 420
Iron Cobra, Giant Dragon Magazine 164 H (18') Very Rare 1400
Iron Cobra, Normal Dragon Magazine 164 S (3') Very Rare 270
Ironmaw Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II H (15-20') Uncommon 4000
Isopterite, Queen Crystal Spheres H (20') Unique 975
Isopterite, Warrior Crystal Spheres L (12'+) Very Rare 120
Ivy, Crawling Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness G (4' per HD) Very Rare 1400+
Ivy, Skullcap Dragon Magazine 259 T Rare 15
Ixitxachitl Monstrous Manual S-L (3-8') Very Rare 35+
Ixitxachitl, Ixzan Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M-L (5-10') Very Rare 65+
Ixitxachitl, Vampiric Monstrous Manual S-L (3-8') Very Rare 420
Ixitxachitl, Vampiric, Greater Monstrous Manual L (8') Very Rare 4000
Jabberwock Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III G (30') Unique 25000
Jack Frost Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness S (3-4') Rare 3000
Jackalwere Monstrous Manual S (3') as jackal, M (6') as hybrid Rare 270
Jagre Maztica Campaign Set H (16') Very Rare 4000
Jakar Vale of the Mage Varies Unique 15000
Jalath'gak Thri-Kreen of Athas H (13') Uncommon 4000
Jarbo Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T (2') Common 7
Jelly, Mustard Monstrous Manual L (9-12') Rare 4000
Jelly, Ochre Monstrous Manual M (4-7') Uncommon 270
Jelly, Phase Polyhedron 67 M (4-7') Very Rare 1400
Jelly, Slithering Tracker Monstrous Manual S (3') Rare 975
Jelly, Stun Monstrous Manual L (10') Rare 420
Jelly, Symbiotic Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix T (2-3") Very Rare 270
Jellyfish, Giant, Death's Head Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix H (14') Rare 2000
Jellyfish, Giant, Galley Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (12') Rare 975
Jellyfish, Giant, Marauder Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (10') Uncommon 975
Jellyfish, Giant (Portuguese Man-o-War) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II S-L (2.5-10') Uncommon 65+
Jhakar Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II S (2') Uncommon 120
Jishin Mushi Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix L (8-10') Very Rare 420
Jolly Roger Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6') Rare 2000
Jorri Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix S (3-4') Rare 175
Jozhal Dark Sun Campaign Setting Revised S (4') Rare 1400
Juhrion Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (10'+) Uncommon 650
Kaisharga Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (6') Very Rare 22000+
Kala, Cave Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (6') Rare 1400
Kala, Earth Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (6') Rare 650
Kalin Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (10') Uncommon 650
Kalin City by the Silt Sea L (12') Uncommon 650
Kalmari Villains' Lorebook M Very Rare 2000
Kalothagh (Prickleback) Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix L (12') Uncommon 270
Kaluk Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix L (8') Very Rare 6000
Kamatlan Maztica Campaign Set L (6-7') Very Rare 975
Kamatlan, Kamadan Maztica Campaign Set L (5-6') Rare 975
Kani Doll Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix T (6") Rare 35
Kank, Wild Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix L (8') Common 175
Kappa, Common Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix S (2') Rare 270
Kappa, Kappt-Ti Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (4-5') Very Rare 1400
Kappa, Vampric Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix S (3') Very Rare 2000
Katanga, Caiman Polyhedron 102 M Uncommon 150+
Katanga, Hedgehog Polyhedron 129 S Uncommon Varies
Katanga, Impala Polyhedron 129 M (5-6') or S (3') Uncommon Varies
Katanga, Monkey Polyhedron 102 S Uncommon 150+
Katanga, Ostrich Polyhedron 121 M Uncommon 150+
Katanga, Pangolin Polyhedron 102 S Uncommon 150+
Katanga, Snake Polyhedron 102 M Uncommon 150+
Katanga, Tiger Polyhedron 102 M Uncommon 150+
Kazgaroth Villains' Lorebook G (50') Unique 19000
Kech Polyhedron 45 M Rare ???
Kech Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix M (6') Rare 650
Keeper Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (5-6') Very Rare 1400
Kender Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix S (3-4') Rare Varies
Kenku Monstrous Manual M (5-7') Uncommon 175+
Kercpa Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV T (1-1.5') Rare 65+
Keres Dragon Magazine 210 M Very Rare 7000
Kes'trekel Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II S (1') Uncommon 35
Khaasta Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (6-7') Rare 175
Khargra Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix S (3.5') Extremely Rare 1400
Khargra Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III S (3.5') Common 1400
Kholiathra Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (6') Very Rare 650
Kindori (Space Whale) Adventures in Space G (80') Uncommon 11000
Ki-rin Monstrous Manual H (13') Very Rare 11000
Kirre Monstrous Manual L (8') Rare 650
Kirre Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix L (8') Rare 650
Kitsune Kasumi (Spirit Fox) Dungeon Magazine 33 S (3') Very Rare 190
Kizoku Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6') Very Rare 9000
Kla'a-Tah Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (12'+) Very Rare 2000+
Kla'a-Tah, Cluu-rin Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (10'+) Very Rare 2000+
Klar Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (9') Rare 6000
Kluzd Dark Sun Campaign Setting Revised M (6') Very Rare 270
Klyndes Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III M (6') Rare 650
Kna Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (10-12') Common 975
Knight Terror Dragon Magazine 249 M Very Rare Varies
Kobold Monstrous Manual S (3') Uncommon 7
Kobold, Dragon Mountain Dragon Mountain S (3') Uncommon 7+
Kobold, Urd Monstrous Manual S (3') Rare 35+
Kopru Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6'+) Rare 3000
Korobokuru, Malatran Polyhedron 102 S (4') Common 75+
Korobokuru, Common Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix S (4') Uncommon 175
Korobokuru, Ishikorobokuru Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix S (3') Very Rare 270
Krag City by the Silt Sea M (5-7') Very Rare 5000+
Krag Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (5-7') Very Rare 5000+
Kragling Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II S-M (3-7') Very Rare 175+
Kragling, Greater City by the Silt Sea S-M (3-7') Very Rare 420
Kragling, Lesser City by the Silt Sea S-M (3-7') Very Rare 175
Krajen, Adult Adventures in Space G (40') Very Rare 8000
Krajen, Immature Adventures in Space S (1') Common 35
Kraken, Zakharan Dragon Magazine 198 G (60') Very Rare 25000
Krakentua Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix G (80-100') Very Rare 45000
Krotter Giantcraft L (6') Uncommon 80
K'r'r'r The Legend of Spelljammer M (5-6') Rare 1400
Kruel Dragon Magazine 187 M (5') Rare 270
Kuei Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (5-6') Rare 1000+
Kuo-Toa Monstrous Manual M to L (6-8') Very Rare 175+
Kupuk The Great Glacier M (6') Rare 420
Kyrie Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (7') Very Rare 1400
Kyton Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (6') Rare 6000
Kyton Planes of Law M (6') Rare 6000
Lacerial, Bladeback Polyhedron 129 L (7') Rare 35
Lacerial, Finhead Polyhedron 129 M (5') Rare 35
Lacerial, Flyer Polyhedron 129 S (3') Rare 65
Lacerial, Hornhead Polyhedron 129 L (10') Rare 120
Laerti Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (7') Rare 120
Laerti, Stingtail Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (12') Very Rare 1400
Lakshu Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix M (5-6') Very Rare 2000
Lamia Monstrous Manual M Very Rare 3000
Lamia, Noble Monstrous Manual M Very Rare 4000
Lamia, Sa'ir Dragon Magazine 192 M (4-5') Very Rare 420
Lammasu, Celestial Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix L (12') Rare 108500
Lammasu, Greater Monstrous Manual L Very Rare 8000
Lammasu, Lesser Monstrous Manual L Rare 4000
Laraken Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (10') Very Rare 2000
Larva Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (5') Common 35
Larva Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 35
Lashweed Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (5') Rare 270
Lavaworm Realmspace M (5' long) uncommon/common 650
Lebendtod Ship of Horror M (4-7') Very Rare Special
Leech, Giant Monstrous Manual S to M (2' to 5') Uncommon 65+
Leech, Jammer Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix S (1') Rare 650
Leech, Legacy Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (7') Very Rare 6000
Leech, Magical Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (1') Uncommon 15
Leech, Psionic Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness T (1') Uncommon 15
Leech, Swarm Monstrous Manual L (10' wide) Uncommon 15
Leech, Throat Monstrous Manual T (1") Common 35
Leomarh Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II L (6-7') Uncommon 1400
Leprechaun Monstrous Manual T (2') Uncommon 270
Leprechaun, Clurichaun Dragon Magazine 239 T (2') Very Rare ???
Leprechaun, Far Darrig Dragon Magazine 158 S (3') Uncommon 420
Leprechaun, Geanncanac Dragon Magazine 158 S (3') Uncommon 420
Leprechaun, Red Cap Dragon Magazine 158 S (4') Very Rare 420
Leprechaun, Wicked Dragon Magazine 239 T (2') Very Rare 420
Leshy Dragon Magazine 239 Varies Rare 2000
Leucrotta Monstrous Manual L (7' at shoulder, 9' long) Rare 975
Leucrotta, Greater City of Splendors L Very Rare 2000
Leucrotta, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M or L Very Rare 2000
Leviathan Nehwon L (300') Very Rare 36000
Lhee, Common Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II S (1') Uncommon 120
Lhee, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II M (5') Uncommon 650
Lhee, Lesser Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II S (3') Uncommon 270
Lhiannan Shee Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II M Very Rare 4000
Li Lung (Earth Dragon) Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I G (30' base) Rare 975+
Lich Monstrous Manual M (6') Very Rare 8000
Lich, Arch Lost Ships M (6') Very Rare 9000
Lich, Bane Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5-6') Very Rare 22000+
Lich, Banelich Ruins of Zhentil Keep M (5-6') Very Rare 22000+
Lich, Bardic (Andres Duvall) Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix II M (6') Unique 13000
Lich, Defiler Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6') Very Rare 8000
Lich, Demilich Monstrous Manual M (6') Very Rare 10000
Lich, Drider Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness L (9') Very Rare 9000
Lich, Drow Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6') Very Rare 9000
Lich, Elemental Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6') Very Rare 25000
Lich, Fire Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II L (18') Very Rare 10000
Lich, Illithid (Alhoon) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (6') Very Rare 9000
Lich, Inheritor Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (4-7') Very Rare 19000
Lich, Master The Legend of Spelljammer M (5.5') Unique 15000
Lich, Psionic Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (6') Very Rare 16000
Lich, Psionic Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6') Very Rare 16000
Lich, Semi Polyhedron 42 S Very Rare ???
Lich, Suel Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (5-6') Very Rare 10000+
Lichling, Mature Nightmare Keep G (80') Very Rare 12000
Lichling, Young Nightmare Keep T (6") Very Rare 270
Lich's Blood Dragon Magazine 238 M Very Rare 1400
Life-Shaped Creation, Guardian, Climbdog Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III S (3') Very Rare 65
Life-Shaped Creation, Guardian, Darkstrike Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III S (4') Very Rare 65
Life-Shaped Creation, Guardian, Protector Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5') Very Rare 120
Life-Shaped Creation, Guardian, Shieldbug Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III T (6") Very Rare 7
Life-Shaped Creation, Guardian, Watcher Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III S (3') Very Rare 35
Life-Shaped Creation, Transport, Ber-ethern Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (6') Very Rare 120
Life-Shaped Creation, Transport, Dhev-sahr Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L (7') Very Rare 120
Life-Shaped Creation, Transport, Gon-evauth Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III H (20') Very Rare 975
Life-Shaped Creation, Transport, Yihn-eflan Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L (8') Very Rare 270
Lillend Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L (20') Rare 9000
Lillend Planes of Chaos L (20') Rare 9000
Lindworm Dragon Magazine 182 H (20') Very Rare 650
Linqua Planes of Conflict S (3') Rare to Very Rare 420
Lirr Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (4') Uncommon 420
Living Hair Dragon Magazine 252 M Very Rare 975
Living Idol, Animal Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L (10-12') Very Rare 9000
Living Idol, Death Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L (10-12') Very Rare 16000
Living Idol, Elemental Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L (10-12') Very Rare 12000
Living Idol, Healing Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix L (10-12') Very Rare 12000
Living Lahar Dragon Magazine 265 G (25-100') Very Rare 7000
Living Steel Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (6') Very Rare 5000
Living Tattoo, Dark Man Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6') Very Rare 420
Living Tattoo, Living Spear Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (4-5') Rare 420
Living Tattoo, Panther Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (5-6') Rare 270
Living Tattoo, Raven Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness S (3') Rare 420
Living Tattoo, Winged Snake Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (4-5') Very Rare 975
Living Wall Monstrous Manual L to G (rectangular area) Very Rare 2000+
Lizard, Draco Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Uncommon 420
Lizard, Faix Imbul Practical Planetology S (3' long) Uncommon 45
Lizard, Fire Monstrous Manual G (30') Very Rare 3000
Lizard, Giant Monstrous Manual H (15') Uncommon 175
Lizard, Giant, Footpad Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (8') Rare 120
Lizard, Giant, Gecko Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (5') Uncommon 270
Lizard, Giant, Tuatara Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (8') Uncommon 270
Lizard, Giant Iguana Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix L (8-10') Rare 420
Lizard, Gladiator Lankhmar: City of Adventure L (8') Very Rare 1400
Lizard, Horned Chameleon Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (7') Uncommon 420
Lizard, Ice Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix S (3') Very Rare 1400
Lizard, Lava Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Very Rare 420
Lizard, Minotaur Monstrous Manual G (40') Rare 975
Lizard, Poisonous, Gila Monster Dragon Magazine 237 S (2-3') Uncommon 270
Lizard, Poisonous, Rough-Skinned Newt Dragon Magazine 237 T (2-4") Uncommon 65
Lizard, Rockhome Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (6') Common 65
Lizard, Spitting Crawler The Drow of the Underdark S (3') Rare 175
Lizard, Subterranean Monstrous Manual H (20') Uncommon 650
Lizard, Subterranean, Pack Lizard Menzoberranzan H (15'+) Common 1400
Lizard, Subterranean, Riding Menzoberranzan H (12') Common 975
Lizard, Tundra Dragon Annual 1997 S (3-4') Rare 420
Lizard, Xytar Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (8') Rare 650
Lizard, Zhakar, Fastclaw Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn M Rare 15
Lizard, Zhakar, Warclaw Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn L Rare 120
Lizard Man Monstrous Manual M (7') Rare 65+
Lizard Man, Bakali Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (6-8') Very Rare 175
Lizard Man, Jarak Sinn Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix L (7') Rare 270
Lizard Man, Lizard King Monstrous Manual L (8') Very Rare 975
Lizard Man (Athas) The Wanderer's Chronicle: Mind Lords of the Last Sea M (7') Rare 65+
Lizard Man (Athas), Lizard King The Wanderer's Chronicle: Mind Lords of the Last Sea L (8') Unique 975
Lizard-kin, Cayma Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix S (1') Uncommon 65+
Lizard-kin, Cayman Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S (1') Uncommon 65+
Lizard-kin, Chameleon Man Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (7') Rare 120+
Lizard-kin, Gator Man Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (8') Rare 420+
Lizard-kin, Gurrash Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (8') Rare 420+
Lizard-kin, Krolli Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (7-8') Rare 270+
Lizard-kin, Shazak Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (6') Rare 65+
Lizard-kin, Sis'thik Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Rare 175+
Lizardman, Malatran Polyhedron 121 M (7') Rare 65
Lizardman, Malatran, Lizard King Polyhedron 121 L (8') Very Rare 975
Locathah Monstrous Manual M (5'+) Rare 35
Lock Lurker Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T (1") Rare 175
Losel From the Ashes M (6') Rare 35+
Lost Souls The Nightmare Lands M (6') Uncommon 975
Loxo Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II L (8') Very Rare 650+
Loxo Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (8') Very Rare 650+
Lumineaux Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix G Very Rare 9000
Lung Wang (Sea Dragon) Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I G (40' base) Very Rare 2000+
Lupasus Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (8') Uncommon 420+
Lupin Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (5-6') Rare 65
Lupin Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (5-7') Common 65+
Lurker Monstrous Manual H (20') Uncommon 2000
Lurker, Forest Monstrous Manual H (20') Rare 3000
Lurker, Shadow Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (20') Rare 1400
Lurker, Trapper Monstrous Manual H (20-30') Rare 3000
Lutum (Mud Woman) Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix M-L (5-7') Rare 2000
Lycanthrope, Loup du Noir Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (6') Very Rare 1400
Lycanthrope, Loup-garou, Lowland Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6-7') Very Rare 2000
Lycanthrope, Loup-garou, Mountain Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6-7') Very Rare 4000
Lycanthrope, Lythari Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (10') Very Rare 420
Lycanthrope, Seawolf, Greater Monstrous Manual L (12-15' long) or M Very Rare 1400
Lycanthrope, Seawolf, Lesser Monstrous Manual M (6-7') Very Rare 120
Lycanthrope, Werebadger Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I S (4') Very Rare 650+
Lycanthrope, Werebat Monstrous Manual M (6') Rare 420
Lycanthrope, Werebat Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (6') Rare 420
Lycanthrope, Werebat, Giant (Shadkyn) Dragon Magazine 266 L (9-10') Very Rare 1800
Lycanthrope, Werebear Monstrous Manual L (6-9') Rare 1400
Lycanthrope, Werebear, Giant (Polarwere) Dragon Magazine 266 H (21') Very Rare 8400
Lycanthrope, Wereboar Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Rare 650
Lycanthrope, Werecrocodile Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M-L (5-12') Rare 650+
Lycanthrope, Werecrocodile Old Empires M-L (8-12') Rare 650+
Lycanthrope, Werefox (Foxwoman) Monstrous Manual M Very Rare 2000
Lycanthrope, Werehyena Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M (5-6') Uncommon 1400
Lycanthrope, Werejackal Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M Rare 975+
Lycanthrope, Werejaguar Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (6-7') Uncommon 975
Lycanthrope, Werejaguar Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M Rare 650+
Lycanthrope, Werejaguar Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Very Rare 2000
Lycanthrope, Werelagomorph (were-hare) Dragon Magazine 156 S (2') or M (4.5') Very Rare 175
Lycanthrope, Wereleopard Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M Uncommon 650+
Lycanthrope, Werelion Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M-L (6') Rare 2000
Lycanthrope, Werepanther Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (5-6') Rare 420+
Lycanthrope, Wererat Monstrous Manual S-M (3'-6') Uncommon 270
Lycanthrope, Wererat, Lord Dungeon Magazine 62 S-M (3-6') Very Rare Varies
Lycanthrope, Wereraven Monstrous Manual M (5') Uncommon 420
Lycanthrope, Wereraven Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (5') Uncommon 420
Lycanthrope, Wereray Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M Uncommon 650+
Lycanthrope, Wereshark Islands of Terror L (20') Very Rare Varies
Lycanthrope, Wereshark Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L (20') Very Rare 4000
Lycanthrope, Werespider Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M-L (6-8') Very Rare 650
Lycanthrope, Wereswine Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Uncommon 2000
Lycanthrope, Weretiger Monstrous Manual M or L (6-9') Very Rare 975
Lycanthrope, Weretiger (Jahed) Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix II M (5'10") Very Rare 2000
Lycanthrope, Werewolf Monstrous Manual M (6') Common 420
Lycanthrope, Werewolf, Prikolic Dragon Magazine 158 M Very Rare 270
Lythlyx Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I H (14-21') Rare 2000
Machine, Living, Arcanosheen Dragon Magazine 270 H (10') Very Rare 19000
Machine, Living, Burrower Dragon Magazine 270 H (24') Very Rare 4000
Machine, Living, Dasher Dragon Magazine 258 M (6') Very Rare 1400
Machine, Living, Drifter Dragon Magazine 258 M (4') Very Rare 650
Machine, Living, Flitter Dragon Magazine 258 M (4') Very Rare 975
Machine, Living, Phaser Dragon Magazine 270 S (1-2') Very Rare 3000
Machine, Living, Propagator Dragon Magazine 270 M (6') Very Rare 2000
Machine, Living, Render Dragon Magazine 258 H (10') Very Rare 19000
Machine, Living, Roller Dragon Magazine 270 M (7') or H (18') Very Rare 650+
Machine, Living, Walker Dragon Magazine 258 S (3') Very Rare 175
Machine, Living, Walker, Miner Dragon Magazine 258 S (3') Very Rare 420
Machine, Living, Walker, Strong Variant Dragon Magazine 258 M (4') Very Rare 975
Maelephant Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix L (9') Rare 21500
Maelephant Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I L (9') Rare 10000
Meazel Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I M (4-5') Uncommon 120
Magebane Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I S (1.5-3') Rare 1400
Magedoom Ruins of Zhentil Keep L (8') Very Rare 11000
Magedoom Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L (8') Very Rare 11000
Magen, Caldron Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Very Rare 175
Magen, Demos Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Very Rare 120
Magen, Galvan Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Very Rare 420
Magen, Hypnos Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (6') Very Rare 175
MagiStar Polyhedron 55 G Very Rare 6000
Magman Planescape Campaign Setting S (3') Very Rare 120
Magran Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III H (20') Rare 8000
Malfera Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (12') Very Rare 6000
Mammal, Ape, Carnivorous Monstrous Manual M Rare 175
Mammal, Baboon, Wild Monstrous Manual S Uncommon 35
Mammal, Badger Monstrous Manual S Common 35
Mammal, Banderlog Monstrous Manual S Very Rare 120
Mammal, Bhaergala Monstrous Manual M? Rare 650
Mammal, Boar, Wild Monstrous Manual S to M Common 175
Mammal, Chattur Monstrous Manual S Rare 15
Mammal, Cooshee Monstrous Manual S Uncommon 270
Mammal, Dakon Monstrous Manual M Rare 65
Mammal, Debbi Monstrous Manual S Rare 65
Mammal, Giant, Badger Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M Very Rare 65
Mammal, Giant, Beaver Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M Very Rare 120
Mammal, Giant, Boar Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L Very Rare 650
Mammal, Giant, Hyena (Hyaenodon) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L Very Rare 175
Mammal, Giant, Otter Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L Very Rare 175
Mammal, Giant, Porcupine Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L Very Rare 650
Mammal, Giant, Skunk Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M Very Rare 420
Mammal, Giant, Weasel Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M Very Rare 175
Mammal, Giant, Wolverine Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L Very Rare 975
Mammal, Goat Monstrous Manual S Common 35
Mammal, Gorilla Monstrous Manual M Common 175
Mammal, Herd, Antelope Monstrous Manual M (5') Common 35
Mammal, Herd, Buffalo Monstrous Manual L (5') Uncommon 175
Mammal, Herd, Bull (Wild Ox) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L Common 175
Mammal, Herd, Camel Monstrous Manual L (8') Common 65
Mammal, Herd, Caribou Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L Common 120
Mammal, Herd, Cattle Monstrous Manual L (8') Common 15+
Mammal, Herd, Giant Goat Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L Rare 175
Mammal, Herd, Giant Ram Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L Uncommon 175
Mammal, Herd, Giant Stag Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L Common 175
Mammal, Herd, Hippopotamus Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L Uncommon 975
Mammal, Herd, Llama Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L Common 65
Mammal, Herd, Rhino (1 Horn) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L Uncommon 975
Mammal, Herd, Rhino (2 Horn) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L Uncommon 1400
Mammal, Herd, Sheep Monstrous Manual M (5') Common 35
Mammal, Herd, Wild Stag Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II L Common 65
Mammal, Hsing-sing Monstrous Manual M Very Rare 65
Mammal, Hyena Monstrous Manual S Common 65
Mammal, Jackal Monstrous Manual S Common 7
Mammal, Losel Monstrous Manual M Uncommon 120
Mammal, Monkey Spider Monstrous Manual S Common 1
Mammal, Porcupine, Black Monstrous Manual S Common 15
Mammal, Porcupine, Brown Monstrous Manual S Common 15
Mammal, Rothé Monstrous Manual L Very Rare 35
Mammal, Rothé, Deep The Drow of the Underdark M (4') Uncommon 65
Mammal, Skunk Monstrous Manual S Common 35
Mammal, Sleek Monstrous Manual S Uncommon 65
Mammal, Small, Beaver Monstrous Manual S Common 7
Mammal, Small, Chipmunk Monstrous Manual S Common 0
Mammal, Small, Ermine Monstrous Manual S Common 15
Mammal, Small, Ferret Monstrous Manual S Common 15
Mammal, Small, Fox Monstrous Manual S Common 15
Mammal, Small, Gopher Monstrous Manual S Common 27
Mammal, Small, Hedgehog Monstrous Manual S Common 7
Mammal, Small, Mink Monstrous Manual S Common 15
Mammal, Small, Mole Monstrous Manual S Common 0
Mammal, Small, Monkey Monstrous Manual S Common 35
Mammal, Small, Mouse Monstrous Manual S Common 0
Mammal, Small, Muskrat Monstrous Manual S Common 7
Mammal, Small, Opposum Monstrous Manual S Common 7
Mammal, Small, Otter Monstrous Manual S Common 7
Mammal, Small, Otter, Giant Monstrous Manual S Common 175
Mammal, Small, Otter, Sea Monstrous Manual S Common 35
Mammal, Small, Pig, Domestic Monstrous Manual S Common 35
Mammal, Small, Pig, Wild Monstrous Manual S Common 35
Mammal, Small, Rabbit Monstrous Manual S Common 7
Mammal, Small, Racoon Monstrous Manual S Common 7
Mammal, Small, Squirrel Monstrous Manual S Common 0
Mammal, Small, Squirrel, Flying Monstrous Manual S Common 0
Mammal, Small, Squirrel, Giant Black Monstrous Manual S Common 35
Mammal, Small, Woodchuck Monstrous Manual S Common 7
Mammal, Stag, Wild Monstrous Manual M Uncommon 65
Mammal, Stench Kow Monstrous Manual L Very Rare 175
Mammal, Taer Monstrous Manual M Uncommon 270
Mammal, Tropical, Chimpanzee Dungeon Magazine 56 S-M (3-5') Uncommon 65
Mammal, Tropical, Giant Hippo Dungeon Magazine 56 H Rare 1600
Mammal, Tropical, Hippo Dungeon Magazine 56 H Common 975
Mammal, Tropical, Pygmy Hippo Dungeon Magazine 56 L Rare 175
Mammal, Tyrg Monstrous Manual M Rare 270+
Mammal, Warthog Monstrous Manual M Common 120
Mammal, Weasel Monstrous Manual T (2') Common 7
Mammal, Wolverine Monstrous Manual S Common 120
Manikin Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix T (10') Rare 120
Manni Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II M (4-5') Rare 65
Manotaur Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L (8') Very Rare 5000
Manscorpion Monstrous Manual L (6') Rare 4000+
Manscorpion Rary the Traitor L Rare 1400
Manscorpion, Nimmurian Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (6') Rare 975+
Mantari Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix S (4') Very Rare 120
Manticore Monstrous Manual H (15') Uncommon 975
Mantidrake Dragon Magazine 170 H (25') Very Rare 3000+
Mantidrake Cult of the Dragon H (25') Very Rare 3000+
Mara (Great Walker) Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II L (20') Rare 5000
Marble Castle Spulzeer M (5.5') Unique 14000
Mardukhavar (The Reaver) Dragon Magazine 260 G (170') Unique 46000
Marikith Islands of Terror M (6-7') Common 420
Markeen Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M Very Rare 120
Marl Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II G (40') Rare 6000
Marrashi Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (5') Rare 2000
Marut Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix L (12') Rare 36000
Marut Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I L (12') Rare 17000
Masgai Dragon Magazine 244 M (6') Rare 65
Maskhi Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M Rare 975+
Mason Wasp, Giant Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M (6') Uncommon 3000
Mastiff, Shadow Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (5') Uncommon 420
Mastyrial, Black Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II S (3') Uncommon 3000
Mastyrial, Desert Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (5-6') Uncommon 10000
Meazel Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (4-5') Uncommon 120
Meazel (Salizarr) Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix II M (4'6") Unique 270
Mediator Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (5') Very Rare Special
Mediator, Mechanus Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Very Rare Special
Mediator, Translator Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I S (3') Common 1400
Medrinia Dragon Magazine 260 G (120') Unique 36000
Medusa Monstrous Manual M (6-7') Rare 2000
Medusa, Glyptar Monstrous Manual T (<6") Very Rare 65
Medusa, Greater Monstrous Manual M (6-7') Rare 4000
Medusa, Maedar Monstrous Manual M (5-7') Very Rare 975
Medusa (Althea) Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix II M (6') Unique 3000
Meenlock Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II T (2') Very Rare 650
Megapede Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix G (100-150') Very Rare 4000
Mek Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L-H (15-25') Very Rare 12000+
Meme A Guide to the Ethereal Plane M (4-6') Very Rare 4000
Memedi, Common Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (5-6') Uncommon 650
Memedi, Gendruwo Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix S to M (3-6') Uncommon 35
Memento Mori Dragon Magazine 186 M Uncommon to Very Rare Varies
Menglis Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III L (10') Very Rare 8000
Men-shen Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix L (8') Very Rare 4000
Meorty Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (6') Very Rare 20000+
Mephit, Air Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 420
Mephit, Ash Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 420
Mephit, Dust Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 420
Mephit, Earth Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 420
Mephit, Fire Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M (5') Common to Very Rare 420
Mephit, Fire Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 420
Mephit, Ice Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M (5') Common to Very Rare 420
Mephit, Ice Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 420
Mephit, Lava Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M (5') Common to Very Rare 420
Mephit, Lightning Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 420
Mephit, Magma Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 420
Mephit, Mineral Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 420
Mephit, Mist Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M (5') Common to Very Rare 420
Mephit, Mist Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 420
Mephit, Ooze Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 420
Mephit, Radiant Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 420
Mephit, Salt Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 420
Mephit, Smoke Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M (5') Common to Very Rare 420
Mephit, Smoke Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 420
Mephit, Steam Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M (5') Common to Very Rare 420
Mephit, Steam Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 420
Mephit, Water Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (5') Common 420
Mercurial Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (5-6') Very Rare 9000+
Merhorse Dragon Magazine 190 G (60-100') Rare 4000
Merhorse, Longnecked Dragon Magazine 190 G (60-100') Rare 4000
Merkhant (Sect) Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (5-7') Rare 650
Merman Monstrous Manual M (5-6') Uncommon 65+
Metalmaster (Sword Slug) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I H (12-25') Rare 650+
Meteorspawn Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II G (100'+) Uncommon 11000
Milkshades Polyhedron 56 M Rare 175
Mimic, Common Monstrous Manual L Rare 975+
Mimic, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II H (1000+ cu.ft.) Very Rare 7000+
Mimic, House Hunter, Adult Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I H (15-20') Rare 8000
Mimic, House Hunter, Ancient Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I H (30-40)' Rare 13000
Mimic, House Hunter, Young Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (10') Rare 3000
Mimic, Killer Monstrous Manual L Rare 2000+
Mimic, Space Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix L Very Rare 5000
Mind Flayer (Illithid) Monstrous Manual M (6') Rare 9000
Minion, Divine Old Empires M (6.5') Uncommon 1400
Minion, Divine Powers & Pantheons M (6') Uncommon 2000
Minion of Set Planescape Campaign Setting M (6.5') Uncommon 1400+
Minotaur Monstrous Manual L (7.5') Rare 1400+
Minotaur, Krynn Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix L (7-8') Rare Varies
Misi Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix S (3') Very Rare 975
Miska the Wolf-Spider Tomes: The Rod of Seven Parts H (15') Unique 36000
Mist, Crimson Death Monstrous Manual M (6') Very Rare 9000
Mist, Scarlet Dancer Ruins of Zhentil Keep T (2") Rare 35+
Mist, Scarlet Dancer Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III T (2") Rare 35+
Mist, Vampiric Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix M (5-8') Rare 270
Mist, Vampiric Monstrous Manual M (5-8') Rare 270
Mist Ferryman Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M (6') Rare 420
Mist Horror, Common Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I Varies Common 3000
Mist Horror, Wandering Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I Varies Uncommon 5000
Mite Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix T (2') Rare 35
Mite, Snyad (Pestie) Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix T (2.5') Uncommon 65
Modron, Decaton Planescape Campaign Setting M Rare 9000
Modron, Duodrone Planescape Campaign Setting S Common 175
Modron, Hexton Planescape Campaign Setting L Very Rare 14000
Modron, Monodrone Planescape Campaign Setting S Common 35+
Modron, Nonaton Planescape Campaign Setting L Rare 10000
Modron, Octon Planescape Campaign Setting L Rare 12000
Modron, Pentadrone Planescape Campaign Setting M Rare 2000
Modron, Primus Planescape Campaign Setting L Unique 36000
Modron, Quadrone Planescape Campaign Setting M Uncommon 650
Modron, Quarton Planescape Campaign Setting L Very Rare 16000
Modron, Quinton Planescape Campaign Setting L Very Rare 15000
Modron, Secundus Planescape Campaign Setting L Very Rare 19000
Modron, Septon Planescape Campaign Setting M Very Rare 13000
Modron, Teritan Planescape Campaign Setting L Very Rare 18000
Modron, Tridrone Planescape Campaign Setting M Uncommon 270
Moigno Planes of Law T (1') Rare 2000
Moilian Heart Return to the Tomb of Horrors S (6") Very Rare 975
Mold, Brown Monstrous Manual S-L Very Rare 15
Mold, Chromatic Dragon Annual 1996 S to L Uncommon 35
Mold, Chromatic Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV S to L Uncommon 175+
Mold, Death Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II S-L Very Rare 175
Mold, Deep Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II S-L Uncommon 35
Mold, Gray Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II S-L Rare 65
Mold, Russet Monstrous Manual S-L Very Rare 35
Mold, Yellow Monstrous Manual S-L Uncommon 65
Mold Man, Malatran Polyhedron 121 M-L (4-9') Very Rare Varies
Mold Man (Vegepygmy) Monstrous Manual S-M (2'-4.5') Very Rare 120+
Mongrelman Monstrous Manual M (5-7') Rare 35+
Mongrelman, Infiltrator Dragon Magazine 242 M Very Rare 270
Monitor Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix II M (6') Uncommon 8000
Monkey, Spider Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II T (1") Rare 1
Monoceros Dragon Magazine 199 L Very Rare 270
Monolisk Wonders of Lankhmar G (50') Very Rare 5000
Monster of Legend Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II Varies Very Rare 35000
Moon, Rogue Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix H-G Very Rare 9000
Moor Man Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M Uncommon 270
Morg, Absalom City by the Silt Sea M (7') Unique 10000
Morin Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II S (1-2') Uncommon 120
Morkoth Monstrous Manual M (6') Very Rare 1400
Morpheus The Nightmare Lands M (6') Unique 12000
Mortai Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix G Rare 58500
Mortai Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II G Rare 25000
Mortiss Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix S-M (2" to 6') Rare Varies
Mosquito, Giant, Anopheles Polyhedron 67 L (12') Uncommon 1400
Mosquito, Giant, Culex Polyhedron 67 L (9') Uncommon 975
Mosquito, Giant, Male Polyhedron 67 M (7') Uncommon 420
Mosquito, Giant, Wriggler Polyhedron 67 M (5') Uncommon 120
Moss, Bog Polyhedron 67 L (10') Uncommon 175
Moss, Forest Polyhedron 67 L (10') Rare 975
Moss, Swamp Polyhedron 67 L (10') Very Rare 2000
Moth, Plague Dragon Magazine 238 T (1') Uncommon 420
Moth, Whispering Dragon Magazine 227 T (4") Rare 175
Muckdweller Monstrous Manual T (1') Rare 15
Mudman Monstrous Manual S (4') Very Rare 175
Mujina Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (5-7') Very Rare 2000
Mul Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (6-7') Very Rare 65
Mul, Wild Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix M (6-7') Common 270
Mullonga The Nightmare Lands M (5') Unique 11000
Mummy Monstrous Manual M (6') Rare 3000
Mummy, Bog Dragon Magazine 238 M (6') Very Rare 3000
Mummy, Bog Requiem: The Grim Harvest M (5-6') Rare 3000
Mummy, Bog Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (5-6') Rare 4000
Mummy, Creature, Animal Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II S-M Rare Varies
Mummy, Creature, Monster Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II Varies Very Rare Varies
Mummy, Father Bernadette's Cleric's Challenge II M (6') Unique 5000
Mummy, Greater Monstrous Manual M (6') Very Rare 8000
Mummy, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix I M (6') Very Rare 8000+
Mummy, Greater (Senmet) Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix II M (6'3") Unique 8000
Mummy, Ice Dragon Magazine 238 M (5-6') Rare 4000
Mummy, Ka Dragon Magazine 198 M (5-7') Very Rare 14000
Murdakus Dragon Magazine 270 G (90') Very Rare 25000
Murderoid Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix G (1–600 miles) Very Rare 51000
Murska Planes of Chaos L (8') Very Rare 1400
Myconid (Fungus Man) Monstrous Manual T-L (2' per HD) Rare 65+
Myrlochar The Drow of the Underdark M (6') Very Rare 4000
Mythu'nn Folk Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix T (6-9") Rare 65
Naga, Bone Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (12') Very Rare 4000
Naga, Dark Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II L (up to 12') Very Rare 4000
Naga, Dark Monstrous Manual L (up to 12') Very Rare 4000
Naga, Guardian Monstrous Manual H (20') Very Rare 7000
Naga, Mountain Storm Riders L (12') Very Rare 4000
Naga, Spirit Monstrous Manual H (15') Rare 5000
Naga, Water Monstrous Manual L (10') Uncommon 3000
Nagpa Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix M (5-6') Very Rare 3000
Narek, The Thing in the Shaft Vecna Reborn G (25') Unique 9000
Nasnas Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M Uncommon 270
Nat, Einsaung Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix S (3') Rare 975
Nat, Hkum Yeng Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (4') Very Rare 3000
Nat, Lu Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix M (6') Rare 8000
Nathri Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III S (4') Uncommon 120
Nautilus, Giant Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I G (50'+) Very Rare 15000
Nawidnehr The Sea Devils H (30') Very Rare 7000
Nay-Churr Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix H (200'+) Very Rare 10000
Necromatic Sludge Dragon Magazine 238 M (4') Uncommon 975
Necrophidius Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix L (12') Very Rare 270
Needleman Monstrous Compendium: Greyhawk Adventures Appendix M (6') Very Rare 120
Needleman Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (6') Very Rare 120
Neh-thalggu (Brain Collector) Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV L (10') Very Rare 2000
Neh-thalggu (Brain Collector) Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (10') Very Rare 2000
Neogi Adventures in Space S (3') Rare 270
Neogi Monstrous Manual S (3') Rare 650
Neogi, Great Old Master Adventures in Space H (20') Very Rare 500
Neogi, Great Old Master Monstrous Manual H (20') Very Rare 14000
Neogi, Undead Old Master Lost Ships S (3') Very rare 3000
Neshezu Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (4-5') Common 65+
Nethling (Neth's Child) A Guide to the Ethereal Plane M or L (5-10') Very Rare 6000
Nic'Epona Planescape Campaign Setting L Very Rare 2000
Night Gaunt Nehwon M Very Rare 650
Night Rider Waterdeep M Rare 650
Night Scavver Polyhedron 81 H (15') Very Rare 975
Night Terror, Mandalain The Nightmare Lands M (5.5') Unique 6000
Nightmare Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix L (6') Very Rare 2000
Nightmare Monstrous Manual L (6') Very Rare 2000
Nightmare Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I L (6') Very Rare 2000
Nightmare Beast Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix G (30') Very Rare 16000
Nightshade Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (4') Uncommon 270
Nightshade, Nightcrawler Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix G (100') Very Rare 19000
Nightshade, Nightwalker Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix H (20') Very Rare 18000
Nightshade, Nightwing Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix G (30') Very Rare 17000
Ni'iath Planes of Conflict M (5') Rare 975
Nikaal Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II M (6') Uncommon 175
Nikt'oo Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (10') Uncommon 270
Nimbus Polyhedron 58 S Very Rare 2000
Ningyo Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix L (6') Rare 120+
Nishruu Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (12') Very Rare 2000
Noctral Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix II M (20' wingspan) Rare 3000
Noctral Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (20') Rare 7000
Noran Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I L (11') Very Rare 2000
Nosferatu Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix M (5-7') Very Rare 8000+
Nuckalavee Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix H (7') Rare 11000+
Nymph Monstrous Manual M (4-6') Very Rare 1400
Nymph, Grain Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (4-6') Rare 975
Nymph, Oread Dragon Magazine 158 M (4-6') Very Rare 1400
Nymph, Unseelie Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV M (4-6') Very Rare 2000
Nyth City of Splendors S (2-4') Rare 4000
Nyth Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II S (2-4') Rare 4000
Obedient Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M Common Varies
Octopus, Blue Ring Dragon Magazine 227 L (4-6') Uncommon 650+
Octopus, Deep Dwelling Dragon Magazine 190 M Very Rare 75
Octopus, Giant Monstrous Manual L (9-12') Rare 2000
Octopus, Octo-Hide Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV H (20') Rare 3000
Octopus, Octo-Jelly Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV L (9') Uncommon 4000
Octopus, Sea Demon, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV H (40') Very Rare 15000
Octopus, Sea Demon, Lesser Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume IV H (30') Very Rare 9000
Odem Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness N/A Very Rare 1000
Ogre Monstrous Manual L (9'+) Common 270+
Ogre, Half Monstrous Manual L (8-9') Very Rare 270
Ogre, Half, Ogrillon Monstrous Manual M (6-7') Rare 175
Ogre, High (Irda) Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (6') Very Rare Varies
Ogre, Ice Spire Giantcraft L (10') Uncommon 420+
Ogre, Krynn Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix L (7-9') Common 175
Ogre, Krynn, Orughi Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (4-5') Very Rare 175
Ogre, Marrow Monstrous Manual L (9') Uncommon 420+
Ogre, Mischta Otherlands M (6') Very Rare Varies
Ogre, Nzunta Otherlands M (6') Very Rare Varies
Ogre, Stonecrown Warlock of the Stonecrowns L (9'+) Common 420+
Ogre, Zakharan City of Delights L (9-10') Common 175
Ogre Mage Monstrous Manual L (10.5') Very Rare 650+
Ogrima Golden Voyages L (8-9') Rare 420+
Omm-wa Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (9-11') Rare 175
Omshirim Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix L (10') Very Rare 7000
Onco The Scarlet Brotherhood M (6') Uncommon 120
Ondonti Ruins of Zhentil Keep M (6') Rare 120+
Oni, Common Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix L (7-8') Rare 1400
Oni, Go-Zu-Oni Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix L (8-9') Very Rare 11000
Oni, Me-Zu-Oni Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix L (9'+) Very Rare 10000
Oortling Realmspace S (3') Rare 15
Ooze, Crystal Ooze Monstrous Manual M to L (4-12') Rare 420
Ooze, Gelatinous Cube Monstrous Manual L (10') Uncommon 650
Ooze, Ghaunadan Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II M (5-6') Rare 4000
Ooze, Grey Ooze Monstrous Manual M to L (4-12') Rare 270
Ophidian Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (5-6') Uncommon 175+
Opinicus City of Delights M (3') Very Rare 10000
Opinicus Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I M (3') Very Rare 14000
Opposition Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III Varies (M) Very Rare Varies
Orc Monstrous Manual M (6') Common 15
Orc, Neo-Orog, Black Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (6-7') Uncommon 175+
Orc, Neo-Orog, Red Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (6') Uncommon 270+
Orc, Norke Dragon Magazine 158 M (6') Common 35
Orc, Ondonti Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III M (6') Rare 120+
Orc, Orog Monstrous Manual M (6-7') Uncommon 65
Orc, Oscray Polyhedron 129 M (5-8') Very Rare 150
Oread Planes of Chaos M (6') Rare 420+
Ormyrr Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I H (25') Very Rare 975
Orpsu Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II S (2') Rare 420
Otter, Super Dragon Magazine 190 G (65-100') Very Rare 2000
Otyugh Monstrous Manual M to L (6-7') Uncommon 650+
Otyugh, Neo-Otyugh Monstrous Manual L (8') Rare 2000+
Owlbear Monstrous Manual L (8') Rare 420
Owlbear, Arctic Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L (12') Very Rare 2000
Owlbear, Winged Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L (8') Very Rare 975
Ox, Guttar (Dwarf Ox) Dragon Magazine 269 L (8') Uncommon 175
Page Guardian Dragon Magazine 241 M Very Rare Varies
Pahari Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim Appendix M (5-6') Uncommon 650+
Paka Monstrous Compendium: Ravenloft Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness M Rare 1000
Pakubrazi Monstrous Compendium: Dark Sun Appendix II L (10') Uncommon 975
Paleozoic Creature, Agnath, Electric Dragon Magazine 176 S (1') Common 15
Paleozoic Creature, Cacops Dragon Magazine 176 S (3') Common 35
Paleozoic Creature, Cyclotosaurus Dragon Magazine 176 L (14') Common 175
Paleozoic Creature, Eogyrinus Dragon Magazine 176 L (15') Uncommon 120
Paleozoic Creature, Eryops Dragon Magazine 176 M (5') Common 120
Paleozoic Creature, Erythrosuchus Dragon Magazine 176 L (15-20') Rare 2000
Paleozoic Creature, Estemennosuchus Dragon Magazine 176 L (10') Common 175
Paleozoic Creature, Eurypterid (Water Scorpion) Dragon Magazine 176 M (6') Uncommon 65
Paleozoic Creature, Fish, Armored Predatory Dragon Magazine 176 S (1') Common 7
Paleozoic Creature, Opabinia, Giant Dragon Magazine 176 M (5') Rare 120
Paleozoic Creature, Platyhystrix, Giant Dragon Magazine 176 L (10') Uncommon 120
Paleozoic Creature, Therapsid, Giant Dragon Magazine 176 L (10-12') Uncommon 975
Paleozoic Creature, Therapsids, Early Dragon Magazine 176 S-L (up to 10') Common 120+
Palimpsest City of Splendors S Very Rare 270+
Palimpsest Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II S Very Rare 270+
Pan Lung (Coiled Dragon) Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix I G (54' base) Rare 1400+
Penanggalan Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix M (5-6') Rare 1400
Parai Planes of Law M (6') Rare 2000
Parasite, Bloodring City of Delights T (1-12") Very Rare 65
Parasite, Bloodring Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T (1-12") Very Rare 65
Parasite, Cerebral The Complete Psionics Handbook T (<1") Rare 35
Parasite, Ear Seaker City of Delights T (6") Very Rare 15
Parasite, Ear Seaker Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T (6") Very Rare 15
Parasite, Goldbug City of Delights T-S (1-3') Rare 120
Parasite, Goldbug Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T-S (1-3') Rare 120
Parasite, Lice, Inheritor Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix T (1') Rare 15+
Parasite, Moth, Powder Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix T (1') Rare 15+
Parasite, Pest, Jibaru Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix T (1') Rare 15+
Parasite, Plague, Lupin Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix T (1') Rare 15+
Parasite, Tick, Cardinal Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix T (1') Rare 15+
Parasite, Vermilia Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix T (1') Rare 15+
Parasite, Vilirij City of Delights T (3-6") Rare 270
Parasite, Vilirij Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T (3-6") Rare 270
Parasite, Wizard Lice City of Delights T (1/16") Rare 120
Parasite, Wizard Lice Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T (1/16") Rare 120
Pasari-Niml, Calipha City of Delights T-S (1-4') Very Rare 270+
Pasari-Niml, Calipha Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T-S (1-4') Very Rare 270+
Pasari-Niml, Noble City of Delights T (6-8") Rare 420
Pasari-Niml, Noble Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T (6-8") Rare 420
Pasari-Niml, Warrior City of Delights T (4-6") Uncommon 270
Pasari-Niml, Warrior Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume I T (4-6") Uncommon 270
Pedipalp, Giant The Drow of the Underdark L (8-12') Very Rare 650
Pedipalp, Huge The Drow of the Underdark M (4-6') Rare 175
Pedipalp, Large The Drow of the Underdark S (4') Rare 35
Pegasus Monstrous Manual L (5.5') Very Rare 175+
Pegataur Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L (8') Very Rare 975+
Pegataur Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix L (8') Very Rare 975+
Peltast City of Splendors T (2') Very Rare 65
Peltast Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II T (2') Very Rare 65
Peltast, Greater City of Splendors T Very Rare 975
Peltast, Greater Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume II T Very Rare 975
Peluda Dragon Magazine 248 G (90') Rare 15000
Per Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix M (6') Rare 27500
Per Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix I M (6') Rare 12000
Pernicon Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix T (2") Rare 15
Peryton Monstrous Manual M (5') Rare 270
Peryton Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II M (5') Rare 270
Phaerimm Monstrous Compendium: Annual Volume III L (12') Very Rare 10000
Phaethon Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (5') Rare 270
Phaethon, Elder Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix M (6') Very Rare 975
Phanaton Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix S (3') Rare 35+
Phanaton, Jibarú Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix S (3') Rare 65+
Phantom Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms Appendix II M Very Rare Varies
Phantom Monstrous Manual M Very Rare Varies
Phantom Stalker (Creature) Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Folio Appendix L (7'+) Very Rare 650
Phirblas Monstrous Compendium: Planescape Appendix III M (6') Rare 1400
Phiuhl Planes of Conflict L (10') Rare 10000+
Phlog-Crawler Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix M (5-7') Rare 1400
Phoenix Monstrous Manual L (40') Very Rare 19000
Phoenix Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix L (40'+) Very Rare 87000
Phouka Celts Campaign Sourcebook Varies Very Rare Varies
Phthisic A Darkness Gathering L (9') Very Rare Special
Piercer Monstrous Manual T-M (1-6') Uncommon 35+
Pigeon, Acid Pigeon Dragon Annual 1998 S (1-2' wingspan) Uncommon 65
Pirate of Gith Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix M (6-7') Rare Special
Pit Snatcher City by the Silt Sea M (7') Uncommon 800
Plague Sidhe Dragon Magazine 256 M (5') Uncommon 65
Plague Spreader Dragon Magazine 256 M (6-7') Rare 2000
Plainsjan Realmspace S (3' tall) Very rare 270
Plant, Amber Lotus Monstrous Compendium: Savage Coast Appendix S (1') Common 35+
Plant, Bloodrose Monstrous Compendiu