This spell is a more powerful version of the 1st- level priest spell remove fear, but, unlike that spell, it is not reversible. The priest casting this spell instills the courage of a lion in each spell recipient. Every creature affected by this spell is immune to magical fear attacks for one turn and need never check morale while under its effects. In addition, if the recipient has recently failed a saving throw versus a fear effect during the current day, the spell immediately ends the effect if it is still ongoing. For every three levels of the caster, one creature can be affected by the spell (one creature at levels 1 through 3, two creatures at levels 4 through 6, etc.). This spell has no effect on undead.
The material component for this spell is a tuft of hair from a lion or related creature (including wemics, werelions, lammasu, etc.).
Notes: Granted by Nobanion. the Lion King, of the Forgotten Realms setting.