Ghul lords are more than ready to lend a helping hand to their comrades, but often the hand becomes a monkey's paw. Ghul lord spells can have adverse effects on a subject despite their beneficial intentions. Lifesurge is one such spell, though a ghul lord can cast this spell only upon a willing individual. When cast, the spell creates a negative energy field within the subject's body. This field forces the life force within the individual to surge up in defiance, affording the individual enhanced physical abilities for the duration of the spell.
For the duration of the spell, the subject is treated as if two levels higher for all purposes. Wizards do not automatically gain new spells, but they cast memorized spells as if two levels above their own. Hit points are increased, and THAC0 saving throws, and all other level related abilities and bonuses are appropriately improved.
When the effects of the lifesurge wear off, the individual suffers damage. A successful saving throw vs. death magic reduces this damage by half. The damage is equal to twice the maximum value of the Hit Die used for their class. Thus, a fighter, who uses a 1d10 for hit points, suffers 20 points of damage when the spell wears off, 10 points if the saving throw is made.
Notes: Restricted to ghul lords (most common in an Arabian setting).