Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
For other Baatezu (Devils), see Baatezu.

Levistus has a long history in Hell. Some experts say that he is even older than Dispater, a claim hotly contested by supporters of the Lord of the Second. What is known is that in the distant past, Levistus crossed Asmodeus. Rumor has it that Levistus tried to overthrow the Dark Lord of Nessus. In fact, his crime was far more heinous. Levistus ambushed Lady Bensozia, the consort of Asmodeus and the mother of Glasya, while she traveled through Stygia. He slew her guards and then tried to turn her against the Dark Lord. When Bensozia rebuffed the young prince, he grew angry and slew her. Asmodeus, outraged by his insolence, imprisoned Levistus inside an iceberg and swore that he would never release the traitorous noble.

Millennia passed, and Levistus remained encased in ice. However, outside events were to work in his favor. In a turnabout that baffles historians of Hell to this day, Asmodeus deposed Geryon, the one lord who had remained loyal to him in the Reckoning. Geryon had replaced Levistus and had served Asmodeus well, so his disgrace was a mystery. For reasons of his own, Asmodeus awoke the frozen Levistus and offered him his lordship back. However, the Dark Lord of Nessus did not release Levistus from the ice, ensuring that the prince would largely have to work through others and sharply limiting his power.

Despite his perpetual imprisonment, Prince Levistus has been busy. He has entrusted the amnizu of Stygia with many important tasks, making them believe they are outside the bounds of the baatezu hierarchy The amnizu routinely subvert and defy the leaders of the Blood War, all the while attempting to advance Levistus's agenda. The prince has every intention of conquering an adjacent layer of Hell, in the (probably mistaken) belief that access to so much power would allow him to break free. In the pursuance of this goal, he has succeeded in alienating all of the other lords. Each and every one of them despises Levistus, and some very unlikely alliances have cropped up to quash his plans. Nonetheless, Prince Levistus believes that it's only a matter of time before he breaks free from his prison and takes his vengeance on the other lords.


The statistics listed above do not take into account Levistus's imprisonment. While encased in ice, he cannot move or make physical attacks. Should he ever break free, Prince Levistus would be able to use his favored weapons, a rapier +4 and a main gauche +3. In addition to giving him an extra attack, the main gauche automatically cancels one attack per round from a melee opponent of the prince's choice. Levistus can choose to forgo his weapon attacks to make a special touch attack that mimics the effects of the River Styx. Those hit must save vs. spell or suffer complete amnesia. Those who save still lose one year's worth of memories.

Once per round Prince Levistus can use the following spell-like powers, in addition to those normally available to baatezu: beguile, detect invisibility, ice storm, geas, light, polymorph self, raise dead, read languages, read magic, restoration, and wall of ice. Once per day Belial can utter an unholy word and create a symbol of pain. Three times per day he can summon 1d4 abishai, 1d3 erinyes, or 1 amnizu with an 85% chance of success.
