Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

By casting this spell, the wizard might learn if the subject has organized his magical studies by the "path system" or not. The subject's sav­ing throw is reduced by 1 per three levels of the caster (a natural "20" always succeeds). If the subject makes a successful saving throw vs. spell, the divination fails completely.

If the saving throw is failed, for each round of concentration, the caster has a 5% per level chance to learn another piece of information, for example: the number of paths studied, the name of a specific path studied, the highest spell level completed on that path, the name of a specific spell on the path that the caster knows (these will be revealed in order of level, lowest to highest, starting with spells that the caster doesn't know the subject has).

This spell is defeated by any device or pro­tective item that wards against scrying. The spell also ends if the subject moves out of range or if the caster's concentration is broken.

Notes: Rare; known mostly by those follow­ing the Path of Paths (see Appendix).
