Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The Complete Psionics Handbook[]

This power is useful to characters who frequently travel by using teleportation, gates, or via other planes of existence. When it works, the power reveals general information about the character's location. The information is usually no more detailed than the response of a simple farmer when asked, "Where am I?" Typical answers include "a few miles southwest of Waterdeep... as the crow flies," "in the house of Kilgore the taxidermist," or "adrift on the Blood Sea."

The higher the result of the power check, the more precise the location will be. If the die roll is 8 or more, the location is specified within a mile or less. If the roll is 7 or less, the location is specified within 10 miles.

The character can get additional information that is less specific than the initial answer if his player asks for it (the psionicist does not make another power check). For example, if the DMS first response is "you're in the house of Kilgore the Taxidermist," the player might then ask where the house is. The DM might answer by saying Kilgore's house is in Chendl, in the Kingdom of Furyondy.

Power Score - The psionicist learns the exact location he's trying to determine.

20 - Nothing within 100 miles can be located with this power for 24 hours.

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

This power aids characters who travel via teleportation, gates, or other planes of existence. When used successfully, it reveals general information about the user's location. The information is no more detailed than the responses of a simple farmer to the question “Where am I?” Some typical responses are “A few miles southwest of Wingot Mountain”; “In the house of Fletch the Blind”; and “On a tropical island in the Turomil Sea.”

The higher a successful MTHAC0 roll, the more precise the location. A roll of +1 to +4 higher than the MAC specifies a location within 10 miles. A roll of +7 or +8 higher than the MAC targets an area within a mile. A roll of +9 or higher than the MAC gives the location in a planar context (“the Astral Plane”).
