Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell is similar to the 3rd-level wizard spell blink. In a fashion reminiscent of the chess piece of the same name, the spellcaster employing a knight's move can cause his or her material form to blink directly from one point to another.

Unlike the wizard spell, the spellcaster can control the timing, direction, and distance of a knight's move within certain constraints. The priest can blink at any time during a round in lieu of taking any other action. Alternatively, the caster may perform some other action at his or her normal initiative and then blink at the very end of the round after all other actions of other individuals have been taken.

The direction and distance of the blink are under the control of the priest, who can blink from his or her current location to any location in sight within 5 feet times his or her level to a maximum of 120 feet.

The material component of this spell is the priest's holy symbol.

Notes: Granted to priests of The Red Knight, a war god of the Forgotten Realms setting.
