Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
See also Invisibility.

The Complete Psionics Handbook[]

Psionic invisibility differs significantly from magical invisibility. To make himself invisible, the psionicist must individually contact each mind that he wants deceive. Once they are all contacted, he makes himself invisible to them only. He can still see himself, as can anyone who was not contacted. Only characters within 100 yards of the psionicist can be affected by this power.

Invisibility is a delusion affecting one or more select characters, not an illusion affecting everyone. The only real change occurs in the mind of the psionicist's targets. For this reason, the psionicist can make anyone invisible - not just himself. The " invisible" being must be approximately man-sized (or smaller), however.

The psionicist must make a separate power check for each delusion, and pay a separate maintenance cost for each. In this case, a delusion is one " invisible" creature or character, as perceived by one other character. For example, if the psionicist wants to make two things invisible to two people, he must make four separate power checks.

This power affects vision only. Observers may still be able to hear or smell " invisible" creatures.

Power Score - The power works like superior invisibility (a telepathic science).

20 - All contacts are broken.

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

This power only can be used on open minds. It differs significantly from the spell invisibility. This is a delusion that affects specific minds, not an illusion that affects everyone; the only real change occurs in those whose minds were opened. Thus, the user must open each mind he wants to deceive, for only to these minds will he appear invisible. He can see himself, and so can anyone whose mind wasn't opened. Only beings within 100 yards can be affected by this power.

The user must make a separate MTHAC0 roll for each delusion and pay a separate PSP cost for each. A delusion is defined as one invisible character as perceived by one other being. The user can make anyone who is human size or smaller invisible with this power, not just himself. Note that this power affects vision only; observers may still be able to hear or smell “invisible” characters. PSP costs are as follows.

Target's Level PSP Cost
1–5 levels or HD 3/2
6–10 levels or HD 4/2
11–15 levels or HD 5/3
16–20 levels or HD 6/3
21+ levels or HD 8/4