Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The victim of this devotion believes that any blow struck against him will cripple or kill him. Even if the blow actually causes just one point of damage, the victim thinks he's dying, and that he can no longer fight. He falls to the ground in horrible pain.

A character who is struck while under the effect of this power won't recover until a turn later, even if the psionicist stops concentrating on him and turns his attention elsewhere. As long as the character was under this effect when the blow was struck, he's out for 10 rounds.

Even if the victim of this power is never actually struck, his behavior is likely to change. Fully expecting the next blow to kill him, he may stop attacking and simply parry, or try to flee, or even surrender and beg for quarter. If the character has not been struck, however, the psionicist must keep renewing the power every round; otherwise future blows will affect him normally.

"Invincible foes" can also work in reverse. In other words, an attacker can be made to believe that every blow he strikes is fatal. The belief is strong enough to create an illusion: even if the attacker barely scratches his foe, he sees the "victim" lying down, mortally wounded. He will continue to imagine that opponent lying on the ground until the opponent attacks again (it doesn't matter whom he attacks; any attack breaks the illusion).

This reversal has several consequences. Characters who have been " killed" - i.e., struck - can simply walk away from the fight, leaving their corpses behind. Or they can move into position and attack again, gaining a +2 bonus to hit. After this happens three times, the affected character must make a saving throw vs. spells. If it fails, he becomes convinced that his foes are unkillable and reacts accordingly (PCs, of course, are free to react as they see fit).

Power Score - No other effect

20 - No other effect.
