Larva (Ustilagor)[]
Ustilagor are the larval form of intellect devourers. Like their parents, they look like brains with four legs. However, they are much smaller, and their bodies are soft and moist. They lack the hard covering which they will eventually gain as adults. Ustilagor also have a 3-foot tendril which is very flexible and agile. Unlike their parents, they have coral-like legs with no feet, so they travel slowly (MV 9). Even so, they can jump and dart with amazing agility (that's why their armor class is 5).
Ustilagor can attack by striking an opponent with their tendril while performing their own version of chemical simulation. They never fail when using this power and expend only 1 PSP per attack. Moreover, the acid is so caustic that the victim must save vs. poison or suffer additional damage the next round (1d4 +1).
Of course, this is not a highly effective form of attack, and the ustilagor prefers to use either id insinuation or its advanced telempathic projection power. Using the latter, it can force its victims into one of five states of mind during a round: hate for associates, distrust of associates, fear of fungi, loathing of area, or uncertainty. These projected emotions cause attack, bickering, desertion, or dithering, accordingly. Note that adult intellect devourers lose this enhanced power, and are only able to perform telempathic projection.
Though they are psionically endowed, ustilagor seem to have no intelligence as defined by humans. Thus, attacks that affect minds (psionically or magically) do not function upon them, with the exception of psionic blast. Due to an unusual fungal growth (see "Habitat/Society"), they are immune to fungal attacks and any attack that affects an aura.
Finally, ustilagor use their energy containment power to protect themselves from spells and other applicable forms of attack. A ustilagor does not have the advanced form of energy containment associated with their adult form.
All ustilagor are attracted to gems. No one knows why for sure, but it is suspected that ustilagor use the gems for energy containment. These creatures will attack a being who's carrying gems before they attack any others.
Intellect Devourer[]
The term "intellect devourer" only applies to the adult form of this species (the larval stage, or ustilagor, is covered on a separate page). An intellect devourer looks like a large human brain standing on four legs. The "brain" has a crusty protective covering. The legs are bony and double-jointed. Each appendage ends in a foot with three great, stubby talons.
Intellect devourers are surprisingly capable in melee. Only magical weapons with a +3 bonus or greater can harm them. Even then, the weapons cause only a single point of damage per attack. Furthermore, these creatures can strike back with all four of their clawed legs simultaneously if they wish. To do this, they spring onto their opponent and rake. This attack is doubly potent if the creature uses split personality. With that power in action, the intellect devourer can rake a victim with its claws at the same time it attacks psionically.
However, the primary offensive of an intellect devourer is psionics. They hunt for psionic creatures and characters using a special version of psionic sense (60' range, no cost). If they locate a potential victim, they proceed to stalk him, waiting until they can attack with surprise.
The intellect devourer's most gruesome attack occurs just after it has killed a victim. Using reduction, an intellect devourer can enter a dead body. Then it will proceed to either devour the victim's brain, or control his body (using a special form of domination). In this fashion, the creature can seek opportunities to attack and devour other victim's brains.
Psionics Summary[]
Psionics Summary (Larva) - Monstrous Manual[]
Level | Dis | Sci | Dev | Attack/Defense | Score | PSPs |
2 | 2 | 1 | 5 | II/M- | 10 | 150 |
- Science: ectoplasmatic form
- Devotion: body equilibrium
- Sciences: nil
- Devotions: aversion, contact, id insinuation, telepathic projection.
Psionics Summary (Larva) - Complete Psionics Handbook[]
Level | Dis | Sci | Dev | Attack/Defense | Score | PSPs |
3 | 2 | 1 | 4 | II/M- | 10 | 150 |
Only have:
- Psychometabolism
- Sciences: energy containment.
- Devotions: chemical simulation (see above).
- Telepathy
- Devotions: contact, id insinuation, telempathic projection (see above).
Psionics Summary (Adult) - Monstrous Manual[]
Level | Dis | Sci | Dev | Attack/Defense | Score | PSPs |
6 | 3 | 3 | 11 | EW,II/M-,TS,IF | =Int | 200 |
- Psychometabolism
- Science: ectoplasmatic form
- Devotions: body equilibrium, chameleon power, expansion, reduction
- Psychoportation
- Sciences: nil
- Devotion: astral projection.
- Telepathy
- Sciences: domination, mind link
- Devotions: aversion, contact, ego whip, ESP, id insinuation, telepathic projection.
Psionics Summary (Adult) - Complete Psionics Handbook[]
Level | Dis | Sci | Dev | Attack/Defense | Score | PSPs |
6 | 4 | 4 | 13 | EW, II/M-, TS, +1 | =Int | 200 |
Intellect devourers always have the following powers:
- Psychometabolism
- Sciences: energy containment1.
- Devotions: body equilibrium, chameleon power, ectoplasmic form, expansion, chemical simulation, reduction.
- Metapsionics
- Sciences: split personality.
- Devotions: psionic sense (only 60' range, no cost), psychic drain.
- Telepathy
- Sciences: domination (even on dead, intact minds).
- Devotions: contact, ego whip, ESP, id insinuation, telempathic projection.
- Psychoportation
- Devotions: astral projection.
1 - An intellect devourer's energy containment is superior to the one listed in this book (The Complete Psionics Handbook). It is always "on" - without penalty or maintenance cost.
Furthermore, even if the check fails against an attack, only one point of damage will be taken per die instead of half damage as is listed. The only exceptions are death spell, which has a 25% chance of success; powerword kill, which will slay the creature; and protection from evil, which keeps it at bay.
Intellect devourers dwell beneath the ground or in dismal wilderness areas. Their reproductive method is unknown. The intellect devourer rarely protects its young, and may even devour them. Ustilagor develop a symbiotic relationship with a bizarre fungus which feeds on residual thought emanations from the ustilagor's victims. An ustilagor becomes an adult by consuming the brain of a psionic creature.
Mind flayers raise intellect devourers, treating the ustilagor as culinary delights, and using adults as watch dogs. Both forms of the creature can be used as components in items and potions related to ESP and mind control.