Description: The Inquisitor has devoted his life to finding and eliminating practitioners of evil magic. A scholar as well as a warrior, he is unyielding in his efforts to thwart the clerics and wizards who have aligned with the forces of darkness.
Requirements: An Inquisitor must have a minimum Intelligence score of 11.
Ministration: Any.
Role: To an Inquisitor, magic is a sacred force, and he detests those who use it for evil. An evil spellcaster who refuses to renounce his corrupt ways invites the Inquisitor's wrath.
The typical Inquisitor is intense and analytical, more interested in quiet reflection than small talk. Though private by nature, an Inquisitor establishes deep friendship in those he comes to trust, particularly good-aligned wizards and clerics.
Symbol: Open book, candle, flaming brazier.
Secondary Skills: Groom, Limner/Painter, Scribe, Weaponsmith, Woodworker/Carpenter.
Weapon Proficiencies: Any.
Nonweapon Proficiencies:
- Required: Spellcraft, Religion.
- Recommended: Astrology, Languages (Ancient and Modern), Reading/Writing.
Armor/Equipment: Standard.
Bonded Mount: Any.
Special Benefits:
Detect Evil Magic: An Inquisitor can detect magic radiating from any being, object, or location enchanted by an evil being. This ability functions at will, subject to the same limitations and restrictions as his ability to detect evil intent, described in Chapter 2. He may also perceive the intensity of the magic (faint, moderate, strong, overwhelming); the sensations are like those listed in Table 11 in Chapter 2. A protective spell cast by an evil necromancer upon himself could be detected in this manner, as could a magical trap set by an evil priest.
Dispel Evil Magic: At 3rd level, an Inquisitor acquires the ability to cast dispel magic. The spell requires no verbal or somatic components, but affects only evil spells and spell-like effects. The spell has a base success chance of 100% and is cast at the level of the Inquisitor. Aside from these qualifications, it operates exactly like the third-level priest spell. The number of times he can cast this spell increases as he advances in level (see Table 19).
Immunity to Illusions: An Inquisitor has an 80% plus 1%/level immunity to illusion spells of all levels. This immunity has a limit of 95%. (A 12th-level Inquisitor as a 92% immunity; a 16th-level Inquisitor has a 95% immunity.)
Level | Dispel Evil Magic* |
1-2 | — |
3-5 | 1 |
6-8 | 2 |
9-11 | 3 |
12-14 | 4 |
15-17 | 5 |
18+ | 6 |
- * Times per day.
Immunity to Possession and Mental Control: Inquisitors of all levels have a 90% immunity to all possession and mental-control spells, including charm, domination, hold person, hypnotism, magic jar, and suggestion.
Special Hindrances:
An Inquisitor has fewer of the special abilities normally associated with paladins (described in Chapter 2):
- He can't restore hit points by laying on hands.
- He can't ever learn or cast priest spells.
- He can't turn undead.
- He can't cure diseases in others, though he himself is immune to all forms of disease.