This spell fires a dagger of ice at the target. The caster makes a normal attack roll as if attacking with a missile weapon, factoring in the range from the attacker to the target (the ice knife has a long range of 30 yards, a medium range of 20 yards, and a short range of 10 yards). A successful hit causes 2-8 (2d4) hit points of damage. If the ice knife misses its target, consult the rules for grenade-like missiles on pages 62-63 of the Dungeon Master's Guide to determine where it lands.
When an ice knife strikes a solid object or a creature, the knife shatters, releasing a wave of numbing cold. All creatures within a 5-foot radius must make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation or suffer 1-4 hit points of cold damage and become numb for 1-3 rounds. Numbed creatures have their movement rates reduced by half and their chance to hit reduced by 2. Proximity to major sources of heat, such as a roaring bonfire, improves a creature's saving throw by +2.
An ice knife that misses or is lost cannot be picked up by the caster (or anyone else) and thrown again. If the ice knife is touched, it instantly shatters, releasing a wave of cold as described above. If a lost ice knife is not touched, it melts away in a pool of water 1 round after it was originally created; this melting occurs regardless of the environmental temperature.
The material components for this spell are a drop of water from melted snow and a tiny silver dagger.
Notes: Common in oriental lands; uncommon for Frost or Water mages; otherwise rare.