Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Humans are the predominant race on Athas. Human player characters aren't limited in either the classes they can belong to or the levels they can attain. High-level humans can easily become the most powerful characters in a campaign, and all of the advanced beings (dragons and avangions) are human. Humans can't be multiclass characters, but they can be dual-class (see the rules in Chapter Three of the Player's Handbook).

An average human male stands between 6 and 6 12 feet tall and weighs around 200 pounds. An average human female is somewhat smaller, between 5½ and 6 feet in height and weighing around 140 pounds. Skin, eye, and hair color varies widely across the human spectrum, though most humans are tanned and weathered by the harsh elements.

Humans can be found at all levels of Athasian society. From the highest sorcerer-king to the lowest slave toiling in the obsidian mines of Urik, humans are everywhere. On average, they aren't as strong as some of the other prominent races, but what they lack in strength they more than make up for with cunning, persistence, and adaptability. Humans tend to be impulsive and driven toward great daring, especially when the lure of adventure permeates their souls.

The Cleansing Wars aside, humans are generally tolerant of other races. They often serve as the intermediary or binding element when different races interact.
