This spell embodies the wrath of Hath or when her charges are threatened. When she casts horns of Hathor, the priestess grows a set of horns from her head and can use them to gore opponents, much like a minotaur.
The priestess can attack with the horns once per round; attacks with the horns are with the THAC0 of a fighter of the same level as the caster. Damage inflicted is 2d4 per successful attack. If the priestess is 30 feet or more from an opponent, she ca n lower her head and charge against any creature that is at least 5 feet ta ll. She receives the normal +2 attack bonus for charging and inflicts 4d4 points of damage if she successfully attacks with a charge.
The material component' of this spell is a small piece of the horn of a cow, bull, or minotaur.
Notes: Granted by the Mulhorandi goddess Hathor of the Forgotten Realms setting.