Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell is used to mark those whom the wizard has seen performing a dishonorable action. The honor mark is generally a striking black line that cuts across the eyes or slashes down the face along the nose. The mark is instantly recognizable to all who see it, and they will treat the character so marked as if his station were two full levels lower than it actu­ally is.

The only way to remove the mark is to atone for the misdeed. Once this has been done, the mark disappears and the character cannot be marked for that action again.

While there is no a saving throw allowed for those subjected to this spell, the wizard must have actually seen the individual performing a dishonorable act. A wizard attempting to mark a character whom he hasn't witnessed perform­ing a misdeed receives the mark instead. The mark remains until the wizard apologizes to the character for attempting to malign his name. The wizard must also perform a task of atone­ment named by the offended party.

Notes: Uncommon in Arabian settings; oth­erwise very rare.
