Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell is used to prepare a priest's holy symbol or to create a new symbol to replace a lost or damaged one. The new symbol-to-be must be crafted of appropriate material, depending on the religion/deity in question, and must be of the proper shape and design – a priest cannot pick up just any item and make it into a holy symbol. A priest can possess two holy symbols at one time, and this spell can be used to create a second one as a spare. No priest can create a holy symbol related to a religion or deity other than the one that he or she worships. The holy symbol of a good or evil priest will radiate a faint aura of good or evil, but is not a magical object per se. The holy symbol of a priest who is of neutral morals (with respect to good and evil) will have no such aura.

The spell requires the symbol-to-be as a focus for the spell energy.

Notes: Uncommon spell.

The casting of this spell might be restricted to once per day or once per week at the DM's option.   
