Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The Complete Psionics Handbook[]

By means of this devotion the psionicist sharpens all five of his normal senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. This has several effects, which are described below. The DM may allow additional applications as he sees fit.

First, the character has a good chance to notice thieves who are hiding in shadows or moving silently. The thief's skill chance is halved when someone with heightened senses is observing him. Even if the thief is already hidden, he must roll again when a character with heightened senses enters the picture.

Second, the psionicist can track someone like a bloodhound. He must make an intelligence check every turn to stay on the trail or recover the trail if it is lost. His movement rate when tracking is 6. The trail can be no more than 24 hours old.

Third, the psionicist's ranges for hearing and seeing are tripled. He can, for example, identify a person (in daylight) at a range of 400 yards.

Fourth, the character can taste poisons or other impurities in quantities that are much too small to cause any harm.

Fifth, the character can identify almost anything by touch. He can, for example, tell two gold pieces from each other after having previously handled just one of them. He can also tell if something has been handled in the last five minutes simply by handling it himself.

Power Score - One of the heightened senses (chosen randomly) stays with the psionicist for a full day.

20 - 0ne of the psionicist's five senses is lost for 1d12 hours.

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

This power allows the user to sharpen all his normal senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. (DMs might allow other applications as they see fit.) With heightened senses, the user has a good chance to notice thieves hiding in shadows or moving silently. This is represented by a thief's skill chance being cut in half if someone with heightened senses is observing him. Even if the thief is already hidden, he must roll again when the user of this power enters the area.

Someone with heightened senses can also track by sense of smell. He must make an Intelligence check every turn to stay on the trail or to recover it if he loses it. While tracking, the user's movement rate is reduced by 50%. The trail can be no more than 24 hours old. Ranges for the user's hearing and seeing are tripled while this power is in effect. Further, he can ingest small quantities of possibly poisoned or impure foods, identifying the substance without causing himself harm. The user can identify almost anything by touch. He can identify any item he has previously handled and can also tell if an item was handled in the last five minutes.
