This spell makes the target look, feel, smell, and sound like one of the hideous yak-men. It is an extremely powerful illusion that cannot be detected through normal or magical means, short of true seeing, and cannot be dispelled save through the use of a wish. Even creatures that are normally unaffected by illusions or phantasms are affected by this spell.
The guise of the yak-man spell has two posĀsible uses. The first is beneficial. Because of an ancient pact between yak-men and genie kind, dao will never harm or interfere with a yak-man. The target of this spell will not be harassed or harmed by dao, though that individual has no other speĀcial powers over the genie races.
The second use comprises a means for the caster to do away with someone without dirtying his own hands. Everyone hates yak-men, and most denizens of civilized areas will attack these creatures on sight. By casting this spell upon someone, the wizard virtually guarantees that his victim will avoid cities or be killed upon entering one.
The material component of this spell is hair from a yak-man, which is not at all easy to obtain. A successful saving throw vs. spell negates this spell's effect.
Notes: Uncommon in Arabian lands; unknown elsewhere.