Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
For other Baatezu (Devils), see Baatezu.

Princess Glasya is the daughter of Asmodeus and Bensozia. The circumstances of her conception and birth are mysterious, and Asmodeus is not known to have any other children. In her early days, Glasya was something of a rebel. She flitted from court to court, and had a torrid affair with Mammon. After the Reckoning, Asmodeus stepped in and ended her relationship with Mammon by force.

While cleaning house in the hierarchy of Hell, Asmodeus thought it best to take care of his own affairs as well. He reined in Glasya and informed her, in no uncertain terms, that she would have to take on some responsibility if she wanted to retain the prestige of her position. Glasya threw a fit, but she knew she had no choice. Asmodeus put the erinyes under her command, and she has since worked closely with the Dark Eight in that capacity.

Princess Glasya has found that she enjoys her duties as leader of the erinyes. Like the devils under her command, Glasya can visit the Prime Material Plane without being summoned. She keeps a close eye on the erinyes, often spying on them while polymorphed to make sure they are doing their jobs. She is not immune to the charms of the Prime; she has seduced her share of mortals over the years. She particularly enjoys taking her prey back to Hell and then informing them of their doom.


Glasya prefers to avoid combat, and she usually teleports away from any dangerous encounter. When pressed, she wields a sword +3 of virulent poison. This blade does 1d8+6 damage in Glasya's hands, and combines the properties of a dagger of venom and a sword of quickness.

Once per round Princess Glasya can use the following spell-like powers, in addition to those normally available to baatezu: beguile, charm monster, detect invisibility, dispel magic, geas, light, polymorph self, produce flame, pyrotechnics, raise dead, read languages, read magic, restoration, and wall of fire. Once per day Princess Glasya can employ a finger of death and fulfill a limited wish. She can also causefear by speaking to an individual, and is well known for her vivid descriptions of the torments that await those who cross her. Three times per day he can summon 1d4 erinyes or a pit fiend with a 75% chance of success.

Glasya regenerates 2 hit points per round, even when she seems to be slain. This is a legacy of her father, and she may be closer to true godhood than any of the lords.
