Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
For other uses, see Gladiator (disambiguation).
Ability Requirements: Strength 13, Dexterity 12, Constitution 15
Prime Requisite: Strength
Allowed Races: All

Gladiators are slaves of the city-states or merchant houses, specially trained to participate in brutal physical contests for the enjoyment of the masses. Disciplined in many diverse forms of hand-to-hand combat and skilled in the use of dozens of different weapons, gladiators are among the most dangerous warriors on Athas.

A gladiator character gains levels as per the Paladin/Ranger experience table in the Player's Handbook. If he has a Strength score (his prime requisite) of 16 or more, he gains a 10% bonus to the experience points he earns.

Gladiators can be of any alignment. They can use most magical items (including potions, protection scrolls, and most rings) and all forms of enchanted armor, weapons, and shields. Gladiators abide by all warrior restrictions that apply to magical items.

Gladiators have the following special benefits:

  • A gladiator is automatically proficient in all weapons. He never receives a nonproficiency penalty for using a weapon, not even one he has never used before.
  • A gladiator can specialize in multiple weapons. As a reward for years of training and discipline, a gladiator becomes the ultimate master of weapons. He may specialize in any number of weapons, provided he has the number of proficiency slots required. He must pay the initial slot to become proficient with the weapon, as well as the additional slots required to specialize in it.
  • A gladiator is an expert in unarmed combat. He receives a 4-point bonus to modify all punching and wrestling attack rolls; these can be used as pluses or minuses to the roll. The gladiator's player may consult the Punching and Wrestling Results Table in the Player's Handbook after making the roll before stating how he wants to use the bonus.
  • A gladiator learns to optimize his armor when he reaches 5th level. He learns to move and position armor so it absorbs blows better than it normally would. With every five levels of experience, the gladiator gains a +1 bonus to his Armor Class. Thus, at 5th level the bonus is +1, at 10th level it's +2, and so on. This benefit doesn't apply to gladiators who aren't wearing armor, however. Also, armor spells or rings of protection don't gain the bonus, but more substantial magical protection, such as bracers and cloaks, do.
  • A gladiator attracts followers when he reaches 9th level. The followers arrive in the same manner as for fighters. A gladiator's first unit always consists of other gladiators who have come to study his fighting style and "learn from a true master."