Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Each time a psionicist girds another power, he can maintain that power automatically - i.e., without mental concentration. Thus, a psionicist who is maintaining only girded powers can sleep without disrupting those powers.

To use gird, the psionicist must first initiate and maintain the power he intends to affect. Then he must make a girding power check. If he succeeds, he automatically pays twice the normal maintenance cost for the girded power - or a minimum of 1 PSP per hour. To remove the girding, he must consciously decide to do so (no power check is required). Otherwise, the girding remains in place until the psionicist runs out of PSPs. That means a psionicist who's unconscious or sleeping could awaken to find all his psionic strength girded away. If the psionicist wishes to reestablish a gird that he discontinued, he must make a new power check.

Power Score - No other effect.

20 - The gird attempt disrupts the power.
