- See also Gibberling (Creature).
Can exceed the level limits for the allowable classes if they have high prime requisite scores (DMG Table 8).
Special Advantages:
- Gibberlings gain a +1 bonus to attacks and damage when using a short sword.
- Once per day, the bellowing and racket they make when entering combat can affect enemies as a scare spell, cast at the gibberling's level. This effect is not magical and cannot be interrupted as a spell.
Special Disadvantages:
- Gibberlings suffer a -1 penalty to all attacks, saving throws, and proficiency checks in daylight or within the area of bright light such as that produced by a continual light spell.
- Gibberlings do not adopt kits, like the scout or mystic, that require long periods of solitude.
PP | OL | F/RT | MS | HS | DN | CW | RL |
— | — | -5% | +5% | — | +5% | — |