- For other Fish, see Fish.
- See also Giant Starfish.
The giant starfish (sunstar) is a cousin of the smaller common sunstars that live in the ocean. It has a central body with 10 or 12 arms radiating from the center. The undersides of the arm are covered with sticky suckers. Different species have a variety of colors: tan, orange, yellow, pink, and red, ranging from pastel hues to vibrant, almost glowing colors.
While the giant sunstar is a saltwater creature, a freshwater variety is rumored to inhabit large inland lakes as well.
A giant sunstar has one arm per Hit Die. The central body has as many hit points as the total of the arms. Hit points for each arm can be recorded separately, or averaged (divide hit points by the number of arms and round fractions up). In combat, the arms take damage separately from the main body.
A giant sunstar most often attacks a ship directly, although sometime it just snatches individuals from the deck. When attacking a ship, the giant sunstar maneuvers to approach from the underside. Although it might follow a ship for hundreds of miles or maneuver hundreds of yards out of the ship's path to gain a satisfactory approach angle, the attack is made at maximum speed. The giant sunstar's attack speed is 30, which can be maintained for only a short burst. It hurls itself at the ship, wrapping its suckered arms around the hull.
If the attack is successful, the starfish has grappled the ship. There is a 50% chance of immediate severe damage. Small boat might be swamped or crushed immdiately. Larger ships suffer one effect from the attack table (roll 1d6).
1d6 | Effect |
1 | Content cell |
2 | Hole below water line (-1d4% seaworthinss/round until plugged)
Hole above water line (-1d4% seaworthiness) |
3 | Hole in deck (50% chance arm attacks below deck) |
4 | Mast breaks (determine which randomly; no result if no standing mast is available) |
5 | Ship shaken (individuals not secured must make successful Dexterity checks or be thrown to the deck) |
6 | Ship rocked (1d4 crew fall overboard) |
Once the giant sunstar grapples a ship, it attempts to pry open the hull in search of food inside (any creature). The starfish tears at the hull with all arm. Each time a specific arm inflicts a total of 20 points of damage, the hip suffers another reult from the damage table (roll randomly). A ship reduced to 0% seaworthiness is in sinking condition.
The sunstar's rubbery limbs suffer normal damage from all attacks except those of blunt weapons, which inflict only half damage. If the final points of damage to an arm are inflicted by a slashing weapon, then the arm is severed; otherwise, the arm hangs limp and useless. A giant sunstar retreats when half its arms have been disabled or severed. The sunstar tries to carry away one victim in each functioning arm.
If the giant sunstar does not attack the hip's hull directly, it may merely wrap itself around the hull, snatch a many exposed individuals as it can (half its arms coming over each side of the ship), and then retreat with its catch.
Giant starfish make their lairs in large caves and under sea trenches. Here, they store any treasure or extra food in crevices and niches. Other underwater creatures avoid these lairs, as giant starfish are highly efficient eating machines. A giant sunstar will retreat to it lair to regenerate lost arms. A lost arm regenerates fully in 1d4 months; other injuries heal normally.
Two giant sunstars are seldom encountered . This usually occurs only during mating, and only at great depths. The 10- and 12-armed varieties never interbreed, and are likely to attack each other when they meet.
Giant sunstars spend most their time hunting for sufficient food to feed themselves. They eat giant clams and other giant undersea life forms that have limited mobility. On rare occasions, one will tangle with a whale, a giant octopus, or a kraaken. This results in a titanic battle, with the loser usually eaten by the winner. Over time, giant sunstars have learned that passing ships hold a pleasing selection of tidbits; they almost always guarantee a meal and are worth the effort of capture.
Giant sunstars of double or even triple size are rumored. Hit Dice and damage are proportionately greater.