Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
For the wizard version of the spell, see Ghost Pipes (Wizard Spell).

Powers & Pantheons Version[]

When this spell is cast, the caster can cause any one nonmagical musical instrument to play itself. The instrument must be whole and in playing condition. It need not be an instrument that the caster can play, but she or he must be able to softly whistle or hum the desired tune. This tun e can be no more than one minute long.

Upon releasing the instrument , it glows as if limned with faerie fire and levitates at the level it was released. The various parts of the instrument (keys, valves, strings, etc.) move under the control of the magic. Upon reaching the end of the song, the instrument repeats the tune over and over until stopped.

The ghost pipes stop playing when any living creature touches the instrument. The radiance fades and the instrument slowly settles to the ground.

This spell is the priest version of the ghost pipes spell presented in Pages from the Mages. This spell was originally created by Vangerdahast of Suzail, currently royal magician to King Azoun IV. It was made available through the Council of Mages. Royal scuttlebutt claims firmly that the august and puissant Yangerdahast is deeply embarrassed by this early attempt at spell research and would have banned it completely except that His Majesty enjoys the spell as a novelty. The throne room is often filled with an orchestra of levitating, glowing instruments. Finder Wyvernspur learned the spell some time ago and taught it to his bardic followers because of its occasional usefulness and to gently needle Yangerdahast. He has grant ed this parallel version to his priesthood.

Priest's Spell Compendium Version[]

When this spell is cast, the caster can cause any one nonmagical musical instrument to play itself. The instrument must be whole and in playing con­dition. It need not be an instrument that the caster can play, but he or she must be able to softly whis­tle or hum the desired tune. This tune can be no more than one minute long.

Upon releasing the instrument, it glows as if limned with faerie fire and levitates at the level it was released. The various parts of the instrument (keys, valves, strings, and so on) move under the control of the magic. Upon reaching the end of the song, the instrument repeats the tune over and over until stopped.

The ghost pipes stop playing when any living creature touches the instrument. The radiance fades and the instrument slowly settles to the ground.

Notes: Granted by Finder Wyvernspur of the Forgotten Realms setting. (Some sources list this as a 3rd level spell – it is 2nd level.)

This spell is the priest version of the ghost pipes spell from the Libram of Lathintel. That spell was originally created by Vangerdahast of Suzail, currently royal magician to King Azoun IV. It was made available through the Council of Mages. Royal scuttlebutt claims firmly that the august and puissant Vangerdahast is deeply embarrassed by this early attempt at spell research and would have banned it completely except that His Majesty enjoys the spell as a novelty. The throne room is often filled with an orchestra of levitating, glowing instruments.

Finder Wyvernspur learned the spell some time ago and taught it to his bardic followers because of its occasional usefulness and to gently needle Vangerdahast. He has granted this parallel version to his priesthood.
