Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
For other versions of Gaseous Form, see Gaseous Form (disambiguation).

This spell enables spellcasters to assume the gaseous form of a vampire. In this state, they are able to disperse their bodies and anything they carry or wear into clouds of elemental vapor, essentially becoming invisible. While in gaseous form, the spellcaster can escape from almost any confinement. Any small crack or hole that allows air to penetrate allows passage by the spellcaster in gaseous form.

No form of attack or spellcasting is possible while in gaseous form, but the spellcaster can flow/fly near the ground at a base movement rate equal to their Intelligence and manoeuvrability class B. A gust of wind spell or even normal strong air current s blow this spell's users at air speed in the direction of the gust.

In gaseous form, the spellcaster is all but immune to attack. Only magical fire or lighting has any effect, inflicting normal damage. A whirlwind inflicts double damage upon spellcasters in gaseous form. This spellcaster immediately returns to his original form upon the expiration of the spell duration or by voluntarily ending the spell.

The material component for this spell is a pinch of vampire dust or a vial of air from the Elemental Plane of Air.

Notes: Granted by the god Velsharoon the Lich Lord of the Forgotten Realms setting.
