Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell fortifies the recipient with strength of mind and body that enables him or her to endure pain or adversity with courage. A shaman of Uthgardt may cast this spell upon himself or any other member of his tribe. A fortitude of Uthgar spell has no effect on beings not formally inducted into the shaman's tribe.

While under the effects of a fortitude of Uthgar spell, the recipient automatically passes all Constitution ability checks. In addition, the spell recipient receives a +2 bonus to all Strength and Wisdom checks. Finally, the recipient receives a + 1 magical defense adjustment, identical to (and cumulative with) the bonus received for a high Wisdom ability score, against magical spells that attack the mind such as beguiling, charm, fear, hypnosis, illusions, possession, suggestion, etc.

The spell lasts one day for every two levels of the caster (round up). A small token of the beast totem, such as a bear claw or raven feather, must be carried by th e spell recipient. If the token is lost for any reason during the normal duration of a fortitude of Uthgar spell, th e spell effect ends immediately.

The material component of this spell is the priest's holy symbol (the shaman's sacred bundle).

Notes: Granted by the barbarian demipower Uthgar of the Forgotten Realms setting.
