- See also Fire Shield.
This spell creates a pulsating, 6-foot-high shield of darkness at the end of the caster's hand. The shield is weightless and intangible. Missiles and other weapons and solid objects, including parts of the caster's body, pass through it without impediment. The shield remains attached to one of the caster's hands (chosen during the casting) unless the casting priest touches another creature's hand and wills control of the shield to pass to the other (who must agree to the transfer or it cannot occur).
The shield works against flame. Its touch extinguishes normal torches, flaming oil, and candles instantly. Larger fires are diminished. A fireball striking or exploding around the bearer of a flame shield, for example, does only half damage. A flame blade coming into contact with a flame shield is harmlessly destroyed. A flame shield fully cancels out a flame strike if held directly in the path of the flame strike (over the shield-bearer's head); this destroys the flame shield instantly. If the flame shield is not held in such a fashion, the shield-bearer takes half damage as for a fireball.
Flame-related illusions, hypnotic patterns, and the like have no effect on any being viewing them through a flame shield. A magical, flaming sword striking through a flame shield encounters no resistance and inflicts normal weapon damage but no flame damage. Any part of such a blade that has passed through the shield remains free of flames while any part of the blade is in contact with the shield; thus a flaming sword striking through a flame shield cannot ignite a scroll or other flammable object by touch.
The material components for this spell are a piece of phosphorous, a drop of mercury, and a cobweb.
Notes: Granted by nature goddess Eldath of the Forgotten Realms setting.