Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The fist of the adder is a dreaded attack spell practiced most often by members of the Red Eyes sorcerous society. The fist causes the caster's arm to elongate into a serpentine tentacle, tipped by an adder's head.

The arm streaks outward up to 5 feet per caster level, whipping about wildly and striking with deadly accuracy. The caster attacks with the arm as a fighter of the same Level: and the fist of the adder can strike creatures only affected by magical weapons. The attack inflicts 1d4 damage per level of the caster, to a maximum of 10d4. If the caster is 5th level or more, a successful strike also injects a Type F poison (save or die).

At 10th level, this becomes a Type E poison (save for 20 points of damage or die). A saving throw vs. poison is allowed against the poison.

The material component of this spell is a shed skin of a poisonous snake, washed in tears.

Notes: Common for members of the Red Eye sorcerous society; otherwise very rare. Virtually unknown outside Arabian settings.
