The Complete Psionics Handbook[]
This power is almost identical to feeling light, but it makes the psionicist's body sensitive to sound. It allows him to continue hearing when his ears are disabled. This power does not detect sound where there is none, however, nor is it effective inside magical silence. The psionicist gains a +2 bonus against sonic attacks or effects, including a siren's song.
Power Score - The psionicist can detect noise like a thief of the same experience level.
20 - For 1d4 rounds, any sound causes 1 point of damage per round and is garbled.
Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]
This power makes the user's body sensitive to sound. It allows the user to continue to hear even if his ears are disabled. He can't detect sound where there is none, and the power doesn't work within areas of magical silence. The user gains a +2 bonus against all sonic attacks or effects, including a siren's song.