- For the Cantrip, see Exterminate (Cantrip).
In the hands of a novice spell-caster, this spell instantaneously snuffs out the life forces of small rodents and vermin in the area of effect, including such normal pests as flies, mice, beetles, rats, spiders, and the like. Only creatures with 1–3 hp per level of the caster (9 hp maximum) and animal intelligence can be exterminated. More powerful wizards can thus affect bigger pests, including large spiders, stirges, poisonous snakes, and giant or huge centipedes. If the targeted creatures are extremely small (1 hp or less), then an area up to 1 cubic foot per level (10 cubic feet maximum) can be cleansed of pests.
This spell is well-suited to indoor or outdoor applications and is a favorite among necromancers who live among pestilence. Occasionally, cruel mages have been known to exterminate benign animals (and sometimes even others' pets) with the spell. The somatic gesture is a pointed finger, while the caster verbalizes a low zzzt sound. The material components are a pinch of lavender and dried garlic.