Hit Dice or Level | XP Value |
Less than 1-1 | 7 |
1-1 to 1 | 15 |
1+1 to 2 | 35 |
2+1 to 3 | 65 |
3+1 to 4 | 120 |
4+1 to 5 | 175 |
5+1 to 6 | 270 |
6+1 to 7 | 420 |
7+1 to 8 | 650 |
8+1 to 9 | 975 |
9+1 to 10+ | 1,400 |
11 to 12+ | 2,000 |
13+ | 3,000 + 1,000 per additional Hit Die over 13 |
Ability | Hit Die Modifier |
Armor Class 0 or lower | 1 |
Blood drain | 1 |
Breath weapon | 2 |
Causes disease | 1 |
Energy drain | 3 |
Flies | 1 |
Four or more attacks a round | 1 |
Greater than normal hit points | 1 |
High Intelligence | 1 |
Hit only by magical/silver weapons | 1 |
Immunity to any spell | 1 |
Immunity to any weapon, including damage 1⁄2 | 1 |
Invisible at will | 1 |
Level 2 or lower spells | 1 |
Level 3 or greater spells, not cumulative with previous award | 2 |
Magic resistance | 2 |
Missile weapons | 1 |
Multiple attacks causing 30+ points of damage | 2 |
Paralysis | 2 |
Petrification | 3 |
Poison | 2 |
Possesses magical items usable against PCs | 1 |
Regeneration | 1 |
Single attacking causing 20+ points of damage | 2 |
Special defense form, unlisted | 1 |
Special magical attack form, unlisted | 2 |
Special non-magical attack form, unlisted | 1 |
Swallows whole | 2 |
Weakness or fear | 2 |
Player has a clever idea | 50-100 |
Player has an idea that saves the party | 100-500 |
Player role-plays his character well* | 100-200 |
Player encourages others to participate | 100-200 |
Defeating a creature in a single combat | XP value/creature |
- *This award can be greater if the player character sacrifices some game advantage to role-play his character. A noble fighter who refuses a substantial reward because it would not be in character qualifies.
Warrior | Award |
Per Hit Die of creature defeated | 10 XP/level |
Priest | Award |
Per successful use of a granted power | 100 XP |
Spells cast to further ethos | 100 XP/spell level* |
Making potion or scroll | XP value |
Making permanent magical item | XP value |
Wizard | Award |
Spells cast to overcome foes or problems | 50 XP/spell level |
Spells successfully researched | 500 XP/spell level |
Making potion or scroll | XP value |
Making permanent magical item | XP value |
Rogue | Award |
Per successful use of a special ability | 200 XP |
Per gold piece value of treasure obtained | 2 XP |
Per Hit Die of creatures defeated (bard only) | 5 XP |
- * The priest character gains experience for those spells which, when cast, support the beliefs and attitudes of his mythos. Thus, a priest of a woodland deity would not gain experience for using an entangle spell to trap a group of orcs who were attacking his party, since this has little to do with the woodlands. If the priest were to use the same spell to trap the same orcs just as they were attempting to set fire to the forest, the character would gain the bonus.