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Credits |
Errata |
Introduction |
What's Changed? |
How Does This Fit My Campaign? |
Is Psionics Magical? |
The following alterations have been made in this electronic text from the original:
- The Table of Contents does not list page numbers;
- The text reflects incorporation of errata published in The Will and The Way:
1. Psychokinetic Disciplines
The following Devotions do not require Telekinesis as a prerequisite:
2. Telepathic Disciplines
- On page 75 the heading for the Fate Link power is missing.
- Psychic Crush should be a devotion and Psionic Blast should be a science.- Ego Whip and Mind Thrust both require Contact as a prerequisite.
- Telepathic defense modes have no prerequisites. A character does not need access to Telepathy to get Defense modes.
- The Mindlink power is not a prerequisite for the following Devotions: Empathy, ESP, Identify Penetration, Incarnation Awareness, Psychic Impersonation, Send Thoughts.
3. Metapsionic Disciplines
- All references to Telepathic power (or prerequisite) should be changed to Mindlink instead.
4. Psionic Monsters list
- Brain Mole: References to the amplification power should be changed to Psychic Drain. Also, Mind Thrust is a Telepathic Power, not Metapsionic.
- Intellect Devourer (adult): References to the amplification power should be changed to Psychic Drain. Also, Ectoplasmic Form should be listed as a Discipline, not a Science.
- Some minor alterations in the placement of various Tables have been made to make the text more coherent in this format;
- A minor correction was made to the Bibliography (the title of a book by Zenna Henderson);
- Some additions were made to the Bibliography;
- The Thought Eater was moved to its proper place, after the Su-Monster;
- Scattered typographical errors were corrected throughout the text.
Text that is colored green (like this) is information obtained directly from Mr. Steve Winter that clarifies certain aspects of the rules.
No doubt, new errors were introduced. This document has been proofread and spellchecked several times in order to reduce the instance of new errors, as well as old errors that might have gone undiscovered. A great deal of effort was made to make this text as similar as possible to the original, printed version. I apologize for any errors that slipped through (please note that, depending on the program you use to view this file, you may find certain formatting “ errors” that will not show up in other programs. For example, this document was edited in MS Word; there are a substantial number of alterations in the tabs when this is viewed with WordPad, or WordPerfect).
Much of the material presented in the AD&D 2nd Edition Dark Sun campaign supplement, The Will and the Way, is considered to be official supplementary material for The Complete Psionics Handbook, except for that material which is stated to relate to Dark Sun only. Particularly, Chapter 3 to the end can be considered supplemental to this book, with relatively minor editing to remove Dark Sun references; Chapters 1 and 2 have almost no bearing whatsoever on this book.