Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
See also Specialist Wizard (POSM)#Elementalist and Elemental Wizard TOM.
Elementalist (Specialist Wizard Subclass)
Ability Score
Intelligence 9
Prime Requisite: Intelligence
Races Allowed: Human
Alignment Allowed: All
  • The Elementalist is Specialist Wizard who specializes in Elemental Spells of one of the four elements.
    • They choose one of the four elements to specialize in.
  • +25% Spell Learning Chance when attempting to learn spells of their element. (Fire, Water, Air, Earth)
  • +15% Spell Learning Chance when learning other elemental spells.
  • -25% Spell Learning Chance when trying to learn spells that do not relate to the elements.
  • Barred from learning spells of their opposite element. (Fire <---> Water. Air <--->Earth)
  • Able to memorize an extra spell of each level, as long as it is taken from their preferred element.
  • +2 bonus to saving throws against spells of their element
  • Inflicts a –2 penalty to opponents' saves when casting spells of their element.
  • Elementalists research spells of their specialty as if the spells were one level lower than their actual level.
  • Do not gain a spell automatically when they level up, unlike other specialist wizard.
  • Able to cast, once per day, one memorized spell of their element as if he were 1d4 levels higher.
    • Affecting range, duration, area of effect, and damage, if applicable)
  • At 11th level, no need to concentrate to control an elemental of their specialty that was summoned through conjure elemental.
  • At 14th level, there is no chance for a summoned elemental to turn on the elementalist.