This spell creates a scintillating, invisible wall of force by causing the dust particles in the air to form an unbreakable barrier. During the casting, the priest must mentally picture the shape, size, and orientation of the barrier, but it must be two-dimensional. Once cast, the barrier is immovable and unaffected by magic except for a dispel magic or the mental command of the spellcaster ( who may di mi it at will). Priests of Geb commonly use this spell to shore up collapsing mine shafts, thus allowing miners time to escape.
If the dust barrier is less than 1 square yard in size, the priest can specify during casting that the dust shield attach itself to his or her left or right forearm. The priest can then use the barrier as a body shield providing a +3 (total) bonus to hi or her Armor Class. Such a shield cannot be dropped (as it is not actually held). but its preence does not allow the priest to do anything with his or her shield arm that someone actually holding a real shield could not do. The spell cannot be used this way in conjunction with a regular shield or a shields spell.
The material components of this spell are a handful of dust thrown into the air and the priest's holy symbol.
Notes: Granted by the Mulhorandi earth god Geb of the Forgotten Realms setting.