Ch 1: Player Character Ability Scores[]
- Player Character Ability Scores
- Super Characters
- Hopeless Characters
- Wishes and Ability Scores
- Players with Multiple Characters
- Character Background
Ch 2: Player Character Races[]
- Player Character Races
- A Non-Human World
- Racial Level Restrictions
- Creating New Player Character Races
Ch 3: Player Character Classes[]
- Player Character Classes
- 0-Level Characters
- Adventures and Society
- High-Level Characters
- Beginning Character Levels
- Creating New Character Classes (Optional Rule)
Ch 4: Alignment[]
- Alignment
- NPC Alignment
- Society Alignment
- Alignment of Magical Items
- Alignment as a World View
- Alignment as a Tool
- Detecting Alignment
- Changing Alignment
- Effects of Changing Alignment
Ch 5: Proficiencies[]
- Proficiencies (Optional)
- Weapon Proficiencies
- Min/Maxing
- NPC Proficiencies
- Nonweapon Proficiencies
- Adding New Proficiencies
Ch 6: Money and Equipment[]
- Money and Equipment
- A Short History of Commerce
- Coins
- Expenses
- Draining the Coffers
- Expanding the Equipment Lists
- Altering Prices
- Equipment by Time Period
- Quality of Equipment
- Damaging Equipment
Ch 7: Magic[]
- Ch 7: Magic
- Acquisition of Spells Beyond the 1st Level
- Spell Books
- Expanding the Schools of Magic
- Spell Research
Ch 8: Experience[]
- Experience
- Constant Goals
- Variable Goals
- Experience Point Awards
- When to Award Experience Points
- Training (Optional Rule)
- Rate of Advancement
Ch 9: Combat[]
- Combat
- Definitions
- The Attack Roll
- Weapon Type vs. Armor Modifiers (Optional Rule)
- Calculating THAC0
- Combat and Encounters
- The Combat Round
- The Combat Sequence
- Initiative
- Standard Initiative Procedure
- Initiative Modifiers
- Group Initiative (Optional Rule)
- Individual Initiative (Optional Rule)
- Multiple Attacks and Initiative
- Spellcasting and Initiative
- Weapon Speed and Initiative (Optional Rule)
- Magical Weapon Speeds
- Attacking
- Number of Attackers
- Facing
- Weapon Length
- Position of Attackers and Attack Rolls
- Pole Arms and Weapon Frontage (Optional Rule)
- Shields and Weapon Frontage (Optional Rule)
- Hitting a Specific Target
- Movement in Combat
- Attacking Without Killing
- Touch Spells and Combat
- Critical Hits (Optional Rule)
- Parrying (Optional Rule)
- Missile Weapons in Combat
- Special Attacks
- Special Defences
- The Saving Throw
- Magic Resistance
- Turning Undead
- Immunity to Weapons
- Morale
- Injury and Death
- Special Damage
- Specific Injuries (Optional Rule)
- Healing
- Character Death
- Unusual Combat Situations
- Siege Damage
- Mounted Combat
- Aerial Combat (Tournament)
- Aerial Combat (Optional Rules)
- Underwater Combat
Ch 10: Treasure and Magical Items[]
- Treasure and Magical Items
- Who Needs Money?
- Forms of Treasure
- Placement of Treasure
- Maintaining Balance
- Magical Items
- Scrolls and Potions
- Creating Other Magical Items
- Recharging Magical Items
- Destroying Magical Items
- Artifacts and Relics (Optional Rules)
Ch 11: Encounters[]
- Encounters
- What is an Encounter?
- Planned Encounters
- Triggers
- Random Encounters
- Creating Encounter Tables
- DMing Encounters
- Surprise
- Encounter Distance
- Encounter Reactions
- Fixing Things in Play
Ch 12: NPCs[]
- NPCs
- Hirelings
- The Assassin, the Spy, and the Sage
- Soldiers
- Employing Hirelings
- Henchmen
- Officials and Social Rank
- Spellcasters
- Personality
- Quick NPCs
Ch 13: Vision and Light[]
- Vision and Light
- Effects of Light Sources
- Light Tricks and Traps
- Infravision
- Other Forms of Sight
- Darkness
- Invisibility
Ch 14: Time and Movement[]
- Time and Movement
- Movement
- Terrain Obstacles and Hindrances
- Movement on Water
- Aerial Movement
- Getting Lost
Ch 15: A DM's Miscellany[]
Appendix 1: Treasure Tables[]
Appendix 2: Magical Item Tables[]
- Magical Item Tables
- Table 88: Magical Items
- Table 89: Potions and Oils
- Table 90: Scrolls
- Table 91: Rings
- Table 92: Rods
- Table 93: Staves
- Table 94: Wands
- Table 95: Miscellaneous Magic: Books and Tomes
- Table 96: Miscellaneous Magic: Jewels and Jewelry
- Table 97: Miscellaneous Magic: Cloaks and Robes
- Table 98: Miscellaneous Magic: Boots and Gloves
- Table 99: Miscellaneous Magic: Girdles and Helms
- Table 100: Miscellaneous Magic: Bags and Bottles
- Table 101: Miscellaneous Magic: Dusts and Stones
- Table 102: Miscellaneous Magic: Household Items and Tools
- Table 103: Miscellaneous Magic: Musical Instruments
- Table 104: Miscellaneous Magic: The Weird Stuff
- Table 105: Armor Type
- Table 106: Armor Class Adjustment
- Table 107: Special Armors
- Table 108: Weapon Type
Appendix 3: Magical Item Descriptions[]
- Potions
- Scrolls
- Rings
- Rods
- Command Words (Optional Rule)
- List of Rods
- Staves
- Command Words (Optional Rule)
- List of Staves
- Wands
- Command Words (Optional Rule)
- List of Wands
- Miscellaneous Magic
- Armor and Shields
- Magical Weapons
- Intelligent Weapons
- Intelligent Weapon Alignment
- Weapons Abilities
- Weapon Ego
- Weapons Versus Characters
- Table 113: Weapon Intelligence and Capabilities
- Table 114: Weapon Alignment
- Table 115: Weapon Primary Abilities
- Table 116: Weapon Extraordinary Powers
- Table 117: Special Purpose Weapons
- Table 118: Languages Spoken by Weapon
- Table 119: Weapon Ego