This spell traps the subject inside a sphere of magical energy. The wizard utters the final word of the incantation, then reaches out and touches the target creature; a successful attack roll is required if used in combat. A successful saving throw vs. spell negates this spell. If the spell is used during combat, the saving throw has a +2 bonus, unless the subject is immobilized or magically held. A sleeping subject has a saving throw penalty of-4.
If the saving throw is failed, then the subject is caught in a sphere of force that resembles the effects of sepia snake sigil. The subject remains floating in the sphere in a dreamlike state until the spell ends.
The wizard can try to pry information from the trapped creature once per hour, and such questioning requires all the wizard's concentration. For each question the wizard asks, the subject is allowed a saving throw vs. spell to resist the delvings of the wizard. The DM may assign penalties or bonuses to the roll based on the character's willingness to divulge such information. Certain spells and magical items, such as mind blank or an amulet of proof against detection and location, make an encapsulated creature immune to interrogation.
The spell can be recast on a creature already encased to continue the effects beyond the 24-hour period. This allows the subject an unmodified saving throw vs. spell.
The subject can be released in two ways. The spell ends when 24 hours have elapsed. In this case the subject is groggy and incoherent for 1d4+1 rounds. The second way is to shatter the globe itself. If struck by any hard object, the globe shatters if it fails an item saving throw vs. crushing blow. The sudden collapse of the globe renders the subject unconscious for 4d4+4 turns.
The material components for this spell are a crystal sphere (crushed during the final phase of the casting) and a piece of amber.
Notes: Uncommon for diviners and Dream mages; otherwise very rare.